
The Hard Road to Success : The Road to Glory

Author: M.N Hendricks
Ongoing · 85.2K Views
  • 36 Chs
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This tale is about a Professional Boxer named Harry "The Hunter" Edwards and his long, hard and tough journey to the top of the World Heavyweight rankings as one day he hopes to find love and have a family of his own and eventually, win the World Heavyweight Title some day.

Chapter 1Chapter 1 – The Birth of Harry the Hunter.

The Tale begins on 23rd October 1982.

During a cool autumn's evening, Sean Edwards, a man of 26 years with light brown hair and brown eyes. His beloved wife, Michelle Edwards, nee Robertson, a man of 23 years with red hair and blue eyes. Michelle and Sean are happily married. They are enjoying their time at home with their two sons, Matthew and Andrew.

Matthew, who is referred to as Matt by his family and those who knows him. He is a boy of 6, with auburn hair and blue eyes. Matthew looks exactly like his mother and his younger brother, Andrew, who is referred to as Andy. He is a boy of 3, with dark brown hair and blue eyes.

These are the Edwards, who reside in the City of Liverpool, in a small to medium size suburb of Fairfield. All of them are having a good time at the dining table, eating their mother and wife's best oven cooked chicken and roast potato dish with a side of vegetables and it's their choice to either have a glass of fruit juice or a cup of tea, even water if they want.

Matthew seems to be teasing his younger brother. Sean yells at Matthew, while he continues to tease his brother by calling him names. Sean shouts, "Stop it! Leave your brother alone, Matt! Right now! I won't tell you again". Matthew stops and quiets down. They are having a wonderful time until Michelle informs Sean, "Honey, I think I am going into labour since my water just broke and the baby is on the way. The baby is coming, Sean. Let us get going now, to the hospital, please".

Sean responds to his wife, "Michell, no worries, love. I'll take Matt and Andy to Mr. and Mrs. Johnson next door then I'll take you to the hospital and once we are there, we can have the baby born there, like we done with our first and second born sons, my dear" Michelle smiles while taking deep breathes in order to remain calm.

Sean informs his sons, "Matt, Andy, get ready because I am going to take the two of you to the neighbours. To Mr. and Mrs. Johnson. There, you and your brother shall wait, while I am going to be taking your mother to the hospital because the baby is on the way and the two of you shall wait at the Johnsons".

Matt and Andy are extremely happy to hear this news from their father. They begin to argue whether the baby is going to be a boy or a girl. Matt says, "I would like another brother. The more we are, the more we can play football together like we have been doing, Andy" while Andy says, "No, it's a girl. I'll want a sister over a brother".

Matthew wants another brother like he got with Andrew. While Andrew is hoping for a sister this time around. Sean yells at them, "Enough! Quiet down and get ready. Time is very important at this moment, since the baby is coming. Go to your room and prepare to leave". Matthew and Andrew leaves the table and then the dining room. They head to their room in order to get their coats since it is cold out here in Fairfield, Liverpool and winter is about to arrive. The weather service has predicted that this winter approaching is going to be a cold one, probably the coldest one ever.

Matt and Andy went to get their coats in their room as well as a few toys to play with. While Sean helps his wife, Michelle to the car in order for them to get going to the hospital and have their child delivered there.

After the boys are done, Sean takes them to the Johnsons in order for them to look after the boys since the Edwards and Johnsons are good friends and neighbours and have been like this for many years now. Michelle sits and waits in the car, an old, worn-out Ford Granada Estate which has seen better days while Sean takes their sons to the Johnsons. Sean knocks on the door. Mrs. Johnson opens the door. She has light brown hair and hazel eyes.

Mrs. Johnson stands by the door while Sean asks her, "Could you please watch over the boys, please. Michelle went into labour about thirty minutes ago".

Mrs. Johnson responds, "No problem, Sean. Jay and myself would love to take care of the boys while you take Michelle to the hospital in order to have your baby boy or girl born tonight. Matt and Andy are in safe hands here with us. Come on in boys". Sean tells Aimee, "Thank you so much. I'll make it up to you and Jay once I get back from the hospital. I promise you, Aimee. You have my word".

Sean kneels down. He tells his sons, "Matthew, Andrew, behave yourselves while you are here at the Johnson's. I do not want to hear anything from Mr. and Mrs. Johnson with regards to you misbehaving. Okay, Matt, Andy? If you do, I'll have to discipline you later when I return home with your mother and your new born sibling, be it a boy or girl. Understood?".

Matthew and Andrew nodes their heads. They promise their father that they'll behave. Afterwards, Sean gives them a hug each and says goodbye to them. Sean rushes over to the car in order for him to take Michelle to the hospital.

When they arrive at the hospital, Sean parks the car. He gets out and yells, "Please help us! My wife, she went into labour about an hour ago". A security guard, two nurses and a doctor approaches them and aids Michelle by getting her a wheelchair and lets her sit down then takes her to have the baby delivered.

Once Michelle gets to the wards in order to give birth, where the miracle of life now begins, since everything is set up for Michelle to give birth while her husband, Sean is there to support her and once everything is in order, the doctor informs Michelle, "Whenever you are ready, Mrs. Edwards. You may begin to push" which she begins to do.

After fifteen minutes of tremendous discomfort and pain during her labour, Michelle gives birth to a beautiful baby girl with a little blonde hair on her head and has rather large green eyes. Michelle is sweating tremendously; her pale skin turned a rather rosy red and she seems to be out of breath. The doctor hands the baby girl over to the nurse and then tells Michelle, "Okay, Mrs. Edwards. Could you please begin to push again since there is another baby. You are having twins tonight".

Sean and Michelle are surprised to hear that there are twins on the way. Both of them smiles since they are glad to be having more children. Matt and Andy are going to have a sister and another sibling which could be another girl or a boy.

After hearing this from the doctor, Sean takes Michelle's hand. He tells her, "I am here for you, my love. For you and our children. Like I was when Matt and Andy were born. You should begin to push once again, my dear. We're going to be parents to four beautiful children. I'll probably have to get Bobby over soon in order to assist me with extending our house since your family just grew even bigger now since we have two additional family members on board" Michelle smiles and begins to push once again.

After another twelve minutes of labour, Michelle gives birth to a baby boy. The boy, unlike his twin sister who has blonde hair and green eyes, he instead has pitch black hair and brown eyes like his father. Since he seems to take after his father more than any of his other brothers who has auburn and brown hair similar to their mother's side of the family and has her blue eyes as well. For having dark hair, that's an Edwards family trait, however unlike his elder twin sister, he doesn't cry once he was born since he just lays in the arms of the doctor while clinching his fists together with his brown eyes open while staring at the doctor.

The doctor instructs the nurse, "Hand the baby girl over to Mrs. Edwards while I'll hand the baby boy over to Mr. Edwards". Sean and Michelle are glad and extremely happy and proud to have two more children added to their family tree as they both smile at one another just now and thank God as well,

Sean asks his wife, "What are we going to name these two beautiful children or ours?". Michelle thinks about it. She informs Sean, in a soft voice, "we shall name our daughter, Zoey Hadley Edwards and our son, Harold Clark Edwards. I think those are good, no great names for our children" to which Sean smiles because he likes those names. And thus, Harold Clark 'Harry the Hunter' Edwards and his twin sister, Zoey Hadley Edwards are born this night to Sean and Michelle Edwards and is how the origin of our beloved Hero begins.

...To Be Continued...

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Table of Contents
Volume 1 :1