
A Days End and A New Beginning

While drinking their smoothies, Carl noticed the disturbed look on Kelvin’s face and asked:

“What’s the problem bro? You haven’t said a word since we got here.”

Kelvin looked at Ray and Nao, who were currently having their own separate conversation. He then whispered to Carl.

“It’s the demon; you know how I told you that my reflection changes whenever I look at a mirror, or any other reflective object.”

“No you didn’t tell me that.” Carl responded.

“It happens; but this time, the demon spoke through my reflection.”

“That’s creepy; what did it say?” Carl asked.

“Nothing serious; it just called me a stupid human. I just can’t help but feel disturbed by all this. Why does this shit have to happen to me?” Kelvin said, voicing out his troubles.

“Personally, I think it’s because you’re the MC. Hey, don’t worry bro; we’ll figure out a way. For now, just relax and enjoy your smoothie.”

“Thanks Carl; I feel a little bit better.” Kelvin said, as he took a sip from his smoothie.

“Damn, this taste great.”

“I know right.” Carl said, as he continued with his smoothie.

Loud church like bells could be heard coming from the academy. The bell was to signal all the students to get back to their dorms.

They all paid the smoothie shop owner. Carl offered to pay for Nao, but she rejected the offer.

“I’m independent.” She said as she paid.

They had a very lively chat on their way back to the academy. Well, it wasn’t really a chat, since they just resumed their previous argument; but this time, Kelvin joined in. He decided to just enjoy the moment, rather than stressing himself over his inner demon.

They reached the student residential area, and before they parted ways, Nao decided to make things clear.

“Just to let you know, we aren’t friends; I have decided to accept you all as my comrades and that’s it.”

“That’s good enough for me.” Kelvin said.

“Good night Nao; I hope you dream about me.” Carl said, as they walked towards their individual dorms.

“I will; and it’ll be about me shooting you in the head.” Nao said, entering the female dorm.

The next day was really hectic for the first year students. The day started with the usual loud and annoying bell, which for some reason, they haven’t even seen. Then they all woke up to see a copy of the student handbook, and a white envelope lying in their rooms.

Inside the white envelope were their assigned class rooms. For the first year students, there were a total of 3 class rooms: Class 1A, Class 1B, and Class1C.

Each of these class rooms had their mottos. The motto for Class 1A was Divinus; meaning Divine. Unitas; meaning Unity, was the motto for Class 1B, and finally, Fortitudo, was the motto for Class 1C, and that was the Latin word for Courage.

The student hand book comprised of the rules and regulations of the academy, their academic curriculum, training sessions, and also the basic layout of the school.

Kelvin got assigned to Class 1A, and just like the rest of the first year students, he was expected to get to class in time for his first lesson.

He used the student guide book to navigate his way through the school halls, until he eventually found his class; Class1A.

The first year students were assigned their class rooms, based on their performance in the practical entrance examinations. Students with high scores in the practical entrance exam were assigned to Class1A. Students with not so good, but decent scores were assigned to Class1B, while students with the lowest scores were assigned to Class1C.

Kelvin entered his new classroom, which was already filled with students. Some of which Kelvin remembered from the list of top scoring candidates in the practical entrance exam. Carl, and the rest of his somewhat close friends, weren’t in class yet.

Kelvin took a seat close to the window, just like his seat in his previous school.

Not long, Carl, Ray, and Nathan showed up.

“What took you guys so long?” Kelvin asked, waving, as they approached him.

“We didn’t arrive on time, because we were trying to get this sleepy head out of bed.” Ray said, pointing at Nathan.

“Sorry, I have a tendency to sleep a little heavily when I’m tired.” Nathan said in his defense.

You slept for 15 hours; since 5pm yesterday evening, till 7am this morning. How is that a little?!” Carl added.

“You guys should cut him some slack; he needs to rest his muscles after all.” Kelvin said.

They talked, and even went on to tell Nathan about the smoothie haven, and how he missed out on what can only be described as the best smoothie they have ever tasted.

Nao came into the class in the middle of their discussion. Carl saw her and gestured for her to seat on an empty seat next to him. Nao as usual, ignored them, and sat on a seat at the back of the class.

Shortly after, the home room teacher for Class1A came into the classroom.

Their home room teacher, Mr. Gavin Mathews, as he introduced himself, was a tall and handsome man. His black colored hair, in addition with his clear blue eyes and gentle manly smile, would make him the perfect male lead in any romance novel. Even some girls were talking about how perfectly shaped his jaws were.

Mr. Gavin Mathews was a demon hunter, just like the rest of the teachers in the academy.

“Hello and good day students.” Mr. Gavin said, giving off a heartwarming smile.

“Please, I would like you all to take your seats.” He continued.

Mr. Gavin’s friendly manner made it easier for the students to obey him. They quickly did as they were instructed.

“You all will be taking your first classes today, so I would like to give you guys a basic rundown of your school curriculum activities.”

‘I highly doubt that it would be the same with a normal school.’ Kelvin thought.

“Now as you all know, I’m just the home room teacher; and my duty as the home room teacher is to organize, guide, and teach you all on academic matters. So, let’s begin.” Mr. Gavin said.

Next chapter