
CHAPTER 5-Brotherly Love and Prophecies

Daemon POV

266 AC

My lessons with the "Grand Pervert" were started since everyone thought of me as a genius.

One good thing about Pycelle was that he always tested me by giving me work that no other two year old could do.

One could say I was the smartest toddler in the whole of planetos.

Anyways, the moons passed Tywin left to take care of his pregnant wife which left aerys to finally do some work for once in his life.

Once aerys got to know about how much I like seeing swords and knights he started coming regularly to meet me.

When he would try to hold me I would try to hug him saying "father" over and over again and ge would smile brightly as if he achieved something great.

Rhaegar would be present when all this would happen but he would quietly read his book. I really did feel bad for him.

When Aerys first came to visit , he loudly proclaimed that at least one son of his would become a warrior and his personal slew of sycophants or courtiers whatever you want to call it would laugh as if he said the funniest thing in the world. All of this happened while Rhaegar was present . The poor kid had crocodile tears and went to our mother while crying bitterly.

Aerys the asshole that he was did not say anything , but rather was focused on telling me his exploits and about how great of a warrior he was and how he was knighted because of his bravery .Although he was a bit sour when I asked him who was the one who knighted him.

The lessons with pycelle continued. Since I had read the books I knew all about the different great houses as well as the seven kingdoms. There were lessons about the different free cities and their dialects. I answered each and every question while he grew more and more impressed. By the end of it I was sure he was going to send a letter to the citadel about why I should be admitted into the citadel.

But the lesson in which I was the most attentive was when pycelle would teach me about The Greatest Seafarer In the whole Of Westeros, "Corlys The Sea Snake". The man was a legend and every boy who ever wanted to be a sailor knew about him. Even the Ironborn respected him. With his voyages he made House Velaryon one of the richest house in Westeros. He visited every town, port and city in westeros. He journeyed all across Essos. Travelling as far as The Yi Ti Empire.

He fought one of Westeros's most dangerous, bloody and deadliest civil war, The "Dance Of Dragons". At the age of seventy seven name days he fought for the "Blacks". He was my hero and idol. I wanted to become just like him, A total badass. He was a "true" descendant Of Valyria With purple eyes, silver hair and fair skin.

Then came the topic about my namesake's. Pycelle was not ready to tell me about them. I could understand where he was coming from, after all one started the Blackfyre rebellion while the other fucked his niece just so that he could sit on the iron throne, what great ancestors and namesake's I have. It's a fucking surprise as to why we have not been removed from power even though It has been more than a century since the last dragon died,oh well only seventeen more years to go until the rebellion, unless I have something to say about It.

Because my loving father was showing me affection while ignoring rhaegar, my relationship with my brother started to get strained. He stopped reading to me and the only time I saw him was when we were having our meals together. Just great , the fucker who's sadly my father is ruining all of my plans. But I never give up, so I ran as fast as my little feet allowed me to and went inside the library where the emo guy was busy reading the books and looking angry while doing it.

"Rhaegar" , I said with a quiet voice. He looked at me and then started reading again. The fucker was ignoring me ,but still i went a bit closer to him and again said "Rhaegar". "Just leave ", he said in an angry tone that only a seven year old could muster . I looked down and said, "It's because of what father said isn't it?". Hearing that he flinched and again went back to his books. I continued saying," It does not matter what he thinks of you rhaegar . In the end you are my older brother and even if you love reading books and not fighting It is okay, because no matter what I will never leave your side. I will become the greatest warrior In the whole of Westeros and make sure that no one says anything bad about you since you are my only brother and I love you a lot." After my speech about the heartfelt devotion that I had for my brother , he looked up from his books and I could see the tears glistening in his eyes as well as the snot running through his nose.

In just a second he tackled me towards the floor while hugging me and saying that he was sorry for ignoring me and he would never do that to me since I was his only brother. I could barely breathe since he was suffocating me with his bigger physique. Damn my baby body, I cannot wait to grow up.

I looked behind towards barry to ask for help, but I saw that he also had tears in his eyes looking at the brotherly affection.

After rhaegar stopped crying and suffocating me he helped me sit on the table and was telling me about which book he was reading while I was looking at the various books on the table. My eyes went onto a certain scroll and when I opened it I froze.

This was the scroll which rhaegar read and then decided to learn how to fight. It was the very same scroll which made him think that the dragon should have three heads which resulted in him going after Lyanna and starting the goddamned civil war which resulted in the targaryen's getting fucked right in their ass and getting thrown out of westeros.

The scroll in my hand was none other than the fucking prophecy about the "Prince Who Was Promised"

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