
Adventurer's Guild

After they were done with the food, they went to the trader's district to see if there was anything good that they would like.

The inn they were staying at was pretty high-end so it was close to the center of the city. So, they went to the higher-end areas closer to the center first, where big shops for all kinds of wares were present.

For the next few hours, both Mai and Masashi went around all kinds of shops and bought a lot of things.

"Yue isn't out yet?" Mai observed.

"Still asleep. She probably wants to give the both of us alone time since she's always there."

"She's so thoughtful."

They check out the crafter district of the city and don't see anything that would be better than their armor so they go back to the hotel after that.

Masashi spawns Yue on the bed in their room.

"…Hmm? Mai? Masashi?" Yue's acting sleepy even though she was pretending to sleep for a while now.

"Thank you, Yue. You gave us a good amount of alone time to hang out."

"What?" Yue feigns confusion.

"Come on, we're already in Fuhren, we can go around the place and see the different things that are going on."

"Really!" Yue instantly perks up.

"Yep, we'll go shopping and see if you like anything before we get dinner. I'll take care of the status plate thing tomorrow."

They spend the rest of the day shopping for things for Yue and then get dinner at another restaurant.

Although Yue can get nutrients from normal food, she prefers directly drinking Masashi's blood. And for a vampire, blood would always be the best delicacy.

"The food that you both make is better." Yue evaluates the food that she's eating in the restaurant.

"Thank you, Yue."

"Can we stay here for another day after tomorrow? I want to explore the place more." Yue asks.

"I don't see how that's a problem. We'll leave the day after tomorrow."


The next day, Masashi and Mai were sitting in the office of the branch chief of the Adventurer's guild, Ilwa Chang. Yue is trying some new magic so she's in the inner world working on that.

They both had walked into the guild intending to talk to the receptionist. They were going to try and get a meeting with the branch head of the adventurers' guild, failing which they would use some persuasive methods. But when they greeted the receptionist she told them that the branch head was already expecting them.

Then she called someone to guide them to the office of the branch head.

"So, what's the deal?" Masashi tries to break the ice.

"The deal is that you guys are even worse than the previous anomalies that came to Fuhren. Everywhere you go at least 5 people are rushed to the hospital due to spontaneously fainting. Even now the hospitals are overcrowded." Ilwa says in an exasperated tone.

"How do you even know it's our fault?"

"I was given a little heads up by your friend that was here before."

"I thought as much…" 'Isn't that like completely out of character for him though? That guy has enough time to care…? Wild.'

"Is that the reason there wasn't anyone trying to arrest us even after 2 days in this place?" Mai chimed in.

"Yes, he had something to ask for from me, he told me in passing that the 'heretics' of the holy church are a farce and I shouldn't antagonize you guys. I was very willing to heed his advice."

"Color me surprised. Isn't he supposed to be edgy as fuck and uncaring of anyone and anything around him?"

"I know not of whether he's 'edgy', but the second part of your sentence is true. I can only guess that you did something that he's thankful for." Ilwa has enough experience to read and understand Hajime's attitude easily.

"I see. Cool, but I also need something from you. A status plate to be precise."

"Surprising, aren't you both two of gods' chosen? You guys should have your status plates, no?"

"I need it for a friend."

"I see, I won't ask too many questions other than that you let me see the status of that friend."

"No, instead I'll offer you this." Masashi flat-out refuses and puts a familiar vial of red potion on the table.

Looking at the blood-red potion on the table Ilwa asks, "…And this is?"

"A healing potion. A panacea to be precise. No matter the severity of the injury it can be healed with this. Even mutilated limbs or injuries along those lines."

Hearing Masashi's words Ilwa has a shocked look on his face.

"Impossible… The only thing that comes even close to this is the mythical Ambrosia and even that can't heal that kind of injury."

"I'll give you this vial for free to test. I'm sure you have someone with an injury like that here."

"If you're lying to me…" Ilwa trails off as he looks at Masashi.

"I have no benefit in doing so. You already helped me out by going against the church's decree to capture us on sight, I have no reason to fuck with you like this. Although you can't do shit to me if I am lying."

Ilwa gets up from the couch to walk out of the room, "Please wait for a few minutes. I'll bring someone."

With that, he walks out of the room.

"An awful lot of trust leaving us alone in his office like this, eh?" Masashi turns to Mai.

"He's a people person. His entire job works on reading people. He understands your dismissive attitude toward pretty much everything here." Mai is pretty good at reading people after years of running her own company and dealing with all kinds of people.

A few minutes later Ilwa walks in with another person who's walking with a little limp in their step, the new guy has an anxious expression on his face as he hurries inside the room.

"Are you sure?" That person asks Ilwa.

"Positive." That was all the confirmation that he needed.

He takes a swig, emptying the entire contents of the vial that was on the table. Then at the next moment, he falls on the couch as the wooden prosthetic that he was using falls out from his pants and a brand new foot grew out.

"Oh my god!" For a while, that man was dumbfounded.

He went through a series of emotions ranging from melancholy to helplessness within 15 seconds as he finally stopped at gratefulness.

"…T-Thank you, mister… for this. T-Thank y-you so much." He holds on to Masashi's hands and shows such intense emotions that even Masashi is a little affected.

Masashi smiles lightly, "It's fine. I'm just here to make a deal with guild leader Ilwa. You should thank him."

After a few minutes, the guy leaves and Ilwa takes a seat in front of Mai and Masashi with a complicated expression on his face.

"No matter what, I'm immensely grateful. You don't need to worry, I'll fulfill any of the demands you may have just for that bottle alone."

"It's fine. That one was a tester anyway. I'll be giving you 5 of those vials to do with as you wish. I just need you to give me a few status plates."

"That's an easy task. But may I ask why you need more?"

"Saving 'em for a rainy day."

"I see. I won't ask any questions. Give me a day, I need to arrange the plates since I don't have any to give on hand."

"No problem, we were planning to stay here for another day anyway."

They spend the rest of the day looking around Fuhren at the tourist attractions. Masashi took Mai and Yue to the aquarium and even told Yue the story of How he met her Mother.

…Ahem. Sorry, wrong story.

He told Yue the story of how he met Mai and the bizarre phenomena surrounding Mai.

"You must've been terrified." Yue holds Mai's hand.

"Honestly… I was. It was all because of Masashi that I was able to keep myself together." She gives Masashi a loving smile.

There was even a museum that was made to honor the founder of Fuhren.

Some constructive criticism would be helpful. If I made any mistakes please let me know, and I'll fix them. I'm only human, I make mistakes.

I post 10 advance chapters of the novel on my Patréon along with some exclusive R-18 scenes. Check it out.


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