
V5 Chapter 61 Abandoned Dwarf Mines

Rock after rock, Philomel and Amon stepped on, trying to avoid stepping in the mud. They soon were able to see the abandoned dwarf mine entrance just a short climb away. The wooden pillars that framed the entranceway, were worn so thin from the shadow's constant scratching to the point they resemble toothpicks. From that point onwards it was just pitch-black darkness like staring down an abyss.

" You sure about this?"

Amon swallowed hard, trying to think positively and not a million ways they could be trapped, crushed, or worse while traveling through.

" 40 percent sure."

Philomel chimed as she kicks the toothpick that was holding up the entranceway, immediately a rock came tumbling from above a rolled past them off the mountain. They watched the rock roll down and instantly teleported to their left, it rolled a couple of meters, left, and was teleported again until it was out of sight. Amon's gaze shifted back to Philomel, watching her for a while.

" Make that 20 percent."

She corrected when she noticed Amon's gaze on her.

" And what makes you so sure, there's a way out the other end?"

He huffed off with his hands on his hips.

" A little late to be worrying about that. Relax, will you? If there's a way in there's a way out. "

She waves him off as she enters the dark mines.

" Not until there's a cave-in, then we would be sealed in here, forever."

He voiced out but eventually followed after her. Philomel pulled out a torch from her bag and lit it with her magical stone. The whole tunnel lit up, in a soft orange glow, scaring away shadows that hissed at the light before they ran off.

" Think positive, will you? This place was abandoned because of shadow occupants, not cave-in. Trust me, I collect every bit of information I could from the villagers. I promise you, we will be fine."

She reassures as she continues down deeper, looking for any other torches hanging on the wall or anything useful for her to add to her inventory.

" Ah!"

Amon suddenly yelled out in pain as he was pulled backward. Philomel instantly spun around and checked on him.

" Are you okay?"

Philomel questioned as she held the torch closer to him. Amon nodded, as he rubs his back, pulling out the spear he had strapped to his back.

" It got caught in one of the rocks. The ceiling is too low for me to carry my spear like this."

" Then just carry it by hand. It would be more useful like that anyway. "

" Useful how? It's literally scraping the wall every time I turn a little too much. Spears are meant to be used in wide-open areas. Not cramped places like this. I'm completely useless in a fight, right now. I don't have any other weapon. "

Amon frowned as he twirled the spear in his hand. Philomel inhales sharply, tapping her finger on her lip.

" Can't believe I missed out on that detail. I completely forgot that you are a lance user. If I remembered I could have bought weapons for you back at the village."

" Should we turn back? A little time wasted is better than me being useless in a fight. "

" You know how to use a short sword right?"

" Eh, so so. Not great but at least I can stick the pointy end at someone. Why do you ask? Have a dagger as big as a short sword?"

Amon asked as he watches Philomel bend over, reaching for the back of her leg.

" Even better, an actual short sword."

She chimed as she pulled out a short sword from her left boot and pass it to Amon.

" Where were you hiding this?!"

Amon voiced out in surprise as he kept glancing at her knee-high combat boots, wondering what else she has hidden in there.

" That's for me to know and for you never to find out. "

She giggle as she twirled, proud of the outfit her father made for her, showing it off to Amon before looking at him over her shoulder and giving him a wink.

" You stole this... didn't you..."

He asked as soon as he saw her wink and her naughty smile.

" I have no idea what you're talking about."

She chimed as she skips down the tunnel, completely ignoring Amon's accusing stare.

" *puff*"

He held back a laugh as he slowly got back up to his feet, picked up his spear, and ran after Philomel. The tunnel wind and turns until finally split down 3 pathways. Philomel stopped as she gazed down each pathway.

" Which way?"

Amon questioned as he peer down the paths as well.

" Do you feel any breeze from anyone?"

She replied with a question as she wet the tip of one finger with her lips and held it against each pathway.

" I don't feel anything, you?"

" Same... Hmm... Ok, how lucky are you?"

She chimed as she turn to him.

" Luck? I would say no, not very lucky. I never found any lucky penny. "

" Seriously I find them all the time!"

She smugly announced as she pulled out a coin from her money pouch that hung around her waist.

" You sure, you found them on the ground and not from other people's coin pouches?"

Amon clarify as he narrowed his eyes at her again, silently accusing her with a knowing smirk.

" It doesn't matter where there are found as long as I found them. Fair and square!"

She says as she flips the coin and catches it.

" Heads! We go right!"

She announced with a pointing finger.

" There are 3 pathways. How does flipping one coin help you decide?"

He asked with a raised eyebrow silently wondering how she was choosing.

" Oh... right... No problem! Nothing another flip can't help!"

She boldly proclaims as she flips the coin again.

" Tails! See! Told you it was right!"

She then started heading down that path.

" And what exactly did you ask when flipping the coin?"

" First, heads for right and tail for left then heads for change to middle path and tails for staying on the right path."

" I heard of getting lucky once but not twice in a row. Let's hope you're right."

Amon mumbled as he followed behind her, remembering which pathway they took just in case they ever needed to backtrack.


This is where the story is split into two parts one for Male readers and the other for females.

Male Tailored Chapters coming up next


Dungeon & Dragons formatted scenes for the next 8 chapters.


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