
V5 Chapter 150 Farming Quest?

[ "Little shadow demon,

always found by Amon's side

free to roam wherever he pleases

yet he chose to keep beneath a Drømmeri's feet

Owes no one anything

signed a simple contract

Powers for a place to rest

If Amon do not choose to use the powers

Then how can he pay his rent?

Everything he does not because he must

each choice he makes, playing the fool

A fool who continuously ignore

the words of a signed contract

that keep the agreement fair

Ended up being a toxic partnership

yet he doesn't care

He doesn't mind

for love makes even the wisest a fool

for a person long gone from this world

even after centuries

he still shall be the biggest fool

for that was how much love he had

for a soul that left him, all alone.

Even now the little fool looks

for the echoes of a voice no longer there

how much longer must you dream, brother?

How much longer must to keep dreaming,

of this little fool of a demon.

Or is this fool the summary of your decisions?"

I questioned softly with a sigh as my ink runs dry. Maybe one day... He'll find open his eyes and end this nightmare before it takes on more lifes. Come on Metz, no time to dive into complex matters not of my own devise. A job I'm here to do, no time to close eyes. Must record all my part that goes through time.

I shook my head as I refocused on the orb before me. ]

Amon let's out a heavy sigh as he turns back towards the village, slowly walking back up the path he came from. His mind full of worries and fears. Little One from clinging thighly onto Amon's shirt, suddenly sat up, leaning back enough to read Amon's expression.

" Aing bbbo buuuuuur!!"

Little One exclaimed with much gusto and energy. Trying to pump Amon up with his enthusiasm. Amon snaps back to reality, silently watching the baby squirm in his arms, gesturing at many things while babbling. Slowly a small smile broke through Amon's lips.

" *Chuckle* What are you doing?"

Amon laugh out as he readjusted Little One in his arms.

" I see, are you excited to make some friends today? "

Amon guessed with a grin as Little One seeing Amon's expression changed, started patting him on the shoulder. Silently approving Amon's decision of following his advice, completely oblivious to the fact that Amon didn't understand him. Which didn't truly matter since Little One himself didn't truly understand what advice he was giving. It was more of just being understanding and telling Amon to do as he did, since he been in the same situation before, even though he didn't exactly understand what he did or why it works.

In the corner of Little One eye, he spotted a door opening and a familiar face stepping out.

" Sque!"

Little One called out and instantly the young lad turned to him.

" Oh! Good morning! I was about to go look for you at the inn! "

Gale chimed as he shuts the door with his feet and rushed up towards Amon.

" Gale! Good morning! You have impeccable timing! I need your help with something."

Amon grinned as he bend down to meet Gale at the lad's height.

" Good morning Mr Amon. What assistant would you need? I'll do my best to accommodate you."

Gale chipped which made Amon slightly confused since Gale greeted him again. Little One instantly reached one hand out to Gale, patting Gale on the shoulder.

" Well, since Little One is new here. I was hoping you could show him around and have some fun while you're at it."

Amon replied as he gestured around the village. Slightly excited for Gale and Little One to spend time with each other while hoping they could become the best of friends.

" I would love to! But it would kinda have to wait until mid evening. I have chores to do in the farm."

Gale huffed with much disappointment.

" How about I do your chores for the today?"

As soon as Amon suggested it Gale happily grabbed Amon's hand.

" You will?!! Yes! Thank you!! I'll take the greatest of care for Little One! Cross my heart and all!"

Gale happily smiled as Amon puts Little One down on his feet.

" Try to keep a slow pace. Little One is still trying to get the hang of walking."

Amon informed as he slowly steady Little One to stand.

" No worries! I have take care of kids his age before you can trust me."

Gale smile with a salute as he gently takes Little One hand in his and leads Little One away from Amon.

" Sque?"

Little One questioned with a tilt of his head.

" Oh, don't worry about Mr Amon. See that fence over there and that wide crop field? He would be just right there. Miss Hazel would be there to teach him all he knows but unfortunately that means he can't join us. Miss Hazel won't let anyone leave the field until the work is done."

Gale explained to Little One with a wave towards a field and a point at a young woman checking the crops.

" Sq- ueak Squeak sque sque?"

Little One titled his head.

" Sure, I don't see why not!"

Gale instantly nodded. Amon kept looking between Gale and Little One and was about to ask if Gale truly understood Little One's words but before he could.

" Gale! Come on! If you finish fast you can go play."

Miss Hazel called out to him from the field.

" Miss Hazel! Mr Amon volunteered to help me with my chores today!"

Gale happily informed with a pointing finger at Amon. The moment Amon turned to Miss Hazel was the moment her face turned red.

" Well then, I guess today's our lucky day."

Hazel sweetly says as she leans against the fence. Amon nervously smiles back before closing the distance between them and formally introducing him. With some small talk in between Miss Hazel waves Amon toward the fence gate. She describes the chores they have to do along with a demo, instructions and a few good pointers in between while Amon gives it a try to insure the work is done easily.

Little One and Gale watched Amon from the sidelines for a good few minutes. Amon couldn't help but give them a wave and show his first harvested crop with much achievement. Little One encourage Amon with a wave of his little hand while Gale gave a thumb up. Little One stood there making sure Amon was deeply focused on the task at hand before pulling Gale along towards the inn.

" Squ."

" The inn? Did you leave something behind?"

" Sq squeaking."

Little One shook his head.

" Ah, friending..."

Gale paused for a moment thinking who was currently at the inn. Little One tugged their joined hands once but seeing that Gale didn't follow, he stopped as well.

" Currently Aella is on shift right now and her mother would be asleep until her afternoon shift. So there's not many people to befriend there. Aella is the kind of person you disturb once or twice a day. Disturbing her too much and she might not want to be your friend anymore. "

Gale thought out loud before informing Little One.

" SQUE..."

Little One gasped with a devastated expression.

" Ah! Don't worry too much about that. Most young ladies are like that. They have harder jobs to do, so they don't really wanna hang around brats too much since they consider that another job. Come! I'll take you to the barn! Most of the children on the younger side play there while their mother's milk the cows and tend to the animals."

Gale chimed as he swooped down, picking up Little One and carrying him in his arms.

" Sque sq squeak? "

" Oh! That's an easy one. It's like someone to play with , someone to help you, understand you and you do the same to them. It's like a person you know very well."

Gale explained with a smile as he walks up toward the barn.

" Sque sq sque?"

Little One hung over Gale's shoulder as he looked around at the villagers going about their routine.

" Depends on who but most aren't that hard. Some you need to say the right thing at the right time or do something."

" Sque sq squeak?"

" You can consider that. I think you can say they are your first and best friend but they are much older so it's hard to understand and maintain the friendship there. "

Gale answered but then the more he thought about it, he realised that in many ways it was much hard to become friends with someone who has a huge age gap in between.

" Don't worry Little One. Well start off with the easy ones then slowly work our way up. Hmm... starting to think about it... I don't really think it's necessary to work your way up unless it's needed. Becoming friends with adults is hard."

" Sq! Squea Squea Squeaking."

Little One shook his head as he showed his determination.

" That's a big quest. Ok! Let's do it then!"

Gale chimed as he fisted the air.

" Sqe!!"

Little One squealed as he copied Gale.

" By the way, Little One, Mr Amon said that he and Miss Philomel saved you but couldn't find your parents and do not know your name. Do you know your name?"

Gale asked as he turned to gaze upon Little One's shimming blue eyes.

" Squ! Squ Squeaking. Sqe sque Squeak Squ S sque sq."

" Ah, okay then."

Gale nodded as he wondered about it.


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