
Strong Allies!! End of War!!

"Lucifer I'm so gonna kill you when we're back."

Lucifer smirked at his words but stayed silent.

In front of Rimuru, words only he could see appeared.

{New Ultimate Skill: [Duke of Hell, Agares] Activated}

Velgrynd narrowed her eyes at the blackish aura emitting of Rimuru in waves.

'A demon? No, by the features of this individual this should be Rimuru Tempest the slime. Well no matter, he's not my opponent either way.' Velgrynd just smirked.

Lucifer behind Rimuru fell on his butt and was breathing heavily as his chest was slowly regenerating along with his left arm.

Rimuru glanced behind him and noticed Lucifer's state.

A glint of worry appeared in his eyes until disappearing soon after.

"That's what you get for lying, leave the rest to me." Rimuru slowly walked toward Velgrynd and Kondo with cold eyes.

"Go get my get back partner." Lucifer chuckled, if need be he was ready to assist Rimuru but he would only watch for now.

"Wait what about this magic that's keeping me stuck here!?" Lucifer questioned with a gobsmacked face.

Rimuru ignored Lucifer's words and continued walking.

Each step he took would melt the ground, magma would rise out of wherever he stepped.



Until finally, he was face to face with Velgrynd and Kondo.

"A slime dares-"


Velgrynds words were cut off as Rimuru's katana clashed with her sword.

"I didn't come here for chitchat." Rimuru simply stated and lunged at her.

Velgrynd glared but nonetheless responded with force.




They continuously clashed until they started to fly up into the air following each other.

Velgrynd was on Rimuru's tail firing light beams at him while he continuously dodged.

"Running away now!? Coward!" Velgrynd taunted while speeding up easily.

Rimuru ignored her words and continues going up until suddenly he stopped flying.


He started to free-fall downward while increasing his speed with Magicules heading straight toward Velgrynd.

"Trivial!" Velgrynd didn't attempt to dodge, rather she went head-on with his simple strategy.

As soon as their swords were about to clash, Rimuru suddenly changed his trajectory to above Velgrynd.

"Huh?" Velgrynd was perplexed at his goal until suddenly feeling a minuscule amount of energy being taken from her body.

Rimuru attempted to sap her energy using his new {Ultimate Skill: [Beelzebuth]} but it seemed his opponent was too powerful for it to be useful.

'Great Sag- I mean Raphael what seems to be the best plan?' Rimuru questioned inwardly while activating [Thought Acceleration].

Rimuru listened to Raphael's words and suddenly appeared in front of Lucifer on the ground.

Velgrynd was right behind him and landed beside Kondo who was enamored in their fight not even bothering with Lucifer.

"You give up after realizing the power difference?" Velgrynd looked at Rimuru condescendingly.

"Don't get too ahead of yourself. I was acting a bit unlike myself earlier but now that I'm calmed down, you should be pretty easy to handle." Rimuru shrugged while giving Lucifer some Magicules to heal.

"Bastard!" Velgrynd didn't like being ignored but she knew she had to calm down.

"I'll admit I underestimated you, but be ready, I'll be serious now."

Velgrynd lunged at Rimuru with speed on a whole another level than before.

'If I was fighting you by myself I might have been quite worried, but I'm not alone.' Rimuru calmly stared at Velgrynds approaching figure with [Thought Acceleration].

'Release' Rimuru commanded inwardly.

Suddenly a bright golden aura separated from Rimuru and took on the form of a gigantic dragon.

Velgrynd came to a skidding stop.

"It can't be!" Velgrynd's eyes widened at the familiar aura.

"The man the myth the legend." Lucifer himself smiled brightly.

The dragon seemed to have already taken on a physical form.


"Such Magicules, he has even more than Milim!" Even Rimuru himself was astonished at the bright golden aura being emitted from him.

Veldora spread his gigantic wings out, flying high in the sky, and let all his Magicules loose.

"I'M BACK BITCHES!" Veldora exclaimed.

The airships in the air were pushed back by the wild aura.

While Lucifer and Rimuru couldn't help but chuckle at his behavior.

The whole world itself felt the aura, everyone now understood Veldora the Storm Dragon is back.

"YOU IDIOT! Come down here right this instant!"

"Who dares!?-oh." Veldora looked down and noticed Velgrynd in her human form glaring at him.

Normally he would back down but now he has a home and sworn brothers depending on him.

He stopped showing off his aura carelessly and seriously looked down at his sister.

"This is my new home with my sworn brothers! I will not back down regardless if your my sister or not!" Veldora flamboyantly stated while landing beside Rimuru who was helping Lucifer stand up.

If one were to pay close attention though, he was sweating bullets.

'Hopefully, she backs off, I'm not strong enough to beat her currently.' Veldora stared at Velgrynd, hiding his nervousness.

"You've grown some balls these past few hundred years. I'll forget your previous statement if you join the Eastern Empire." Velgrynd looked confident that Veldora would accept.

"I'm good." Veldora instantly rejected.

"What?" Velgrynd stared at Veldora dumbfoundedly.

"I said I'm good, I'm happy where I'm at currently. Now go away." Veldora seemed to have gotten more confident while the conversation went on.

"You can't-"

"He said he's good, now fuck off."

Lucifer interrupted their conversation.

"This is a family matter, this does not concern you!!" Velgrynd retorted angrily.

"You think your his family? When he was imprisoned none of you tried to even look for him and left him by himself for hundreds of years."

"I-it was a g-good lesson to be learned." Velgrynd eye's widened at his words.

"You left him alone for hundreds and thousands of years for a man just like your other sister. That's not family, you guys are a bunch of hoes." Lucifer continued to insult Velgrynd with furrowed brows.

Veldora himself was shocked, he never had anyone defend him from his sisters before.

He rarely was ever treated kindly but once meeting these two, that changed.

'It feels good to have reliable friends.' Veldora slightly smiled in his dragon form.

'But what's a hoe?' He added inwardly with a confused expression.

"H-hoe!?" Velgrynd was beyond flabbergasted at the situation.

Never once has she been so humiliated.


She was about to retort but an immense white/gold aura even more powerful than her's descended beside her.


Once the debris disappeared, a man with golden hair and royal clothes can be seen.

"Are you having trouble?" Rudra calmly asked while staring at the individuals in front of him.

"Rudra! You didn't hav-"

"It's fine Velgrynd, even against these three you might have some trouble." Rudra cut off Velgrynd and simply explained.

Velgrynd sighed but nodded nonetheless.

'I hate to break my promise to Guy about not participating in the war. But these two have the potential that could destroy the kingdom I've built. It's best to kill them before they grow any further.' Rudra inwardly thought.

"You must be Emperor Rudra?" Rimuru questioned while Lucifer and Veldora seemed to be having some bromance behind him.

"Yes and you are Rimuru Tempest I assume?"

Rimuru simply nodded.

"Okay I won't waste our time here, surrender. You should know you can't beat us with only the three of you." Rudra scoffed.

"Who said it was only the three of us?" Rimuru mysteriously questioned.

'Demon Gate Summoning' Rimuru commanded.

A gigantic ominous gate appeared behind Rimuru, startling even Lucifer and Veldora who were conversing in his human form.

'He is indeed as powerful as I heard.' Rudra's eyes slightly widened.

Once the gate opened, coming out of it were three females with hair colors, yellow, purple, and white.

Behind them followed hundreds of demons, with multiple powerful Greater Demons and Arch Demons.

"You summoned Blanc, Violet, and Jaune at once. Impressive, but their far from enough to defeat me." Rudra stared at the three most powerful demonesses leading the army of demons.

"Their not all." Lucifer smirked beside Rimuru.

Rudra's eyes widened once he felt the multiple aura's approaching at an incredible speed.


Multiple figures landed beside Rimuru, Lucifer, and Veldora.

Once the debris cleared up, Rudra couldn't believe his eyes.

"Guy!? Milim!? Ramiris!? Even Noir!?"

"What the fuck!?" Rudra had his mouth agape at the individuals in front of him.

There were other individuals too, such as Clayman who seemed to be unconscious while being dragged by Diablo, and Frey.

"You really were about to break the agreement weren't you?" Guy questioned calmly taking the initiative.

"Well you know, sometimes you gotta do things yourself." Once Rudra calmed down, he replied.

"Listen back off, you know you can't take us all at once, nonetheless me by myself." Guy chuckled while narrowing his eyes at Rudra, waiting for his decision.

"I should destroy him and that dragon! They were gonna try and kill my besties!" Milim exclaimed while stepping up.

"Milim my niece!?" Velgrynd questioned surprised by her face.

"Your core seems familiar but I don't know you." Milim looked at Velgrynd and cocked her fist back.

"Wait I'm your dad's sister!" Velgrynd hurriedly explained.

'She's dangerous!'

"Doesn't matter! You tried to kill my besties-!" Milim was about to launch at Velgrynd until a firm hand grabbed her shoulder.

"Calm down Milim." Guy stared at Milim and noticed her rising aura.

Milim ignored him and turned around to look toward Lucifer and Rimuru.

They both nodded that it was fine.

"Fine but you owe me honey and chocolate cake." Milim begrudgingly stepped back beside the rest.

"By the way are you guys okay!?" Ramiris who was silent until now started to fly around Rimuru and Lucifer.

"Yeah we're fine and good job for calling Guy." Lucifer replied while Rimuru stayed silent.

"Just following your orders captain!" Ramiris playfully saluted.

Diablo was behind them, he could feel the tension between Rimuru and Lucifer.

'Serves that pretentious bastard right, he'll fall out of grace with our Lord Rimuru soon.' Diablo inwardly snickered and looked back toward the conversation between Guy and Rudra.

"Should we consider our agreement to not participate null and void?" Guy questioned seriously.

"Might as well." Rudra shrugged.

"You better pray I don't see you in the future battles or I'll have to add more losses to your record against me. I think it was 153-0." Guy smirked.

"Tch whatever, you act like you weren't nearing death each time." Rudra turned around and urged the shocked Velgrynd and Kondo to follow.

They soon followed after him with Velgrynd shooting one last glance toward Milim before flying back toward the airship.

Once all the airships disappeared, Veldora laughed.

"KAHAHAA! My sworn brothers defeated the empire after living only for a few months! As expected!" Veldora brought Rimuru and Lucifer into a bear hug.

Guy's eyes widened at Veldora's statement.

'Few months of being born? Most likely means their otherworlders with immense potential. No wonder Rudra broke the agreement.'

Guy glanced at the cheering Veldora, Lucifer, and Rimuru with a nod.

'They should be good allies.'

"T-that w-was anti-climatic." Lucifer muttered while being squeezed.

The sun started going down and the atmosphere around them brightened while walking back toward Tempest.

"Your hair looks stupid." Diablo stated while walking.

"What?" Guy's brow twitched.

"I didn't stutter." Diablo added.


Guy and Diablo Bickering.

"Kisuke is better than Kakashi as a sensei!" Lucifer exclaimed.

"KAHAHA! You have much to learn, I'll admit Kisuke is way stronger but Kakashi is just cooler!" Veldora retorted.

"Don't be stupid! Kisuke is way cooler and his intelligence is out of this world!"

"But Kakashi has the Thousand Years of Death Jutsu!" Veldora replied.

"Are you serious?" Lucifer just looked at him weirdly.

Veldora and Lucifer arguing about anime.

"Honey Cakes!? Such things exist!" Milim looked at Rimuru with starry eyes.

"Yeah! There's tons of honey stuff!" Rimuru replied.

"You have to take me there! Like now!" Milim jumped up and down in excitement.

"Don't worry I'll take you in the future." Rimuru smiled while patting Milim's head.

Rimuru teaching Milim about his world.

Frey looked at this wholesome atmosphere with a lonely gaze.

"Come on Frey! You can be the deciding factor of this argument!" Frey looked up and noticed it was the guy called Lucifer who Milim talked about.

"It's fine-"

"Nope your coming here!" Lucifer ignored her and pulled her to him and Veldora.

"Okay randomly choose between one. Kakashi or Kisuke?" Lucifer questioned.

"Choose Kakashi." Veldora whispered quietly.

"I heard that!" Lucifer stared at Veldora with a scrutinizing gaze.

"W-what are you talking about? I didn't say anything." Veldora looked around, acting confused.

Lucifer stared at him with a raised brow.

Frey slightly smiled at their interaction.

"I choose both." She suddenly stated.

Veldora and Lucifer stopped their bickering and stared at her.

"What!? You can't choose both! " Lucifer looked at her dumbfoundedly.

"Is she what they call thots! I've heard of their kind in the ancient scriptures!" Veldora stated.

Causing Lucifer to chuckle.

"Thot?" Frey looked at him confusedly.

"I also know how to deal with thots."

Veldora walked closer to her.

"BEGONE THOT!" Veldora kicked her to space.


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