
The History of Divine Powers

“You will still have teachers for each subject in your curriculum.” Mr. Gavin said.

“Without any further ado, let’s talk about your school curriculum activities. I would like you all to bring out your student handbooks, and open up to page 36.”

The students did as they were instructed. They opened up to page 36; in that page, was a detailed time table of the lessons they would be having.

The time table was stated as follows:

Monday: History, Survival Class, Anti-demon Class, and Combat Training.

Tuesday: Engineering Class, Support & Health Studies, Math, and Combat Training.

Wednesday: Math, History, Anti-Demon Class, and Combat Training.

Thursday: Survival Class, Support & Health Studies, Engineering Class, and Combat Training.

Friday: End Trial.

They had three study subjects each day and a physical combat training every single day.

“Since today is a Monday, teachers for history, survival, and anti-demon classes, will be coming to address you all.”

“The teachers each have a specific time to teach, so please listen to their teachings attentively.” Mr. Gavin concluded.

“Excuse me sir; I have a question.” A boy with glasses said, raising his hand.

“Yes, please ask your question.” Mr. Gavin said.

They boy with glasses stood up and asked:

“Sir, on Friday we don’t have any classes, it just says “End Trial” why is that?”

“Oh, sorry I almost forgot to explain that. The end trial is a weekly evaluation and test of what you all learned throughout the week; so I would advise you listen in class and pay attention during combat trainings.” Mr. Gavin explained.

“Before I leave, I would like to appoint the class representatives. Personally, I would love to have a vote, but the administration has already selected the class representatives, for each class.”

“The class representative for this class is Jason Ferris.”

Naturally, Jason Ferris walked up to the front of the class, wearing a proud and smug look on his face.

His fans or rather, his admirers cheered for him as he walked up.

“Okay, I’m starting to feel like this Jason guy is getting some special treatment just because of his dad’s position in the hunter’s council.” Carl said.

“Yeah, plus his elder brother is the student council president.” Kelvin added.

Jason walked up to the front of the class, and said:

“There’s really no use introducing myself, because I’m sure all of you know who I am by now. It shouldn’t also come as a surprise that I’ve been selected as class representative; after all, I’m a Ferris, and my family’s greatness and achievements are widely known in the demon hunting society.”

“Follow me and I’ll lead you all to success.” Jason concluded with an even smugger look on his face. His fans chanted his name as he walked back to his seat, with an enormous amount of ego.

“Okay, so assisting Jason as the assistant class representative is Nao Kaito.” Their home room teacher said, after Jason had taken his seat.

Nao pushed up her glasses, and walked up to the front of the class. Unlike Jason, the reaction from the class was different. No one chanted her name; instead, they were just making side comments about who she was, and why the administrations even selected her as their assistant representative.

“These jackasses are talking shit about Nao.” Ray said.

“Yeah, and they aren’t even cheering for her.” Kelvin added.

“Not on our watch; come on let’s cheer for her.” Carl said.

They all agreed, and Carl, Ray, Kelvin, and Nathan all chanted for Nao; even though they were the only ones chanting in the entire class.

“Yeah; that’s our friend Nao!!!” Ray shouted.

“You’re going to make a great assistant class rep!!!” Carl added.

“I personally think you’ll make an even better class representative!!!” Kelvin voiced out.

“Keep going Nao!! Your friends are here to support you!!!” Nathan concluded.

There chanting, even though it was embarrassing, was still quite touching. Honestly, Nao felt touched, even though she didn’t allow it to show on her face.

The class began to have mixed reactions. Some students, who didn’t even know Nao personally, began to cheer for her too.

Nao walked up to the front of the class room, gave a slight bow, and introduced herself.

“Good day my fellow students; my name is Nao Kaito, and I’m honored to be the assistant class representative. Let’s work together to create a health learning environment.”

After that, Nao walked back to her seat, receiving a series of cheers and applause.

“Okay, that should be it. Your history teacher should be arriving soon, so I’ll be taking my leave. Have a great day.” Mr. Gavin said, as he left the class.

Shortly after he left, the history teacher came in, and thus they began their first lesson for the day.

The first topic for their history class was quite interesting. The topic was about the origin and general concept behind divine powers and artifacts.

Their history teacher, Miss Elizabeth, gave an in depth explanation about how divine powers came to be.

“Divine powers have been one of the major reasons, that we are able to fight and kill demons. But as widely used, and known divine powers are, a huge majority of you first years are totally clueless about the history of divine powers. So I would like to enlighten you all.”

‘To be honest, I’m super curious as to how divine powers came to be.’ Kelvin thought. This single thought was actually going through the heads of everyone in the class room.

“The history of divine powers all started with 5 priests, and their quest to purge the world from demons. They searched, prayed, and journeyed far and wide, in search of answers and ways to liberate the world from the demonic dark ages.” Miss Elizabeth explained.

“They searched, until finally their prayers got answered. On one cold night, they were visited by an angelic being. This angelic being introduced its self as the messenger of a heavenly celestial. According to the histories and records, the angelic being said that the heavenly celestial had deemed them worthy, and would grant them divine powers to use in fighting against demons.”

“The angelic being opened a portal in the sky, and a huge massive red double door landed on the ground. The angelic being then led them into the door. The first demon hunters never disclosed what happened inside the red door; the only thing we know is that they gained god like powers when they came out, and thus they fought and ended the demonic dark ages.” Miss Elizabeth concluded.

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