

Cardcrow wakes up in a hospital. the doctors were standing near him in Surprise.

Cardcrow : What happened ? Why are you looking at me in surprise ?

One doctor said , "Your wounds just healed automatically ! I don't know what to do now . "

Cardcrow : Well you see iam a different type of

a person . So I need different doctors.

Saying this he opened a portal and went inside it

after saying goodbye to the doctors and closed the portal after entering it.

The doctors were confused and were still not believing what they just saw.

Cardcrow moves to the island.

Everybody was really excited to see him.

Jis Tuk and Mith who were eating fruits were also happy .

The manager of the resturant who was an medium aged man with bald head ran towards hima and asked him in a desperate voice ,"Did you defeat that thing ? Is everything alright over there ? "

Cardcrow replied , "Don't worry.Everything is alright . But there is one bad news.Your hotel hmm I couldn''t protect your hotel. I know that you are going to have big loss. Iam sorry for that. "

The manager said crying ," No don't worry about that." My brother is a big buisnessman .He will definitely provide me the funds to start a new one. Its not about the money its all about the memories about the resturant and besides Its not your fault that these came right."

Cardcrow looking at him carefuly

The manager : You don't deserve to give appology.You deserve respect .You are a protector , You are a hero .

What do you say crowd let's give a Round of applause to our Hero. The manager appealed to the people there .

The manger asked cardcrow ,"By the way mr hero what's your name ?

Cardcrow replied ,"Cardcrow"

The manager shouted in loud voice as he somehow manged to hold his tears three cheers for Mr cardcrow,

"Hip Hip"

The crowd replied , "Hurrah" .

Cardcrow said , " Ok enough.Now iam going to send you back.Everybody join in a line."

Everybody stood in line making a square formation.


Cardcrow pointed at Jis Tuk and Mith and said to them, " You three get out of the line. I have some work with you."

Just then a boy from the crowd replied , " I want to join in too. I want to smash those creatures too."

Cardcrow : No its nothing like that. Its just that these 3 ate my donut yesterday.I have to teach them some manners. And don't talk like that idiot Tuk.

Tuk shouted ,"How many times do I have to tell you that Iam not idiot ? Quit calling me that and we didn't eat your donut. "

Jis who was standing behind Tuk understood that Cardcrow was telling that just to scare that boy. He pinched Tuk in the back and whispered in his ears ," He wants to talk."

Cardcrow with an angry voice : Tou know i hate lies Tuk.Tell the truth .

Tuk with a fearful voice : Oh sorry i did . I just dont want to get your strict punishment.They feel like tortures .

Some people whispering ,"Man this guy may be cool but he looks crue."

Cardcrow in an angry voice : Quiet .

The crowd went silent.

Cardcrow with a scary face told the "Well boy if you want to learn some manners as well you are welcome to join them.Though I must tell you its not prerty.

The boy replied almost crying ," Well i have changed my mind Mr cardcrow.Please send me back Please ."

Carcrow : Ok.

He then moved his upwards , whispered something and pointed his hands towards the crowd.Everyone in the crowd were sent back to the location of the resturant.

Cardcrow to Jis , Tuk and Mith : Listen guys .I know you guys have a lot of questions to ask about my powers but i say We do that somewhere else in a place which is protected from these creatures .Let's go.

Cardcrow opens a portal

Tuk : You can go literally anywhere with your portal Mr carcrow.

Cardcrow : Well these are transfer portals.

To go anywhere you must have visited that place and get their portal Acess key . I can only move to those places with portals which I have physically visited and collected their Portal Acess key (PAK). Each wide area on this planet has one PAK . With the PAK you can literally move anyewhere of the place but definitley if you want to move to specific location you must know the location of that place from the Start point of the Key. Only specialist persons can get those.If you were to move without Knowing the place and worst case Without PAK you could still do it but it wull require another level of Dedication Your energy will be heavily drained. Very few can do that .

Tuk : If every portal user takes one key would it not end ?

Cardcrow : The key is not a physical real key.Its

more like a connecting link across various parts of the world. It is made up of many mysterious particles of the Universe including black curse , White curse and Dark Energy . It is like a quick travel system. I personally think there are many ways of accessing them.

Jis : Can we talk about this later ?

Cardcrow : Oh sorry I forgot. You all now enter this portal.

Thry entered the portal. After sometime they reached a beautiful place .The place was looking really beautiful filled with River, Mountains trees and birds.

Jis Tuk and Mith were completely mesmerised by the scenes.

Cardcrow : Well guys welcome to SGN.

Now come with me .

saying this cardcrow jumped into the river even before the trio could even ask a singke thing .

Tuk : This guy has turned mad

Jis : Well I guess i will leave it. I am not good at swimming.

Cardcrow : Just jump in.Don't worry.

Unlike his two friends Mith was looking really excited .He said to them ," Come on guys we can trust him.He is Mr cardcrow afterall."Saying this Mith Jumped into the river too.

Fearful of their future Jis and Tuk looed at each other but eventually decided to jump.

All three were surprised to see that they could breathe and even see underwater.The underwater scene was too beautiful .

Tuk : This is awesome.

Jis : We can talk too.

Cardcrow : Yeah. You are actually protected by the shielding system of SGN.This is a system that has protected many people from drowning over the years.You are actually in an invisible Protective suit made of Chapra .It is also one of the mysterious particles of the Universe known by few .

Cardcrow opens another portal underwater.

"Follow me."He said as he went inside that portal.

Jis ,Tuk Mith followed him into the portal.

after crossing the portal they reached the other side.On the other side of the portal was a Huge gate.Cardcrow said near the gate ," Astra vistas ."

The gate opened.

Inside the gate there Were knights sitting in a row with a sword on both the sides leaving the middle path .As long the eyes could see the knights could be seen. The knights were wearing a steel like looking material's armor and their face alwas covered by a Sharp pointed Mask .

Tuk ,mith and Jis were surprised by this and without understanding what to do they gave a salute to the knights.The knights didn't respond.

Cardcrow laughs slowly by watching this .

Cardcrow : How are you knights ?

Knights stood up in Unison and screamed : Nice sir.

They again sat down .

Tuk closed his ears by hearing the scream.

Jis and Mith were stunned.

Jis then noticed that a far distance a there was a hill and some clouds were strangely moving .

He said ,"Mr Cardcrow whats up with those clouds."

Cardcrow : Its good you noticed that.

Cardcrow shouted : Open it man.

Suddenly the clouds cleared and a castle appeared on those hills.

Jis ,Tuk and Mith were shocked .

Cardcrow : That's where we gonna go and answer everything.

Tuk thinking : Wow such a huge castle.I can eat variety of dishes over there .

Thinking this Tuk became really excited.

Cardcrow : You guys really should prepare yourself for a tough life ahead.

Tuk : Why ?

Cardcrow : You ate those fruits in the island didn't you.That's why ?

Tuk : Were you saving those for yourself ? We are really sorry .

Jis and Mith in Unison : We are sorry too.

Tuk : I already did that for us you know .

Cardcrow : No its not like that and no more questions here .

Let's start walking .We can't go there by walking .

Tuk : But its too far.

Cardcrow : Well I assumed you would say something like this.

Well then .

Cardcrow Whistles throigh his mouth .

some Flying discs appeared.

"Stand on these " said cardcrow

Jis , Tuk and mith were exxited.They yelled ," Oh yeah ."

They stood on those discs and it started flying.

They had some problems trying to balance on it but eventually they got it under control.

The reached at the door of the castle.

Two guards standing there opened the door.

Jis Tuk and mith's excitement could now be seen on their faces.

Before entering Cardcrow said ,"Remember you guys ," No pain no gain ." Saying this Cardcrow entered the castle. Jis Tuk and mith followed too .

- To Be Continued

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