
Counter Attack

Cardcrow thinking

" If this thing continues this for some more time i will pass out for sure.But I cant move my damn hands. Come on.I can't even use the portal to move to some other place . oh man i guess this is the end.

(Saying this he closes his eyes)

(But soon again he tries to be free)

No I have to fight and I will fight till my last breath .

I can't lose to this curse if I have to become a top curse destroyer . Though this curse is really strong I can't give up . "

Cardcrow tries to throw those things away from him.They now turned into a black heavy rope and tried to strengthen their clutch more.Cardcrow tried to oppose them using his power to free his neck.

He smiled and screamed at the Creature. But now out of the portal more little curses came out .Some looked like rabbit and some like rats and they all jumped at cardcrow again and tried to kill him by suffocation .Cardcrow tried to free his hands but failed again.The creature was watching this and it suddenly started laughing.

" poor man " He said laughing .

Suddenly the sky turned black.The creature was surprised. Out of nowhere another portal opened and out of nowhere thousands of crows came out and started eating the curses. Many of those little creature like curses which formed the rope disintegrated from the formation and started running away.The crows didnt spare any of them.The creature was confused.

Within a small amount of time the curses were finished.

And the crows disappeared within no time .

The creature : Nice I like your willingness to fight.

Cardcrow : You will like my attack more .

(Tries to send a fireball to the creature.)

"The fireball will burn you and disintegrate you into pieces ."

He manages to send one but it was weak The creature easily stops it .

Cardcrow is a little surprised.

He falls to the ground on his knees.His face is filled with blood and his body also looked damaged .

The creature : (Giggles a little and says )You are powerful and smart too.When you screamed you actually sent the code for the crows .The crows seemed to be of another dimension.They are not your powers are they ? Hahahaha!( laughing).Yet they seemed to help you i wonder why ? But nonetheless you lost. You lost the fight.You are so weak right now that you can't even fire a single shot . I noticed the crows were only feeding of small curses and they were not attacking me.

Smart crows ,i have to say but i admire their speed of finishing the curses . Looks like they got scared of me and ran away . They betrayed you .

The creature came near cardcrow and said ," I really surprised you didn't I ?

Hehe ( It said laughing ) . Hey listen me now. Iam actually impressed with your abilities. I will give you the opportunity of telling me your last wish and the best part about this is that If it is something i can do I will do it.

Cardcrow was watching the ground as blood was falling out of his nose . He didn' t respond to the creature's question.

The creature : Look at me . Iam not bad and ruthless as you think . Iam just here to help people.

I just want to make them happy and see them in a happy place. I want to take them out of this fake illusion

Of good and bad . You must have heard the saying " No pain No gain" right . The things iam doing are the minimal prices for the everlasting happiness.So here is my second offer let my curse enter you and turn you into creature of darkness and this way you can help me and my leader's mission of bringing true happiness into this world. Become free in this world .You don't have to Suffer more. Oh I can also see that you have created a shield around us so that other things remain unaffected besides us. I see you care about people. Well I do too. But between me and you the biggest difference between me and you is that I help people get the ultimate happiness with little price while you help them for temporary happiness with a low price which is not even true happiness . In reality you are pushing them towards More sufferings and pain than happiness. You can take off the shield now and lower your sufferings now .

Cardcrow 's fiery aura suddenly turned dark.

Cardcrow : You are right . Make me one creature of darkness.

The creature : Iam feeling a sudden change in the atmosphere .Iam surprised to be honest.I never thought you would agree so easily.I prepared to kill you.

Well good for you , here we go

The creature turns into a dark ball and entered inside Cardcrow.

Suddenly cardcrow's eyes turned red.His aura turned fiery again.

Cardcrow started laughing quickly

.The creature came out of Cardcrow .

It said , "What was it ? It was so warm and scary and your damaged organs seemed to be well too.

What are you ?"

Cardcrow : Throws out a joker card out of his pocket and the portal closes out with a burst .

Another portal opened

Suddenly a large number of crows appeared again and took out the seemingly hand of the creture and disappeared again qyicly before the Creature could even react

The creature becomes angry .

Cardcrow : I know you won't be able to answer a lot of questions I have because seems like you are just a messenger who was just sent to cause destruction in this world.I doubt you had ever seen your Leader .

The creature angrily throws a large ball of red fire towards Cardcrow . In response Cardcrow fires his own fireball and both the fireballs bursts.

The creature is surprised

Cardcrow : The moment I screamed and the crows came I won the battle . You may not know this but I can recover very quickly . I have been in many difficult situations throughout my life . This is just a result of my sufferings that time . I have been in much worse scenarios than this and I still managed to survive .

The creature : Impressive .Now face my rage.

The creature jumps on cardcrow .Cardcrow tries to kick it but it was just a hoax .The real creature appeared from behind and punched cardcrow

.Cardcrow was sent of flying to certain distance.

The creature : I bet you liked that. Now next i will show you what it feels like to fall from sky.

The creature holds cardcrow and flied high in the outer space .

The creature : Such a beautiful scenary.You must enjoy it.

The creatured tried to release Cardcrow from his grip.Just when it was about to do it Cardcrow transported himself back to Earth and also opened a portal very close the creature.Unable to oppose its own momentum the creature entered the portal.Inside the portal there was a red an area full of sand and slightly red light. But yhe most significant thing there was thousands of crows sitting there . They all suddenly attacked at the creature

.The creature tried to fight back by releasing some curse power but the crows were quicly dodging its attacks. Somehow freeing himself from the crows the creature ran quickly towards the rapidly closing portal and it was able to leave the portal just before it closed.

The creature was looking weak.He went to cardcrow .

Cardcrow : You must have seen the crows can attack big curses too .

The creature : What are your powers ?

Cardcrow : Well it ... nothing.

Cardcrow suddnly turns into a huge crow and attacks the creature and splits the creature into two.The creature soon joined again and made a huge black ball full of dangerous curses which wad ready to be released. It was called the huge misfortune curse.According to the creature the curse could Make tens of thousnads of normal person into creatures of darkness .The creature said , " Well time for ultimate bomb.The only reason i was not using it because i wanted to feel like a winner in an one on one fight and also due to my hopes that you would join me . I guess you beat me in that but the victory was always mine."

Cardcrow : well i heard about this thing before. Though I had never seen it before but by learning about its properties i developed a special method too. I surprised you didn't I ?( Telling in sarcastic way. )

Saying this Cardcrow turns into his usual self and made a fiery ball double the size of ultimate misfortune.And without wasting any time fired it.The creatures body along with the ball disappeared with a large blast.Only its head remained.The head fell in the ground. The head suddenly released a red beam towards cardcrow.He dodged it.Then the mouth opened and it released a green gas. The gas was poisonous. Cardcrow sent a swinging beam of air towards the gas and the gas returned tpwards its head.The eyes on the head was giving an indication that it was feeling uncomfortable .

Taking advantage Cardcrow quickly ran towards the head kicked it and opened a "death of curse portal"(This portal takes in curse and releases clean Energy in return but it works only with very low power curse . It consumes very large amiunt of the summoner's power .Cardcrow hoped that by kicking the head he will break the Main supply of power the curse has and turn it into a low power curse) .The head flew in air but it stayed there .It released a beam from its eyes.

Cardcrow dodged it , and looked at the head.

Cardcrow : Enough of your non sense .

Saying this he released a energy beam which destroyed the head and it fell into the" death of curse portal ' and got destroyed.

Cardcrow suddenly felt powerless.

Cardcrow : Damn this portal. It only takes low power curse but still takes so much energy. Thats why nobody uses it.But I have to keep on summoning . If I have to deal with large curse destroying portals and open then frequently this is how I must start.Iam feeling dizzy. I have been just been in a tough fight but this portal made me so weak I barely remember anything about the fight.Well let's sleep.

Saying he took back the shield protecting the outside surroundings .

Suddenly the people outside the shield noticed the broken resturant and started panicking.They started calling Ambulance , Fire station and Police while Cardcrow was lying on the ground sleeping .

He looked like a victim of the resturant tragedy to the people.

In his dreams Cardcrow saw many crows eating grains in an open field in a village where nobody is there .Cardcrow is there with a joker card in Child form wearing a banayan.He watched them and said to himself in dream ," Finally a good dream after so much time.But I feel the nightmare is not over yet .Afterall the creature i defeated felt like an average threat nothing that scary even though it almost had me at many points. Afterall the creature manipulating my dreams must be something big and scary. But right now i will not think about it .Let me enjoy some moments of peace. "

He sat near the grain field and shouted at the crows "Thank you my colleagues for helping me .We are together in this battle ."

-to be continued

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