
Try for a escape

The creature tries to run towards Rovette but found its legs being pulled by a force.

Rovette : Well what do you say now ?

The creature : Well nuce plan but sorry ut won't work.

The creature uses force but it sees a layer of wall formed around its feet .

The creature tries to get free but it sees that the wall disappeared and chains were holding its feet .

Rovette : Are you facing difficulty creature ?

Well to be honest i didn't think you were that weak . The chains are made of a special type of energy . Now try to escape it .

The creature laughs and says ," I have defeated and laid waste to powerful creatures all around.

You really think you will win."

Saying this the creature screams and the chains broke.

The creature : Well enough of games. Let's finish it once in for all .

Rovette thinks : Well others lost because of their arrogance . Not all battles can be won through strength. I have pissed you off it a little and it is fuming . This creature is a fool . Gaving good strength and power doesn't mean good a planner .

Let me begin the process .

The creature moves his hands in rage and throws a large powerful spinning curse ball which contains massive amount of cursed power that can alter soul power and destroy it completely.

Rovette disappears .

The creature gets a massive punch on its back head which forces it to close its eyes .

Rovette now appears before the creature and says to the creature : Come and get me .

Rovette opens a portal with his hand went inside the portal .

He calls the creature inside it .

The creature says in anger ," You stupid human , i can easily understand your plan.Do you really think this can stop me ?"

Saying this the creature went inside the portal to catch Rovette .The portal closes and the creature and Rovette are now in an unknown desert .

The creature says ," I know what you are going to do but ..."

Suddenly ten Rovette appears surrounding the creature and they started punching the creature's body .

The actual Rovette was watching from a distance .

Rovette gave the creature a salute and disappeared .

The creature is now trapped with The Rovette clones who were attacking the creature releasing its curse and really fast .

The creature released a giant curse ball and destroyed all the clones .

The creature says ," Foolish guy. Iam now gonna desrroy the portal and then destroy him."

Suddenly the creature feels a massive pain in his head . He is not able control his body .

There was a energy near him which was really strong .

The creature forces hard and finally was able to get rid of the energy.The creature was really tired .

The creature opens his portal and reaches Rovette who was inside the cave.

The creature says in a tired voice ," You really think you would get me ."

Rovette comes close to the creature and says ," Goodbye weak creature ."

Saying this Rovette Placed his two fingers on the creatures head and looks at him in rage.

The creature isn't able to control anything .

Rovette says ," Foolish creature ."

The creature suddenly starts disintegrating .The creature eyes were watching its own disintegration in disbelief .

Rovette : You are not a match for me .You re weak .

On the other side Lutan is now caught by Safuri in his magucal ropes .

Safuri : These ropes have killed many wareiors.You are nothing new .

Just an ordinary man .

Lutan thunking ," Damn it at this rate my body may collapse.

I must do something ."

Lutan sends his curse destroyer beam through conduction through Safuri's magical ropes .

Safuri gets a massive shock but he keeps on holding his ropes .

Safuri laughing and saying ," You really thought this would me . Maybe it was just a desperate attempt."

Lutan is struggling to get out and thinks," Damn i have to do something really quick . "

Safuri : You will die by suffocation.But this is no fun.Let me break your arms .

Safuri starts pulling Lutan's arms .

Lutan closes his eyes .

He was feeling like a lifeless soul.Safuri couldn't feel his presence.Safuri thought that Lutab was dead.

Safuri thinks he is finished .

But just then Lutan opens his eyes and starts rrleasing his powers like a current through Safuri's magical rope .Safuri was feeling really great shocks from it but it refused to let Lutan free .

Safuri thinks , Imcredible , How did he get so much power ?"

Lutan increased his force and finally after forcing very large amount of energy Safuri was forced to let Lutan free as Safuri got pushed back .Lutan used excessive force.His face was full of anger , rage and tiredness .

Lutan used his own ropes and caught Safuri and started to crush Safuri with his own ropes.

Lutan says to Safuri," You killed my friends and my teammates .Now watch what i do to you ."

in absolute rage ."

Safuri laughs and says ," I sent him in a peaceful

place.You are going there too ."

Lutan tightens the rope's grip.

Safuri : You have got really good powers .

Why did you not save your friends earlier ? If you used this rage of yours before we could have fought a greater battle earlier .

Lutan : Well I was conserving and gathering my energy back .There is something in this cave whuch reduced my Energy as soon as i entered this cave . I didn't let anyone find about it .

I guess your boss might have put a invisible source near the cave entrance which reduces the Energy and inside the cave when the User with less power arrives you defeat them .Nice trick.You didn't put the sucker anywhere else except for the entrance and specific locations so that the fighters don't get a hint and doesn't return back and tell the higher ups to intervene.You are not that powerful afterall .

But now I have understood your ways . I started meditating and started to focus on my energy as soon i felt a little.disturbance . Fighting you without a proper plan would lead me to get more exposed towards those Suckers and i would get destroyed even more as i didn't know the locations.So I kept on Trying hard even at the worst moment .I have turned my anti sucker system on . Every curse user can use it.It just requires some time to activate .

Safuri in a crushed voice : There is nothing like this . We fight everyone with their powers .

Lutan tells in a cold voice : Get ready to be punished by my friend in the other side now .

Safuri looks surprised .

Safuri's eyes turned red and black smike comes out of his body .

Safuri : Well let's see who is the better between us?

(Safuri laughs)

Safuri suddenly forces and gets free from Lutan's rope as he teared the rope and flies above Lutan .

-to be continued

Coming soon.

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