
V5 Chapter 151 Recalled memory

Blazing heat tearing through mist and wind as the farmers worked their fields. Every minute, toiling care, like a mother to a new born. The fields were nurtured the same way but by then all Amon could feel was skin abuse as the sun stood at it's full size. Each sunray breaking through the last of the mist hitting Amon at its full strength. Even though Amon was used to the sun since he lived in the desert, his body was fully strained from the laborious task until he couldn't cope with such humidity and heat any longer.

Amon sighed as he glared up at the sun and wipe the sweat from his brow. His gaze slowly drifted toward Hazel who seemed perfectly fine and energetic. She tore through the fields completely with ease like a fish to water, completely within her element.

" How many years must one train to become so in tune with their work?"

Amon wondered out loud with a huff as he leaned on the shovel. His heavy breaths covering almost every word he said as he felt the sweat side down his brow and into his eye, forcing him to close one eye. He batted his eye trying to flick off the sweat, feeling too worn out to even wipe it off by hand. A sweet cooling breeze swept by, rustling the nearby forest's branches with their horribly tempting cooling shade. Absent mindedly Amon turned and gazed at the forest where he noticed in the distance a group of children. Their laughter and joyous chatter followed as they travelled along their way.

" Feeling beaten already new bee? Whatever happened to that I can do all, energy?"

Hazel questioned with much amusement in her tone.

" It followed the wind as I huffed it out of me."

Amon tiredly force a smile as he will his body to work but couldn't find anything within him to continue.

" Regretting not sticking to Gale's work? Told you, you would. Even though the work looks a lot it doesn't take that much energy to pick all the tomatoes. Just a lot of time or some time depending on your speed. You still can swap back with you wish."

Hazel smugly explained, trying to tempt Amon to switch back duties with her.

" Even so, how can you expect me to stand there and watch a young lady like yourself dig up all theses roots by yourself? Thanks but no thanks."

" I done this before you know? Besides it's not every day we have to uproot a diseased patch. Wished we could just burn it all but since that could leave behind diseased roots, planting a new batch over it would just restart another bad harvest. Gosh I wished vermin that caught the plague wouldn't piss around here. Steal the food if yer want but don't piss on the food yer steals! Turns the whole batch diseased! "

Hazel huffed with a shaking fist at the forest. Amon silently watched as he recalled what Gale had told him about Ranrion's drugs and the river.

" Did that mean that river is now tainted? Or by some stroke of bad luck did the rabbits drink the running tainted water when the bag transporting drugs broke? "

Amon silently wondered to himself.

" Well if I can't convince you to leave the work to me. Then at least take a break. I feel like you sweat out half your soul there."

Hazel compromised with a sigh as she threw him a satchel of water.

" Take a break but be back soon, lunch would be ready in 10 minutes."

Hazel informed as she took the shovel from Amon, forcing him to stand on his feet and waving him off towards the forest. A grin instantly grew on his face.

" I'll be back soon then!"

Amon chimed as he scampered off with his newfound energy. Excited Amon rushed into the forest wanting to catch up with the children, silently wondering if Little One was amongst them and if he had made any friends. It was a short sprint before Amon could hear the joyous chattering once more.

As he drew closer, he could see the patterns of a blanket laid out and 5 boys sitting in a circle enjoying a little picnic. Gale was amongst the children leaning against a tree as he ate. It didn't take Amon long to locate Little One standing a short distance from Gale gazing up at the tree.

" Dale! Join us!"

Gale called out with a grin but then a strong wind picked up, shifting up the blanket and blowing on their food.

Happiness oozed from Amon as he stepped over a log, wanting to check on Little One and get a report from Gale but was momentarily stopped by the strong wind bursting at his face.

Gale and the 3 others instantly leap to catch the edges of the blanket and grab the items that were easily blown away. Their chatter ceased.

" Squeaking sq Squeaking squ squea sque sque

Squeaking squ squ sq sque squ squea

Squeaking, Squeaking, sque squeak squeak

sq squ Squeak sq squ Squeak squeak. "

Little One sang and Amon instantly froze. The words were butchered by squeaks but the melody and the pauses did nothing to hide what Little One sang. It was the same song Amon heard, the same song sung by the hooded lady above Little One's crib before Philomel and Amon kidnapped him. Instantly all strength drained from Amon's legs as guilt filled him.

Questions filled Amon's mind as he realised Little One still remembers but how much? And what should he do about it? All Amon could think of at the time was Philomel. He needed to speak to Philomel about this and together come up with a way to deal with the situation.

Amon scrambled back to his feet, heading right back towards the village but as he did. He wondered to himself, was this even a situation? Just because Little One remembers doesn't change the fact that the lady that sang to him was long gone. Disappeared the very night they stole Little One from his crib. But then again she could have been a new mother who had been driving by desperation and fear to abandon Little One. Amon couldn't help but wonder what if she regretted her decision and was now, back at that temple searching for Little One?

Amon's feet slowed down to a walk before completely stopping. His mind wondering the possibilities as he compared them to their current situation. Clearly there was no way he could convince Philomel to head back, not without fulfilling their mission. Even if Little One wants to go back, it would have to be after the mission is over since Amon couldn't leave Philomel on her own to complete such a gruesome task. Especially after he had already promised that he would make the decision of what to do with the Miracle child...

or could he?

Would he? Consider breaking a promise he had made?

Amon bit his lip as slumped down against a tree, his back sliding against the trunk until he sat on the ground. Having no choice but to entertain the idea. The very idea made him grim but the prospects were too tempting. Having not only turn his back on a quest he was tricked into taking and also helping with someone he cares about. It was so many pros unfortunately the cons. He could only do all of this in exchange for giving up an inherited core belief something his father passed down to him.

" A man keeps his promises and only breaks it through death."

The words of his father still rung in his mind as clear as day. These were the words his father held with his head up high. It wasn't something that was passed on through the family, it wasn't a family belief. Even so it doesn't change the fact that those words were what made Amon's father the man he was before death. And in many ways also made Amon the man, he is today.

Worst, that was just half the price, the other half would be betraying Philomel. A good friend he had gain over the months and someone he has come to love. When faced with the decision between Little One and Philomel, he last time chosen Philomel and left Little One under Emma's care.

"What makes it any difference now? "

Amon whispered to himself as he stared at his palms. He could only confirm the regret he felt leaving Little One even though deep down he knew he was doing the right thing and the fact Little One was much older now. Amon wondered if he could make Little One understand but Little One was still too young. All he could do was find out how much Little One remembers and what Little One wants.

The risks for that was too high for Amon, he feared Little One asking to return and then how would he reply? What answer could he give? Just from imagining the scenario filled Amon's mind with clashing thoughts. Thoughts of what to say to shut down Little One's desires and keep Little One with him along the journey against the thoughts of doing right by Little One and trusting the child to someone who could help fulfil Little One's desire.

Amon could only let out a heavy sigh as he cradled his forehead. Wishing the guilt and bad feelings away.


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