
V5 Chapter 59 Shadow Territory

"Rock to rock, lurking behind trees those glowing red eyes waiting for thee. Come closer, come faster, away from the pathway touched by the morning light. Let us show you what real glee looks like, let us show you what hell really looks like. Ascending this mountain is nothing more than a hop, why not take a dive where you'll rot? Our home, spiked rocks along a black stone path, wilting trees coming to shake your hand, don't mind the sharp branches it's just there to show how much it cares, blood is a cherished thing here. Don't you want to shake its lovely hands?"

Darzirak questions as he curls around the tree branches, causing them to droop lower toward Philomel, almost touching her head.

" Would you quit that!"

Philomel snapped finally having enough of it all as she swipes at Darzirak, making the demon leap out of her reach with glee, happy to be out in the open in a place that feels like home.

" Stop grinning and get your ass back in Amon!"

Philomel yells at him, with a stomp of her foot, extremely frustrated at the whole situation.

" Won't do, as soon as I do. These shadows would drag my apartment down under. Then where will I sleep? Where will I..."

He questioned as his red eyes widen at Philomel, his grin becomes so huge it was touching ear to ear, and he trails off with his words as he tilted his head at her.


He huffed out through his teeth as his head tilted so much that his chin and forehead exchanged places. Philomel immediately backed away from him and quickly joined Amon's side.

" *Sniffing* *Sniffing* * sharp exhale* "

Amon silently snuffled as he slowly made his way up Mountmend with a hunched back, with a head hanging off his neck like a broken branch, and eyes that only saw his feet.

" Would you quit crying? It's already been 10 minutes. Little One is fine, we did the right thing."

She softly says to him as she rubs his back and whips out her father's handkerchief.

" Did we really? He's in a village where food is scarce. He might grow up never truly knowing what it's like to have a full belly. "

Amon squeaked out between shaky breaths as he takes the handkerchief, blowing his nose, a couple of times before handing it back to her.

" Uhhhhhh.... you keep it. "

She muttered trying to hide the fact she didn't want to put that in her pocket. Amon sniffed as he finally looks up from the ground and places the handkerchief in his pocket. Philomel silently wondered if it was some kind of weird luck, or something similar, that her father's handkerchief got used almost, instantly after being dried. She soon shrugged it off, enjoying the cleaning feeling of her sand-free clothes, so glad that there weren't any sandstorms to ruin them.

" Philomel. Philomel... PHILOMEL."

The shifting shadow moans out, and Philomel winches under the horrendous symphony.

Darzirak" Philomel... Mel."

Suddenly out of all the voices, she heard her father's voice calling out to her in his cheerful tone. She immediately whips her head around, wondering if her father had used his inner demon to travel to her side but to her utter disappointment all she saw was Darzirak. Angry, she picked up a nearby rock and threw it hard at Darzirak. The stone hit him right in the left red eye, causing him to tumble off the tree he was perched upon and fall right onto the hard ground.

" *YELP* Hey!"

Darzirak yelled with one eye closed as he slowly got up.

" You deserve it! You! YOU!"

She huffed turning her back to him and storming off. Darzirak seeing that his voice has caused so much of a juicy reaction, immediately ran up to her but kept a short distance from her feet, just in case she decided to stomp him into a pancake.

" You do dream. Who was it that you heard in my voice? From the sounds of it was a man. You're boyfriend? Your brother? Could it be your father... *chucking*"

He laughed and as he did all the shadows from calling out "Philomel" slowly changed into laughter. Soon it was crowds of roaring laughter all directed at Philomel, making her feel so small and embarrassed. It was scavenger training all over again, she had confessed her interest to the scout Quinson in front of their whole training batch. Unfortunately for her, Anubis caught wind of it and was waiting in the shadows for the guy to confess to her, to his utmost surprise she confessed to him. Within seconds, what was meant to be a sweet heartfelt moment turned into her personal hell. With a flash of darkness, Anubis appears between the two of them, snarling at Quinson.

With just 4 sentences, Anubis broke Quinson by triggering his major 2 insecurities which were his useless demon powers and the hidden fact that Quinson uses his own inner demon to pleasure himself. The last two sentences were a warning to stay away from his daughter and that his daughter was a good girl who wouldn't start an intimate relationship with her own demon. As soon as he said all he wanted to say, he laughed. He stood there laughing at Quinson and soon the crowd joined in. When that happened, he grabbed his daughter and disappear into the shadow with her. Leaving Quinson to face everyone's mocking laughter and jeers.

But by then the damage had already been done to both Philomel and Quinson. Before the situation had even ended they were already calling Philomel a freak between their snickering laughs. By the time the situation ended, they all were laughing along with Anubis and Philomel knew they were laughing at her too. Within that week everyone started calling Philomel, Daddy's Little Mel in a mocking way and Quinson withdraw from the scout batch.

Their constant teasing immediately stopped after 3 days, after Anubis paid each and everyone, a personal visit that night. For Philomel everything return back to normal but what happened scarred her for life.

Philomel closed her eyes and held her ears not waiting to hear any of it. Amon seeing this immediately drape his arm around her shoulders, pulling her into his chest.

" Shut the hell up or I'll make you!"

Amon yelled with such authority that it shook Darzirak to the core, turning him on so much that he turned into a puddle of darkness on the floor. All shadows within the area suddenly disappeared just like that.

" Could I .... hmm... ahh.. trouble you to say that again?"

Darzirak ask, barely pulling his head from his melted body.

" *Sighs* Darzirak, you stay the hell away from me for an hour. I don't care what you do but don't you dare join me when you're like that. "

Amon grimaced at the sight of Darzirak, waiting to leave that pervert there forever, unfortunately, he couldn't.

" Ok, boss. I'll be here then."

Darzirak gave a thumbs up as he became back into puddle form, reveling at the memory of Amon's ordering voice.


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