

The act of running is considered one of the most important of exercises for a majority of athletic endeavors. All martial arts take running as a staple when it come to endurance and stamina building. It's less obvious however how running can develop your leg muscles in a way no other exercise can.

Take for example your slow burning muscle fibers, a type 1 muscle fiber. Used mostly in endurance type movements. To fight as a boxer for 12 rounds straight, you got to have this type of endurance that jogging give you, both in your muscle and in your cardiopulmonary system. And it's difficult to develop such capacity without running in itself.

But another important part is sprinting. To developed the type 2 muscle fibers of your legs. All explosive movements are made from a majority of this muscle type. Being they kicks, jumps,etc. And the best way to develop this type of muscle is in the act of sprinting.

Knowing all of this information, Sekizan ran for the next 2 months. Maintaining his hand conditioning every other day, giving time to his skin to heal up.

After the first week, he adopted tankle weights to his routine to assist him in the development of his legs. Beginning with light weights that did not give much resistance, keeping in mind a systematic progression to not ended up with lesions. The combination of sprinting and jogging 10km every day sure did leave him exhausted though.

His diet was important as well. And to maintain his physique he could not forget to eat lots. Consequences of aerobic exercises are the loss of fat deposits in the body. And after two months his baby fat almost all but disappear.

It's important to note that he started to practice Muay Thai, getting familiar with the principles and concepts of the martial art, and the similarities and differences with his previous practice of taekwondo.

After two whole months Ryuji called to him to speak of the next step of his progression.

"Good, you are training well bub. But now it's time for you to fight for the first time. I got a friend of mine to mark a fight with his disciple against you. He is 13 years old, and much like you is training from a young age. Be prepared at the end of the week you will fight with him." Ryuji said to his son, he was expecting a good fight, he will access the prowess of his son after, and according to it, up or down levels based on his performance.

"Yes sir. I will be ready!" Sekizan answered his father with enthusiasm. Finally he will be in a real fight.

After his father left the room he began to think of the 2 months of running he did. You think two months is not a long time, but it is difficult to maintain his body with all the running. His food intake is absurd for a 8 years old, and even with it is hard to maintain muscles running long distances.

' hum, I got to master the Seimei Kikan faster, controlling my metabolism will make my training more efficient.' Sekizan thought. He got new inferences after all the training he did, and to him he has to find a more concrete way to maintain his body state to develop his legs. He did not want to be a marathon runner

' Well, gotta prepare to win this bout. I don't know nothing about my opponent, but I will not underestimate him. If father arranged for me to fight him, he most be strong.'

Sekizan prepared during the week, having dialed down his running to 5km and spent more time practicing in the heavy bag and doing shadow boxing. Maintaining his body im a optimal state to duke it out at any moment.


In front of a dojo you can find a pair of father and son. The father is a buff guy, with bright red hair locked in a ponytail. He is wearing a white sleeveless shirt and black pants. In his feet are flip flops. His casual atire made it seem like he is a person that don't care about how is perceived from other people.

The son, much like his father have red hair, but different from the older one, did not care to lock it, making so his wild red hair danced in accordance with the wind. He was wearing a white tank top, marking his well developed body for a kid his age. And a black taekwondo gi trousers for ease of motion. In his feet much like the father he wore a flipflop, making it seem that this pair did not like shoes.

"Are you ready bub? It's time to show the results of your training." Ryuji asked his son. He was not worried about his son, he saw all the work he put it. But he asked still, to easy any sort of nervousness his son might have.

"Yes father, I'm ready." Sekizan said. He was not nervous, but he appreciated the thought that his father put into easing him.

The two entered the dojo, after walking for a while they found the mat, in there another pair stood. The adult much like Ryuji was buff, you could tell he worked his body all his life. And the younger one, presumably our mc opponent, was much more muscular than a normal 13yo normally is. He as well worked hard to develop his body, having black hair characteristic of japonese people, he stood out in comparison with the red hair of Sekizan.

No words were spoken,as the two kids maneuvered to the center of the mat. One shorter with red hair, the other taller having black hair. They bowed to show respect to each other as martial artists, and entered in guard.

( My first fight scene folks, let's see how it progresses.)

The black hair kid attack first, hoping to gain momentum and set a rhythm. A straight punch common in karate made a beeline to the face of our mc.

Having seen the punch a mile away, giving his senses, Sekizan dodged to the side, hoping to counter the attack with a left cross. Having taken a simple strategy first, not relying on complicated maneuners.

His opponent,much like him dodged his counter. But was surprised by the fact that a kid of 8 could dish out such fluid counter. Deciding to take seriously he began to maneuver with footwork, deciding to take advantage of his range dishing light jab like punches to gauge a reaction of our mc.

Sekizan in turn began to analyze the movement of his opponent all the while evading his jabs. He decided to bait his opponent to commit to a kick, and using the opening he would counter with his own kick. Having a shorter range he could not attack unless he shorten the distance.

Having deciding on a plan, he began to show openings in his left side of the guard, evading punches with a lowered left hand, moving as if approaching his opponent for an punch.

The black haired kid seeing the kid dodging all his punches was amazed, but he also noticed that the red haired kid aways lowered his left hand when evading to the right. Seeing an opportunity as the kid approached his perfect range for a kick he took it.

' Game over kid!' he thought as he dish out a beautiful roundhouse kick aiming at the left temple of his opponent.

When he was surprised of not feeling any touch with his kick, he turned, only to see a feet coming his way. Not having any time to dodge he took the kick right on the nose.

"Ahh" trying to regain his bearings he look at his opponent and was spooked by what he saw.

Sekizan was in a wide stance and was waiting for his opponent to look right at him. As he looked he performed a side kick, with all the power of his body, right a the chin of his opponent. His feet, in a perfect knife like posture made it so all the power was delivered at the right spot of the other kid's head, and with so he collapsed unconscious. Having been knocked out.

"Ohh!"x2 the parents were shocked by the development, it all happened in a blink of an eye, one mistake, and the lights were out.

"Good job bub!" Ryuji was ecstatic. He did not expected such combination of his son, he watched as his son baited the other kid to commit to a kick, evading by a hair breath he counterattacked with a right kick of his own. Not rushing to finishthe job, he waited the perfect opportunity to dish out a side kick with perfect form. Perfect!

Sekizan bowed to show respect and appreciation for his opponent, who was still unconscious, and bowed to his father and the master of his opponent. He did not celebrate, the fight was straightforward. He hoped that the guy put more resistance, but he will not complain.

Having finished the duo exited the dojo and entered the car. All this while Sekizan was thinking to himself.

' I can not become complacent, nor have this victory come up to my head,I have to continue to progress. First I have to gain control of my body's functions and metabolism, this sure will make my training progress faster.' Having not cared for this particular fight, Sekizan was already planning for the future.

The ride home has silent. But not an uncomfortable silence, a good silence.

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