

Thomas's whined like a baby when I punched his nose. Rissa released a dramatic scream while Christine yelled obscenities at me while glaring daggers at me. I didn't care about any of them though. They can all go rot in the underworld for all I care. They crossed a line when they kidnapped my children away from me.

"You evil fucking cun_" Thomas words got cut off when Harald flipped him and placed his leg on his throat.

"Finish that sentence and I'll crush your windpipe." Harald flashed his eyes at Thomas who had gone pale in fear.

Rissa screeched as she rushed forward hitting her tiny fists at Harald who looked bored. "You fucking monsters! Let him go you monsters!"

"Monsters?" I asked looking at Rissa in disbelief. I stepped towards her and she took a step backwards no doubt seeing the anger on my face. "Did you just call us monsters?"

Rissa looked uncertain now as her eyes shifted nervously. "I…um…I didn't mean you…"

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