

Tempest Capital,

Galahad POV,

Galahad sat on a bench in one of the parks present across the city. He looked at Shizue who was talking with Rimuru happily and slightly smiled, if she was happy with him Galahad had no objections. Rein curiously looked over, "Master you really think the fem- *ehem* slime is worthy?" she asked confused, she didn't like him much but wait! That was better, maybe he would be the worthless husband type! CHILD ABUSE!

Galahad glanced at her, "Even he....will become a Demon Lord....and he will be loyal....I'll make sure of it." Galahad said lazily as he opened his palm, magical energy concentrated in it before a black light started coming out of it. He waved his hands dismissing the spell except now the place above his hand was tear in existence, a void space. He quickly waved his hand over it removing it before it could spread further, maybe testing this here wasn't a good idea.

Rein looked at it with stars in her eyes, "Master what was that?" she asked leaning down and touching the space which was previously void. Galahad sighed, "A new magic." this one was thanks to Ramiris, the magic that could hurt even Ultimate Skill users. The one magic no one was immune against, the strongest magic in Tensura which worked upon the manipulation of the very laws of existence, Primitive or Primordial Magic.

The only other people who could use it were Guy and Ramiris and now his skill with it surpassed theirs, hell it surpassed even Veldanava's! The magic he used previously was Ramiris' Annihilation magic a magic that completely removes the target from existence, there was a reason Ramiris was the second seat of the Demon Lords though it did have a huge magicule cost.

He slightly chuckled, she might just be the safest person on this planet. That was because anyone who dared to move against her would have to deal with Guy, Milim and even him.....don't ask for reasons. Back to topic! He stood up and stretched his arms, Falmuth should attack any time now and with that he could begin his own war. The commanding would be done by his other side since it was much better and diligent at this stuff, Galahad would only have to brace himself for the cringe.

Rein smiled, "A new magic?" her Master was amazing, something that destroys existence as a magic! "Good job." she said folding her arms and smiling smugly, her Master's achievements were her own achievements! That was because she was his teacher for several hundred years and so it made her extremely proud to see him progress so much over just two millennia.

Rimuru walked over to Galahad, he indeed didn't even try to look at Shion after Galahad warned him. Firstly, Shizue was his destined one and someone he genuinely liked as such it would be stupid to gawk at other women. Secondly, for some reason he was scared to do it after Galahad's warning....even if the guy seemed weak...scratch that according to Great Sage, Galahad may be a Demon Lord too.

For now however Rimuru wasn't particularly sure about it and he would wait for more concrete evidence before doing something. "Oy Galahad you raised Shizue?" he asked confused, he looked around her own age how was this guy able to raise her? How old was he exactly?! Galahad nodded his head, "Yes....so you see why...I- never mind." he said shaking his head, threatening Rimuru too much was just stupid and arrogant.

"So should I call you 'dad'?" Rimuru asked smirking with a slight blush before he stumbled back cringing. Galahad furiously scratched his neck as his face twisted in cringe? "Oh God...why'd you have to make ...it weird 'son'?" Galahad replied smirking before cringing again and getting up, this would only go downhill! "Why'd you have to do that?!" Rimuru said getting ready to run away from here as soon as possible.

"Damn...It isn't my fault...you started it... you stupid slime." Galahad said readying a teleportation spell, he was leaving from here! Rimuru immediately shut up, it really was his fault! Shizue looked at the two blushing before she started giggling at their antics except Galahad ran away from there.

Rimuru looked at Shiuze and sat down on the bench breathing heavily, "I'm never doing that again!" he said, that was too damn embarrassing! Galahad was like a friend to him who was persumably around his own age, "That was embarrassing." he said sighing slightly red from the previous incident, "Well looking at him, he agrees too." Shizue said nodding with a smile and sat down next to Rimuru.


Galahad POV,

Galahad of course made a random teleportation within the city to just get away from there, he landed in some sort of room where Hakuro and Benimaru were sitting silently looking at him. Galahad looked around and took a seat at the table, this place looked.....familiar. "Lord Galahad would you like to join us for food?" Benimaru asked him with a smile, if they were going down then they would take everyone with them!

Hakuro nodded his head, "Indeed, let us dine together today." he said wisely stroking his beard and nodded at Benimaru who nodded back, they were definitely bringing him down. He always ate luxury meals in his own mansion, for once they wanted him to join in their suffering!

Galahad narrowed his eyes, "Who's cooking?" he asked yawning, there was something fishy going on here, he could feel it. "It's Lady Shuna." Hakuro answered smiling, what they didn't know is that the one thing Galahad had never compromised on his entire life was his food so they were in for a ride. Galahad nodded, "That's.....good...I'll stay." he said glancing at Rein who looked like she wanted to cook but for once she wouldn't be the one to do it, Shuna's cooking was good too!

Benimaru smiled at him, the trap was set if Galahad was anything like Rimuru he wouldn't reject the food once it came in front of him. A few minutes of waiting and making small talk later Shion walked in holding a pot. Galahad glared at the two, this woman cooks poison TRAITORS!! There was no way he was eating whatever the hell 'that' was.

He looked at the murky purple soup now laying on the table in front of him and got ready to leave again, the two Kijin would pay for this. "Ah you're here too Lord Galahad? Care to eat as well?" Shion asked smiling brightly, this time she was sure it tasted good and that eveyone would enjoy it! Afterwards she could present it to Lord Rimuru.

"No-" Galahad was about to decline but was cut off, "I see you will! Enjoy!" Shion said excitedly putting it in front of him, someone picky like Galahad would definitely offer good advice. Rein glared at Shion, this woman had guts to interrupt her Master! Galahad's lips twitched before he yawned, she didn't even let him complete his sentence!

It should be obvious but Galahad didn't like people like her, yes looks are important but personalities and intelligence are what Galahad valued and for him, she had none of that. He yawned and stood up to leave, he wasn't eating this. "Lord Galahad weren't you looking forward to this?" Benimaru asked smirking, feel pain, know pain, accept pain!

"Damn..you." Galahad muttered out, the damn Kijin reeled him into this. He grabbed the plate put in front of him and much to everyone's shock, threw it out the window, Rude? yes. Harsh? Yes. but that was just who Galahad was, he wasn't going to put it in his mouth even if his life depended on it!

Rein smugly smiled and folded her arms, that's what you get. Her Master unlike people usually thought, wasn't exactly a nice person when it comes to certain things of course if he was 'nice' she wouldn't be so loyal either. A primordial wouldn't fall to something like 'kindness', the only thing they liked was 'power', 'apathy' and a certain semblance of 'cruelty'.

Shion looked crestfallen, her cooking was thrown right out the window before Galahad set it on fire. "Why?" she asked sadly, she had worked hard on that. Galahad glanced at her and sighed before patting her shoulder, "Learn to 'cook',...if you want from...one of maids...but trust me when I say this, I'd rather eat shit...than whatever that is." he said pointing at the pot except his worsd fell on deaf ears.

Shion had stars in her eyes, his maids were the best cooks she had ever met! That meant that learning from them would allow her to cook amazing foods! "When?!" she asked excitedly, that would be for the best! Galahad shook his head and yawned he then looked towards Rein and nodded. Rein smirked and rolled up her sleeves, "Of course Master!" she said and grabbing Shion by her collar she disappeared, she would beat the knowledge of cooking into her if necessary!

Galahad laughed dryly, would Shion be fine? She would be fine....probably. He stretched his arms and turned towards the two Kijin in the room smirking, "So...about what..you did." he said cracking his knuckles, of course he wasn't letting them off that easily. Benimaru looked at him for a while before disacrding his pride and bowing down, "I apologize! And thank you!" they were saved from her cooking because of him! With this she might even learn to actually cook! Their hell would finally stop! Galahad tilted his head confused, "Huh?"

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