
Chapter 5 - Love, Blood, Sweat, Tears and Glory.

Elizabeth and Harold drives together in the Fiesta. Harry states, "I can see or more hear what the problem is and yes, I am able to fix it. It's nothing major. I'll probably have to ask my brothers to help me out but it's a job I can do". Elizabeth looks at Harry. She says, "Oh, thank God. I'm glad to know that someone is able to fix it, thank you". Harold gives Elizabeth a smile. He informs her, "I could probably fix anything mechanical related". While he gives Elizabeth the directions to his parents place, while driving the Fiesta, Harold asks Elizabeth, "where are you from since you have a good, strong yet unfamiliar accent".

Elizabeth answers, "I was born in American. My mother is American and my father is Australia with a bit of Irish ancestry. We moved to Auckland, New Zealand when I was about five because my father had a job there but I grew up in Bournville, Birmingham with my family but I reside in London now". Harold responds, "That's great. I've heard that those places are quite great". Elizabeth asks Harold, "Have you ever been there before? To America, New Zealand, Birmingham or London? It sounds like you haven't been to those". Harold answers, "I haven't, Elizabeth. I was born in Fairfield and I haven't even left Liverpool for that matter".

Once the arrive at the Edwards residence, Harold informs Elizabeth, "This is the place, right here. You could park the car outside while I pull out my Aston. You'll need transportation and you can use the Aston while I fix your car". Elizabeth tells Harold, "I can't take your car, otherwise how are you going to get home and around town?" Harold says, "Don't worry about that. I stay just a couple of blocks from here and I could either get a lift from my father or Andy or I could either walk or run home or whenever I need to since it is good exercise for me".

Elizabeth accepts what Harold is telling her. Harold tell Elizabeth, "I've been through far worse. I'll make it by one way or another". Elizabeth responds, "Okay, I'll use your car while you fix my Fiesta. I really appreciate what you're doing for me, Harold". He responds, "All right, that's what I needed to hear. I don't have to train for a few weeks nor do I have any fights coming up soon, which gives me time to focus on fixing the Fiesta and go on my date with you and getting to know you more".

Elizabeth smiles at Harold. She expresses her gratitude to him, "Thank you, Harold for helping me out and lending me your car". Harold tells Elizabeth, "It's not a problem. Let's get going now since I have work to do and would like to introduce you to the other side of the family". Elizabeth says, "Okay, let's do this". But before they exit the Fiesta, Harold gently grabs Elizabeth by her arm. He informs her, "Sorry for this but wait a moment. A fair warning to you ahead of time. My mum is going to ask you who you are, the two of you are going to meet very soon". Elizabeth just stares at him.

Harold continues, "Mum can be a bit vicious about meeting women that either myself or my brothers bring home. The same goes with Zoey bringing boyfriends over too. She's a religious woman and holds religion dear to herself and her children". Harold tells Elizabeth, "My mother is already upset with me because I slept with two of my ex-girlfriend a while back even though we weren't married and that happened many years ago yet my mum still hasn't forgiven me for that. She never spoke to me for a couple of months after finding out the truth".

Elizabeth responds, "I understand, so what's the plan here?" Harold informs her, "My mother, Michelle is going to ask who you are just tell her that you're a friend of Zoey's and mine, whose car I'm fixing and if she asks if we are sleeping together or if we are together and dating just tell her no. We're just friends since we just met today, getting to know each other and that we're still working on our relationship and see how things go from here".

Elizabeth agrees with the plan Harold thought of. Elizabeth tells him, "you know, I do see the two of us becoming close and eventually becoming a couple. Us dating, having a relationship together and later sleeping together, sharing a bed with you and having a future together and eventually getting married to you, some day and the two of us having kids together too, Harold" while Harold smiles at Elizabeth. She continues by saying, "But I'd like to get to know you more before that happens. I don't want to rush into things too fast since I am experienced in that department and had many break ups because I rushed into a relationship too quickly because I thought he was The One".

Harry thinks about it. He responds, "I understand and that's a wise idea for us to do. We should get to know each other more before being in a relationship together and sharing a place and a bed together since that's a good idea" After this conversation, Elizabeth and Harold gets out of the Fiesta, heads inside the family's place in order to inform them that he is going to spend a few days or as long as it takes to fix the Fiesta and even introduce Elizabeth to his family and continue his career as a fighter from Fairfield and once day win the World Title and become the Heavyweight Champion of the World.

Elizabeth and Harold are walking together as they head towards the driveway of the Edwards Residence. Harold informs Elizabeth, "This is my car, the Aston I told you about and the one you'll be using while I fix your Fiesta". Harold asks Elizabeth, "When I'm done with repairing the Fiesta, I'd like to deliver the Fiesta to you, so I'll need address where you are staying at here in Fairfield" Elizabeth informs him, "I'm actually staying with a friend of Zoey's and mine, Mary. She stays nearby the World Museum, in Lord Nelson Street". Harold tells Elizabeth, "That's great. I know the place. Since that's out of the way, let's head inside and meet the rest of my family".

Elizabeth follows Harold inside his family's place. Once they're inside, Harold greets everyone, "Hello" Elizabeth says, "Morning" to Harold's family. The Edwards family returns their greeting. Although, they're wondering who this woman is with Harry. Michelle asks Harry, "Who is this woman with you?" Harry answers, "This is Elizabeth, a woman I met today. I am going to fix her car" Michelle requests from them, "Could we have a word in private, please". Harold looks at Elizabeth then his mother. He responds, "Sure, mum. Let's talk in the kitchen".

Elizabeth, Harold and Michelle head towards the kitchen in order to have their talk. Harry knows what this is about since he's been here before, and most of the time it doesn't end well for him, his mother nor any of his previous girlfriends because he had many break ups on the past. Once Elizabeth, Harold and Michelle are in the kitchen, the three of them prepares for their conversation. Michelle asks Harry, "What's this all about? Why have you brought her here? Are you bringing Elizabeth just to fix her car? What's in it for you? and are the two of you dating and sleeping with each other?".

Harry is put on the spot. He begins to answers the first question, "This is just me fixing a woman's car whom I just met. The reason why Elizabeth here is, Zoey introduced us in order for me to fix her Fiesta, since it's not starting properly among other things whenever she drives the Fiesta. So that's why she's here, mum. In order for me to fix her car. There's nothing in it for me besides friendship and no, we're not dating nor sleeping together, not yet".

Michelle asks, "Not yet? What does that mean?". Harold looks at Elizabeth. He asks her, "Would you mind answering this one on my behalf? My mother may not believe me". Elizabeth says in a calm yet nervous voice. She states, "What Harold meant is, not being in relationship and dating or sleeping together, not yet. We spoke about this, becoming a couple, dating and hopefully getting married one day but we decided it's best to rather get to know each other more before actually dating".

Michelle asks Harry, "Is this true?" Harry answers, "Yes, everything Elizabeth just said is true. I swear to God, mum". After Michelle hears this, she yells at him, "Don't you say things like that! You've never been to Church in many years, so don't you dare!" Elizabeth asks Harold, "Is that true?". Harry answers with regret within his voice. He confesses, "I haven't been to Church in a long time ever since I turned eighteen. I'll explain to you why I done that later. I had my reason for not going to Church but I still believe and pray to God. I ask God on a daily basis for everything I'll need, and that's why you're here, Elizabeth. I prayed to God that one day I'll meet you, the woman I'll fall in love with and possibly spend the rest of my life with because I do believe that but we shouldn't change the channel just yet".

After Harry shared this information with his mother and Elizabeth, there's a moment of silence as everyone in the room just stands there, looking at each other and thinks what to do next. Harry confesses to his mother and Elizabeth, "The truth as to why I want this relationship so bad is because it's been a lonely six years for me, going through life all by myself, going through all these fights by myself with not having anyone by my side to support me every step of the way for as long as I walk this path alone, to go through things and life, ever since Matthew left and David and Ryan passing away. Something really left me and broke away inside me when that happened. I can't be playing the lone wolf all my life since it's not a good life, it's difficult to be out in the rain all by myself. I believe Elizabeth is the one that's going to change all that. She's my umbrella. I cannot walk in the rain but having Elizabeth as my umbrella, she won't stop the rain but at least she'll let me stand in the rain and fix everything broken in me in order for me to happy, by having her in my life".

Harry begins to cry. He continues, "My life has been difficult, sad and filled with tragedy for me since I've been through a lot of challenges in my life. In and our of the ring". This is the first time in a while where Michelle has seen Harry cry. He hasn't done that ever since Sebastian passed away many years ago. While Harold is pouring out the tough times he's been through, his mother tells, "Harry, I understand all of this, my boy. I'll give you the support and space you need with Elizabeth".

Elizabeth approaches Harold. She gives him a hug while telling him, "I am here if you ever need me, for as long as you need me to be, Harold. This is a start to our friendship and journey to form our relationship". Harold with tears in his eyes tells Elizabeth, "I appreciate what you are doing for me. I am really grateful and glad to have you in my corner". Harold hugs Elizabeth back. He tells her, "Let's get working on your car". Harry then asks his mother, "Could I take my leave and begin to fix Elizabeth's car, please?".

Michelle says, "Sure, Harry. You can take your leave now". Harry approached his mother, gives her a hug and says, "I love you no matter what, mum" while Michelle responds, "And I love you too, my boy but for now, go and fix this young lady's car". Elizabeth helps Harold wipe his tears away by handing him a tissue. Elizabeth and Harold leaves the kitchen. Harry approached his brother, Andy and Arthur and makes them an offer, "I'd like to make a deal with you. If you could help me out with fixing Elizabeth's car and if you can help me out with my next fight and I'll pay you £5000 each".

Andy jumps at the opportunity. He tells Harry, "I'd like to help my little brother out, with your next fight. You'll need all the help you can get but mostly because I need money". Andy and Harry fist bumps each other, while Harry asks Arthur, "What about you, little brother? Are you in?" Arthur responds, "nah, I'm sorry but I'll this once slide. I've got work this entire week so I can't help out even if I wanted to". Harry asks him, "Are you still working at the steel factory with dad?" Arthur answers, "Yes, I still work there" Harry tells Arthur, "Okay, little brother. I understand. I wish you luck" as they fist bump each other.

Elizabeth, Harold and Andrew heads out to the garage where Elizabeth and Harold explains to Andy what's wrong with the car. Andy says, "It's not a big problem and it could take about a week to fix. It's just the timing of car, the fan belt might be worn a bit and the clutch may need to be replaced as well". After this is discussed, Harold tells Elizabeth, "You can do whatever you want while Andy and me work and repair whatever is wrong with your car" Elizabeth says, "Okay, I'm grateful to you and Andrew for helping me out, thank you. I'll see you later on".

Harold hand Elizabeth the keys to the Aston Martin. He informs her, "When you start the Aston, give it a bit of petrol then you can be on your way". Elizabeth hands him the keys to the Fiesta. She tells him, "Thank you, Harold. For everything you are doing for me". Elizabeth and Harold say their goodbyes. Elizabeth leaves and heads back to the coffee shop to meet up with Zoey and their friends while Harry and Andy begins with working in the Fiesta. Andy tells Harry, "Oh, little brother. You're one lucky man to be with such a beautiful woman. Does she have a single sister or cousin available for me?" Harry informs Andy, "I don't know if Elizabeth has siblings or if she's got any single female cousins. Just focus on the car rather than my love life, Andy. No disrespect to you and we aren't together, big brother".

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