Lucifer Azoth, a genius among geniuses. He was known for his many talents. After some crazy things happening, he ended up dying and finding himself in the world of Tensura. He is bound to have the adventure of his life and to become the strongest while at it. _________________________________ I’m not sure if I’m gonna do harem or no harem yet. Toon In To Find Out!!
In the busy streets of New York, there were many people coming and going. Everyone seemed to be minding their own business while walking to their destination with umbrellas in hand. The downpour of rain was heavy but everyone seemed to ignore it with their umbrellas without a problem.
High up in the air you will see a man on a penthouse balcony. Golden hair swaying with the slight breeze, emerald green enchanting eyes, 6'0 ft tall. Wearing a black vest with a black dress shirt under it, with black pants. He could be seen smoking a cigar while gazing at the city below him.
The rain could not reach him because of the roof on the balcony but his hair would occasionally get touched by water.
'I've become so rich, I feel great, money can totally buy happiness but it certainly depends on the person. I've lived for over 45 years and even though money can buy happiness sometimes, it can't buy true friends. I've been living a happy life and have become a very successful person but I would have liked it for someone to be there for me.' The man thought.
His cold gaze swept across the city while he was contemplating his life.
'Maybe mother was right, as much as I love being alone, I need people I can trust. All the people who have tried to befriend me, have had ulterior motives, It's not hard to read people nowadays. Just by the simplest movement or the way they try to butter me up in order to try and get on my good side.'
Hearing footsteps coming up from behind him, he ignores them and continues to contemplate.
"Mr.Azoth you have a meeting in 20 minutes."
The lady in a suit attire stated. She had crimson red curly hair going down her waist and brown eyes. Lucifer Azoth looked over to his personal assistant and stared at her for a couple of minutes without moving.
'Is he crazy? Why is he just staring? But I wouldn't mind getting railed by him, even though he's 45 he looks as young as 25. But he also watches anime shows, like he's some little kid, he's just a walking contradiction' The lady in the suit attire thought.
"Sir you have a mee-"
"Yes I heard you, I was just thinking." Lucifer stated but he couldn't shake off this bad feeling. Most people would ignore this feeling but Lucifer knows very well when these types of feelings happen it means something is going to happen. He learned very well from his past anime experience, that this feeling is 101 in the isekai genre or in any anime genre.
Lucifer has won tons of prizes, one of them being from the Oscars, he got the best actor award. He was a man of many talents, he never really struggled at the things he did. It took him literally 1 month to become an expert at the piano. It's not to say everything is easy for him because it did take a lot of hard work and practice in order to become good at the piano.
He is also a professional marksman, he always keeps a Glock 9mm near him for protection. He was a marine back when he was 18, he had his fair share of experience when it came to killing. But by then he hadn't discovered he was a so-called "genius", so he could only become a marine to make a living.
Once his cold gaze landed on the assistant eyes, she involuntarily gulped.
"Cancel it." His calm voice shook the assistant out of her stupor.
"But sir, it's with th-" She wanted to change his mind but another look from him told her if she pushed it any further she wouldn't like the consequences.
"Of course sir."
She quietly left the room and headed downstairs in order to call the people he was supposed to meet, to tell them a sudden emergency came up.
Once she left, Lucifer had a slight smirk on his face.
He was contemplating on how he should bring up he's firing her. Lucifer was actually a fun person, he would always enjoy life to the fullest. He only treated her so coldly because he knows she tried to steal money from him. He plans to fire her later today once he finds a suitable replacement.
Despite his age, he loves to watch anime, and one of his favorite shows was called "That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime". The only thing he didn't like about the show was how the main character Rimuru Tempest was a very peaceful and naive person. Lucifer believed that if Rimuru focused on getting stronger first, he would have never lost to Hinata Sakaguchi who was his first official loss.
But he also respects Rimuru for his tenacity of not letting power change him and for staying peaceful. Even though Rimuru becomes the most powerful in his verse and could literally snap his fingers and destroy a universe, he always chooses the peaceful route first.
Snapping out of his daze, the real reason why he canceled his meeting was that he will trust his intuition and stay home, binge-watching some anime.
He sat down on his one-seater black leather couch and started to watch tv on his 80-inch tv.
(Few Hours Later)
Lucifer was getting pretty sleepy, he turned off his tv and started walking towards his room. While he was walking he heard a creak in the vent above him, he paid it no mind because it was raining hard, so he just assumed that it was him mishearing.
But he heard it again, now he knows he's not mishearing, he walked normally to his drawer. Once he reached there, he pulled a gun out from one of the drawers slowly and hid it in his pants.
'It seems like someone is trying to steal my money. Hmm, what should I do? I have to make sure I don't alert them. Hmm... Ah, this might work.'
He picked up one key from his safe and closed it back up.
He picked up his jacket and an umbrella. He started to walk towards the elevator in his penthouse, he picked up his car keys and entered the elevator, and pressed the garage level.
The elevator door closed and he started to descend.
(Intruder Pov)
What an idiot, who has no security measures put in place to protect their home. As soon as the man walked into the elevator, I saw that it was going to the basement where the garage is. So I waited 10 mins to see if he's gonna come back, well he didn't.
I opened the vent shaft and jumped down from it. I was being very quiet just to be careful, I saw the safe he opened earlier. I walked towards it and stopped in front of it, I am a pro when it comes to hacking, so it took me 10 minutes to open it up.
Oh, I can't wait for all the riches that are waiting for me inside of it. As soon as it opened and the dramatic wait, it was.... EMPTY.
This can't be right, wait there is a piece of paper inside. I open up the piece of paper and once I read it, I immediately stood up.
'Caught Ya Bitch'
But as soon as I stood up, I felt something pressed against my head. I slowly turn around and see the man himself Lucifer Azoth standing in front of me. He seems to be drenched in water for some reason and out of breath but I ignored that because fear started to settle in me.
He was holding a pistol and pressing directly against my head.
(Narrator Pov)
As soon as Lucifer realized there was an intruder he came up with a plan. He purposely opened up his safe to bait her. But he also needed something in it for his plan, he had a fire escape key in it which he took out and calmly left.
As soon as he got in the elevator, he hopped on top of the elevator shaft and waited for the next floor elevator floor door to appear and jumped to it, and forcibly opened it.
He ran full speed to the fire exit door and realized he needed the key and a code.
'Fuck, I forgot what it is, oh well, I guess I can just hack it.'
It took him a couple of minutes to finish hacking it and once he did, he inserted the key and climbed the ladder as fast as possible. The only problem was that the ladder was outside and it was currently raining so he had to be very careful because of the rain that's making it very slippery.
Finally, once he was done, he sees the intruder opening up the safe.
Lucifer just calmly gazed at the masked individual who seemed to be a girl based on her body, he could see she was starting to get scared but her eyes seem oddly familiar.
He made sure to instill fear into her because he was mad that someone tried to steal from him. That's why he put the gun against her head, some people might call this stupid but he knew very well that this girl is too dumb to even counter him using the pistol.
And even if she did he would instantly counter back.
Then it struck him.
"I see Elizabeth, so this is what you were planning."
The girl's eyes widened in shock.
'How did he k-'
"You're probably thinking how does he know, let's just say I'm very observant." He snickered.
Most people would call him a pervert but he really is just an observant person, from his past experience, he can be considered a person who pays attention to all the details. Just by her eyes, he can recall that the masked individual in front of him is his assistant.
"Earlier in these past few weeks, I've seen that your eyes seemed to linger everywhere as if you're looking for something. Your body would also unconsciously move towards expensive objects, plus your eyes seem to have a lot of greed."
She shuddered,' He realized it was me, just from that!'.
She was shocked that he could figure out it was her just from small details like that. She could hear sirens coming from outside the balcony, her eyes widened in realization.
"Now let's wait for the police." Lucifer stated calmly gazing at the women in front of him.
Elizabeth started to panic but suddenly her eyes became resolute. She charged at him trying to body him into the window behind him. She thought if she was going to go down, he was gonna go down with her.
She lunged at him believing he wouldn't shoot a girl like her.
'Yes, I've got hi-'
One gunshot resounded in the penthouse.
She looked down and saw blood, she was shocked.
'He shot me. HE shot me! HE SHOT MEE!!'
She got angry and kept going forward but
A couple of shots later, Lucifer completely mag dumped her. He stared at her for a while before sighing, "What an idiot." shaking his head, he started to walk away.
He was going to let her live but she just had to do something like that.
Feeling his instincts warning him of something, he turns around just to see the girl pushing her body into his with full force against the window behind him.
"Ah fuck."Lucifer cursed quietly.
Hearing glass shattering he feels himself in the air freefalling. The girl still holding onto him laughing like a crazed person.
"Bitch who said I was dying!!" Lucifer yelled, cutting her off.
He kicked her off him and started to adjust his positioning in the air. He pulled something under his jacket and a parachute shot out of his back. She looked at him in disbelief but it soon turned into anger.
She couldn't finish her sentence as she literally splatted on the ground like a squished tomato.
"Idiot, you think I didn't expect this as a possibility of happening." He snickered, he found that look of disbelief in her eyes funny as hell.
He started to adjust the way he was gliding with his parachute but something unbelievable happened. He realized his parachute jammed randomly.
'Ah fuck, I'm really retarded, at least she didn't find out she killed me.'
He started free-falling all over again straight down to his death, to be reincarnated into a whole new world with fantasy.