
V5 Chapter 60 Bye Inner Demon

" Is it okay just to leave him like that?"

Philomel asked as she looks over Amon's shoulder at Darzirak, a dark puddle upon the walkway.

" Meh, he'll be alright. That's just how demons... relax..."

Amon replied, punctuating his carefully picked last word as he looks down at Philomel in his arms. She was no longer trembling, her hands were no longer covering her ears rather her hands were looped around his chest. Hugging him with her chin resting on his shoulder, something she had always done with her father. Amon finally noticed her so close, he could feel her breath, her heartbeat against his chest. Well, those weren't the only things he felt against his chest.

" But why a puddle?"

Philomel's words sent a vibration down her neck which Amon felt clearly against his shoulder. He could feel her bosom, pressed up against him, slightly rubbing against him each time she moved. Warmth spreads from his chest to the tip of his ears as his arms longed to pull her even closer but couldn't. He wanted Philomel to turn so that he could admire her beauty up close. He takes in a soft sharp breath and was immediately hit by the fresh scent of scilla siberica, by the fresh scent of her, finally knowing where the scent came from. He swallowed hard, feeling the warmth in his chest turn into a slow-burning sensation as his heart rate increased.

" Depends on the demon."

He whispered into her ear as his arms slowly drifted lower from her shoulders. He softly slowly nuzzled against her, his lips trembling wanting ever so badly to kiss her exposed neck, terribly tempted to see how far the clay reached until it reveals her sweet caramel skin.

" I see. But you must be quite powerful to shut all those shadows up... right?"

She asked as she slightly pull out of the hug to look at him. Amon's heart leaped into his throat, gazing at those shimmering blue eye that was staring right back at him. Her lush pink lips were just a breath away. His hands feel the curves of her body as it slowly reaches her waist, looping around it, wanting to keep her close to him.

" Probably..."

He whined, his voice hazed with such longing, such need as he whispers to her lips. His head tilted, hovering so close.

" Great, then we won't need him to travel through the mine."

She chimed as her arms that were looped around his chest, patting him on the back before pulling away from him. Philomel made her move just to be stopped by Amon's arms around her slim waist. She looked up at him in confusion with a titled head and immediately Amon let go. He softly gasps for breath as his hand touches his mouth, trying to hide his blushing face.

" ... About... that."

Amon struggles to say.

" Hmm?"

She hummed as turns back to him.

" Give me a second. I need to use the bathroom."

He informed before running off. Philomel stood there staring at his back, completely oblivious.

" Okay, take your time."

She said as she turned to look back at Darzirak one last time.

" I pity that poor apartment."

Darzirak commented as she turns back to look up at the mountain.

" Huh?"

She was about to ask him what he meant by it but when she turns to look at him again. Darzirak was gone.

" What a weird little demon, wonder how is he so powerful when he's that small? Would my inner demon be as powerful as that even though it's so small?"

Philomel wonder to herself as she stood there, waiting for Amon, watching the shadows slowly returning to their spots but making no attempt to disturb her.

" H-Hey... Thanks for waiting, let's go."

Amon awkwardly said as he ran up to her 4 minutes later. Philomel didn't really notice how long it had been, being lost in her thoughts of why she couldn't summon nor feel her inner demon. She snaps up at Amon's voice, looking up at him, watching him lead the way.

They continue their track up the mountain, careful not to step on any muddy paths, fearing slipping off the mountain.

" What was it like?"

She suddenly asks breaking the silence. Amon immediately panic wondering if she knew how flustered she made him and how he had to calm himself down under the impression of using the bathroom.

" W-what do you mean?"

He swallowed before replying, knowing that she was too innocent to be asking of such things, or rather based on what he knew, he had hoped this to be true.

" When you first felt your inner demon. What was it like? How old were you?"

She clarified as she leaps over a muddy puddle of water and onto a rock. Amon lets out a sigh of relief.

" Well... When I was about 5 years old."

" That young?!"

" *Laughing* Yeah, I get that a lot. Darzirak is a descendant of Beelzebub, the demon lord of envy. As you know, there are many things to be envious of and each is split off into different types and categories. Darzirak is one of the higher-tier demons, he once was a famous demon which everyone called the Boogeyman.

Since he is a dream demon, it was much easier to tap into feelings of envy. People do often dream of what they don't have which is why he is quite powerful but since he is in my body. His powers have been repressed quite a lot, I'm not an envious man after all.

He was actually passed down to me by my grandfather. It sounds impossible, but high-tier demons like that, basically do whatever they want. So instead of finding myself the in the land of the underworld to pick out a demon, I absorbed Darzirak into my body and he's been with me ever since."

Amon told his tale with a grin, extremely grateful that Darzirak chose to stay within his family lines for many generations but at the same time, he wondered why. Why would Darzirak choose to stay with a family who most weren't even envious? He has asked the demon before but he just shrugs it off saying that he didn't need a fancy apartment when he has something much better. Until now, Amon never knew what something better even meant.

" The land of the underworld? How were you supposed to go there??"

She exclaimed, completely unsure that she even has an inner demon since she had never been there and never picked one out. Her mother didn't have an inner demon, she had a nature spirit of the winds. Her father had to become stronger to feel his inner demon. For him, the demon slept deep within waiting for a chance to be awoken. She never knew that they were supposed to pick one out. Unless it was picking out a nature spirit then, she already knew.

" I heard from my friend, that you just wake up there one day and for that whole day. You get to roam around and pick one out. If you don't and your time limit is up. Then you would be a dark elf without an inner demon. In the underworld, there is also a high chance to form a deal with one of the main 7 demons or their commanders just like our ancestors. When that happens your skin would turn to purple for top-tier demons, and blue for very close to top-tier demons just like our ancestors from long ago.

There is also the chance to completely take over your demon by battling them in the underworld and winning. In that case, you wouldn't even feel your demon but you are able to use demonic abilities. It becomes your own power when your soul is more powerful than the demon just like our Chief Bloodfist. "

Amon explains each possibly with great detail, knowing that Philomel was feeling unsure about her own inner demon.

"* Sighs* But I haven't done any of that. I always thought it was sleeping deep within in and until I became stronger only then would it reveal itself to me. "

She admits with a worrying sigh.

" Don't worry, I'm sure one day when you're ready, it would reveal itself to you or you'll find yourself in the underworld. Don't worry, when it happens. It happens."

Amon reassures her as he pats her shoulder. Silently wondering who told her that inner demons are hidden deep within but then remembering Anubis.

"Knowing how strong his inner demon is, it's probably a different system since each demon chose its own system of getting\receiving them."

Amon silently thought to himself as they continued down the path.


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