

The blood of my father clung to my skin. My hands coated with his blood and I could still smell the tanginess of it. I couldn't wash it off, I didn't know what to do I was still in a daze. My father was dead! Just like that. Although he has done the most terrible thing and yes, I haven't forgiven him. Well some part of me haven't but the other part of me though, is heart broken about the fact the man I call my father is dead, with an arrow lodged into his throat.

Ivan had found some clothes in the boat. Then he took my father and wrapped him up with it. It took a lot of persuasion to separate Rissa from Thomas who we decided to bury because we couldn't take him along with us. She had screamed and wailed at the death of her husband till eventually she passed out.

I may not have liked Thomas, actually I don't like him. Still think all of this was his fault for messing with the wrong guy anyway but it was obvious Rissa did love him. Even with all his flaws.

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