
Unexpected development

6 months passed. The grind continues. When you focus in a thing you find that that thing has nuances in it's applicabilities. Sekizan focused in running since his decision to master the Rokushiki, in this focus came various conclusions.

There are various types of running. Running in a flat surface like asphalt; running in a place with abundant vegetation, making the floor irregular; running in a race; running without making noise; running through obstacles… you get the idea.

To progress, Sekizan put thought in all these styles of movement. The progression of his ankle weights was not the only thing he did. First he started to run in different terrains,in the city and in the forest. After a period of time he began to run barefooted. To maneuver in rough terrain with bare feet is a feat in itself, but with his quirk, he can focus and react to all types of obstacles in his way. It's a good training because this type of focus attune his senses and sharpen them in a meditative type of motion.

After three months of running like this, he began to implement the act of moving without making noise. Its important to note that walking in a noiseless manner require high levels of concentration, making running even more taxing to the body and mind. The amount of control to run barefooted without making noise is a endeavour that any normal person could not do without years of hard work. But Sekizan continued with the work, running is like a moving meditation, and he trains his senses at the same time doing difficult things like that.

At the fourth month of this he was already moving silently like second nature. So to put more difficulty in his life, he began to run in the roofs of buildings, doing a free running type of parkour. This way he train his reaction with real life type of obstacles and to jump from a building at another he had to have precise control of his motor functions. Having stopped doing gymnastics after 8 he found a stage where the movements he learn during his practice came to use.

And that bring us to this moment. 6 months of nonstop grind, conditioning his hands and shins. Fighting every two weeks with different types of opponents. Running like a horse every day. Sekizan is found jumping from roof to roof, like any other day.

He is using a mask, to constrict his breathing, and sports a hoodie without sleeves.

'Ahh, one more day of training. My progress is good, my control over my musculature is progressing fine, it makes you thinks if it's possible to control all your body like the technique states. I don't think controlling my hair is possible though.' he thinks while running from building to building. He never stopped training the Seimei Kikan, the more he attune his senses, the more he sharpens his perception the more he control his body's functions. His muscle control is almost perfect but it's open to debate if is possible to control your metabolism and other sides of you body's.

Unexpectedly Sekizan hear a suspicious noise while running. Accostumed to run in this part of Town he stops, surprised with the noise. Paying more attention to the noise he locate the source.

Like an assassin he approaches the source of the noise and inspect the cause. He was surprised with what he found.

A man is holding a woman at knife point, with a hand on her mouth and is whispering words in her ears. The look on her face, the mortified look, of a person who is about to die tell all that Sekizan needed to know about the situation.

He smiles at that scene.

' Well, look what I found. This will warm me up a little.' He decides to test his moves against this villain for a change.

Climbing down the alley silently, and approuching the individual, the woman notices him and is spooked out of her mind. A kid is coming to her, what if the kid get hurt trying to do something.

Coming right behind the villain Sekizan hold him by the knife arm and the neck and with a swift movement trow him across the alley. He did not want to accidentally harm the lady.

" Get out of here obassan, I got this." Sekizan said with a calm voice to the now free victim.

" What are you saying! Let's get out of here! He will hurt you as well!" She shouted with a shrill voice.

It took just one look of Sekizan to make her shut up. His red eyes looked at her as if he was judging her soul. And with a commanding tone he said;

"Get out." And she did. She was more spooked by those eyes in comparison with the villain from before. She just prayed that her saviour don't die in vain.

With the nuisance out of the way Sekizan was ecstatic. He would use this villain to test his progress with the Shigan. He could not test against his normal opponents because he cannot cripple a fellow martial artist for no good reason. But this villain… no one will care about his well being.

" Brat! What in the f*CK are you doing? Now I'm gonna slice you up as well, you useless sh*t!" The malefactor said extremely pissed of with the kid who stopped his good time.

"Well, I just cannot stand the sight of a walking piece of garbage like yourself doing stuff like that to a lovely lady." Sekizan taunted. Hoping to make the villain attack him.

And his plan worked wonders. The malefactor got enraged of a brat mocking him and decided to end this kid life for good.

"I will show you the garbage." He advanced with his knife slashing and stabbing with conviction. You could see that this was not his first time stabbing someone with a knife, this guy had a history.

Sekizan evaded with ease,after all the work he did this guy was moving in slow motion compared to the guys he fights normally. But he is not here to judge this guy fighting prowess, he is here to test his moves.

"Shigan!" Saying the name of the move out loud for dramatic effect, Sekizan coil his arm and poke the guy as if lightly. But the poke pierces his shoulder right above his clavicle.

"Ahhh!" Not expecting such a thing, the criminal tries to use his quirk on the kid. He spits acid from his mouth in hopes to make the kid take distance but is disappointed, seeing the kid dodge this as well.

"Disgusting! Shigan." Sekizan tries the move with his other hand, piercing the man in the same place but on the opposite side. Paralysing both of his arms.

"Such trash trying to dirty me with spit." A little pissed of, Sekizan kicks the now wailing man on the chin with the ball of his foot. Making him lose consciousness.

"Ahh, what a mess. My fingers are sore and dirty now, I should strengthen them more to try this again. But it was badass." Sekizan notes, flexing his hands. The impact did not break his fingers but it did make them more sore than he initially thought it would.

"Let's call the coppers so that this piece of garbage don't die of blood loss." Calling the cops, he said he saw a villain get stabbed by a person in self defense in a alley, and the person left him there and run away.

Climbing the roof Sekizan observed the as the police captured the criminal. It seems as if they knew who he were, in account of the reaction of the officers.

' Well, that's that.' Sekizan starts to run again. Now thinking of his actions as a ' vigilante ' he found nice to save the lady and test his moves in unsuspecting villains. Maybe he will do this sometimes from now on.

'But I got to work harder on my hands, a could not do the Shigan repeatedly in the state they are now.' He thought in wonder, as he is maneuvering from building to building in high speed. ' I'm gonna do the rice conditioning with sand now, and make calisthenics movements with my fingers, together with resistance training as well' Planning his next steps he continues his run.

(An: Man, thinking of realistic ways of training is difficult. I'm glad that I practiced martial arts in real life. But dude... You folks show shine a light on me on different methods of conditioning)

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