

With his scream Lutan looked as if he was perfectly fine .

Lutan's aura became fiery .

The creature said ," Huh now this is something ."

Lutan closed his eyes and opened a portal .

Fire came out of it .

The creature in response opened his own portal from which cold black radiation was coming which turned off fire in a few minutes .

The creature laughing ran towards Lutan and just when he was about to hit Lutan , Lutan opened a portal and quickly moved out of its way .Unable to control its own momentum the creature fell inside the portal and closed it quickly .

But to his surprise another portal opened and The creature came out of it .

The creature came out and said to Lutan," Nice plan but i walk througj these very often ."

Saying this he released beam towards Lutan.Lutan managed to tackle it with his sword .

Lutan thinks ," This thing is immensely powerful ."

The creature laughs and says ," Well , You are trying really hard But i can read your mind ."

Suddenly two golden coloured hands started punching the creature in his stomach superfast .

The creature said ," Good idea for taking away my curse but it works against weaker things not a being like me ."

Saying this it broke the hands with his power into pieces .

The creature again runs towards Lutan.

Lutan puts his shield on but the continuis punch from the creature easily breaks his shield .

The creature catches Lutan by his neck and says,' Good bye , Iam going to send you in hell."

The creature laughs.

Suddenly Lutan's eyes turned red .

Lutan's eyes released a beam towards the creature's eyes .

The creature felt pain in his head and screamrd ;"ahhh" releasing Lutan.

Lutan's voice changed .

Lutan said ," You have gone too far."

The creature said ," I see you are changing your mode .I have faced them before too .Its nit going to be a problem ."

Lutan grabbed the creature's neck from behind and started choking it .

The creature freed himself by punching Lutan in his stomach .

Lutan attacked back at the creature by kicking it in his stomach.The creature fell to a certain distance .

The creature started standing up while Lutan was staring at the creature .

The other creatures present there were ready to attack Lutan but the creature showed sign to them saying backoff .

The creature stood up and said," Its going to be interesting now."

Suddenly a huge explosion occured .

The creature said ," Another group of soliers came to die .So sad "

Suddenly the upper portion of the cave broke and it was none other than Rovette the manager of the Dramon forest .

Rovette said ," So this is where the unwanted guests are coming from. Iam Zedros and i make sure no one interferes there .

With my team I searched for the unwanted places and by finding its location here we are .

Yes , you are right .Iam not alone ."

His entire team suddenly surrounded the whole cave from outside .

The creature said ," So ,you think you are really smart. You are both gonna get crushed here ."

Rovette : Let me ask you creature ," How old are you?"

The creature replied laughing ," Huh, What's that supposed to do ? Iam a hundred years old and I have destroyed many like you .

Rovette : You are just a guy who is given too much power.You are really new here. Don't mess with me.

The creature replied in a bit annoyed voice ," Oh really ."

The creature created a powerful rope and whipped at Rovette. Rovette jumped and escaped from it's attack .

The whipping broke some surrounding rocks.

Safuri arrived at the location .

Safuri says ," Master let me handle these ."

The creature replies in an angry voice ," Get out if my way Safuri or i will also crush you like iam gonna do to them ."

Safuri becomes a little disappointed again as he stands by .

The creature continues whipping but Rovette keeps on escaping its attacks with his quick running and super quick teleportation powers .

The creature thinks and gets a little excited : This guy is quick.This is fun .

Safuri was also tgere noticing Rovette .

Suddenly Safuri gets a huge punch in its face and it was none other than Rovette who landed a huge punch .

Safuri was sent flying away.

Rovette cunningly moves to those places where the other creatures were watching and doing work for the completion of the portals.

Those creatures were ordered not to disturb him during a fight as he never thought that someone would invade like this .

The whipping destroyed those creatures and their experiments they were doing .

Rovette says after everything gets destroyed there ,"What stupid creature fights in work place? You had protected them all by shield which you broke yourself.I didn't do a single thing .Its your overconfidence."

The creature silently murmurs ,"Don't worry this will all be over very soon."

The creature then releases ropes and captures Rovette .

Lutan on the other hand got in a hand to hand fight with Safuri .

Safuri says while fighting ," You have got much stronger in such a short span. You should have done this to save your team."

Lutan says ," Your stupidity to let me leave and help me gain my concentration was the biggest mistake of your life. I always start of like a weak, you must know .I have always been this way but once i get my full concentration i destroy the weaks ."

Suddenly both stopped their fast punching .

Safuri suddenly attacked Lutan in his face and kicked him in his stomach .

He was again strangled with ropes which were crushing him.

Lutan was trying hard to escape .

Safuri laughs and says ,"Huh huh ..

Got you and this time i will not make any mistake as you call it ."

Rovette was also strangled in ropes as the master creature was laughing .

Rovette closes his eyes and he says ," Time for Conduction ."

Rovette opens his eyes and shouts loudly .

The creature was laughing thinking he was crying in pain .

Suddenly the creature got a strong hit on its head.

It was shocked .

Rovette laughs ;" Well Creature your ropes have become a conducting medium for my powers .The pain i get , you will get the same pain and also additonally the powers i develop will reach directly to you .

The creature thinks ," This is impressive."

Suddenly he felt attacks on whole of his body .He felt he was being punched from several directions at once and it was also affecting his energy .

The creature let Rovette free .

Rovette : Hello creature.

The creature says ," You think this is the end but this is not even the beginning."

Zedros : Yeah absolutely .

to be continued

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