
24 minutes

The rain poured hardly as I ran crying, I wipe my tears but it keeps on falling down. "Please hear me out!!" He shouted from behind me. I didn't turn around and just keep on running.. What should I do?? What should I do?? I can't think of anything. Without thinking twice I cross on the street still wiping my tears, the sounds we're faint as a bright light shines on my face. That's when I heard...

Nyxine89 · Teen
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20 Chs

Chapter 18~ Traitor

The rain taps on the window as the rain poured outside, I could only see the droplets on the window pane.

"Mimi, you should eat at least.." Kim smiled caressing my hair.

I didn't reply staring outside, a day to start with something so... Tragic.

"I don't want to eat." I simply replied.

"But you didn't eat anything since-"


He stood there frozen, why can't they understand a simple sentence, simple words. Do I have to explain each word. Surprisingly, Joon cracked a smile.

I grip on my blanket as a liquid ran down my cheek.

"W-Why can't you understand... Why!!" I screamed at him. I wiped my tears as it keeps on flowing,

"Mia..." A familiar voice echoed inside the room,

I look up as he stood there frozen.

"How dare you show up here after doing this to her!!" Jake threw a punch on him.

Clyde stumbled on the floor but stood up looking at me, his eyes were swollen and sincere it was mesmerizing. He cracked a smile walking through my brothers.

"Babe I'm here now... I'm here-"

"Just get out," I broke his sentence.

He looked at me as I gaze back at him coldly. He didn't say anything and just stared at me,

"Mia, please let me explain." He pleaded to hold my hands, I didn't move an inch and just stared at him.

I grip my hands on the sheets looking down.

"I'm begging you to get out... I don't want to see you again!" I shouted at him.

"Mia please-"

I yank his hands away aggressively slapping his face crying hardly, it hurts me to see him here, it hurts me so much that I want to kill him with that Walker.

"Can't you understand... I lost it! 𝐼 𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑡 ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑚𝑦 𝐵𝑎𝑏𝑦!"

He froze on his spot as I began to cry harder.

"Let you explain?? Explain what?? How you used me, how you cheated on me with Annia?? How you slept with her, you disgust me!! I'm pregnant, I was 3 months pregnant with our daughter while you're having sex with her!!" I shouted.

Everyone froze without saying anything.

"I loved you, I trusted you, Clyde!! Tell me, did I failed to satisfy your needs? Did I fail to give you something?? I can't find a reason why would you betray me!!" I continued.

My chest began to tighten as I cried hysterically.

"You disgust me... Get out!! Get out!! Don't come near me or I swear to kill you, your the reason that I lost her! I lost my daughter because of her father!! Aren't you disgusted with yourself," I continued.

He didn't answer looking on the floor as I cry.

The door opened revealing Doctors and Nurses.

"GET OUT!!" I screamed throwing the plate and everything I could get a hold of.

"Nurse, tie her down!" The doctor shouted.

"No!" My brothers were about to come near me but I threw a vase in front of them, nurses tackle me down tying my hands as I scream.

"Give me back my baby!! Give me my baby!!"

The sound of footsteps and the doctor yelling for nurses to tie me down as I could feel a needle going through my skin.

"I will kill you!!! I will kill you and Annia!! Mark my words, this day!!"

After a few minutes, I jolted awake grabbing my chest as it was raining hard.

"Babe, what happened?"

I roam my eyes around gazing at Clyde, his here... Clothed, sleeping beside me, worry is visible in his eyes.

"Clyde..." I cried,

He opened his arms as I quickly hug him tightly crying.

"I'm here it's okay... It was just a dream hon, calm down." He caressed my back up to my hair,

I gazed up at him as he smiled kissing my forehead.

"It was just a dream," He laid me slowly humming.

I sigh in relief, It was just a dream... All of those things felt so real.

He wrapped his arms around me assuring me that everything is alright.

"Am I pregnant?" I whispered.

He gazed at me frowning.

"Babe are you sick?" He asked feeling my forehead.

I shook my head, I suddenly stopped feeling nauseous. I quickly got out of bed running inside the bathroom kneeling as I began to throw up,

"Call an ambulance now!" Clyde shouted as I blacked out.

The sound of an ambulance echoed inside my ears as it all faded slowly.

𝗔𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗮 𝗳𝗲𝘄 𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘀

With the sound of people talking and rain dropping on the windowpane, I slowly opened my eyes adjusting to the light.

"Where..." I whispered, Clyde stood up guiding me to sit with a pillow on my back.

"How are you feeling?" He caressed my hand smiling warmly, I smiled back.

"I'm fine hon, what happened?" I asked holding my forehead. The door flung open revealing Dr. Chan having the biggest smile, he was holding a chart like usual.

"I have the biggest and the greatest news!" He exclaimed.

I hummed curiously.

"Congratulations!! Your 2 weeks pregnant!!" He announced.

My eyes widen in shock as tears began to drop.

"I'm going to be a dad!!" Clyde shouted making me laugh in happiness.

He looks at me hugging me gently not wanting to squish me. I chuckle hugging him back,

"Baby we're going to be parents.." He whispered kissing my lips so passionately, it was delicate yet protective. I smile at the kiss as he pulls out caressing my cheek softly,

"Thank you, baby," He smiled.

"Thank you," I smiled back pecking his lips.

It was the happiest day, midnight, and dawn of my life. A blessing, another one. I looked down on my tummy smiling warmly as Clyde caressed it smiling,

"Mommy and Daddy is excited, don't exhaust mommy okay? Daddy will take care of his Princess and Queen, I love you both.." Clyde smile kissing my tummy,

I smile playing with his hair, Honey.

Mommy and Daddy, I promise you hon... Nothing will happen, mommy reassures you, even if Daddy does such a thing just for your sake. Mommy will endure everything, I love you...