
CHAPTER 6-A Prophecy scorned and the road to the West

Daemon POV

266 AC

As I held the scroll in my hand , many different thoughts came into my mind but the one thought which kept on going in my head was to burn it. But this action of mine would really set off the butterflies in the original song.

If Rhaegar never read the prophecy he would not go to train and become a knight. He would remain the bookworm that he currently was. In Westeros the only thing that the lords respected was martial ability ,everything else came in second . Who wanted to be ruled a person who only had knowledge and not a speck of martial ability.

The only reason why the Targaryens were able to unite the whole of Westeros was because of their dragons. Daeron I united the six kingdoms against Dorne during the Conquest Of Dorne but that was because he had a desire to finish the work Of Aegon The Conqueror. While even Rhaegar in the original song did not have any desire other than reading books before reading the prophecy.

Will it really have a positive effect I really don't know. The last thing the realm needs is a weak king. House Targaryen is only respected, loved and feared because of its accomplishments done by the previous rulers. A continent like Westeros needs a king who can fight his own wars because who would want to fight for a king who cannot raise a sword himself. The last time a bookish man like Daeron II became the king it resulted in the Blackfyre rebellion.

"Could you pass it to me brother?", Rhaegar said smiling at me. It shook me out of my thoughts. Steeling my thoughts i said ," Brother I really need to go and sleep since I am feeling tired, I thought that I could read the scroll before sleeping."

Rhaegar just nodded his head and wished me a good nights sleep, while I merely started walking towards my room with the scroll knowing fully well that I would not be able to sleep.

After Mary tucked me in my bed and left I quietly got up and started walking towards the furnace. As I looked at the logs burning in the furnace I could see and hear the cries of hundreds and thousands of people dying in the flames.

As I threw the scroll in the furnace I saw the flames licking it and then it started burning. A thought came into my mind asking if this Is what the red priests see when they look into the flames . I stood quietly observing as the scroll turned into ashes in a minute and realized that I had irrevocably changed the song. Rhaegar would not become a warrior since he will not end up reading the prophecy and would not think that he was the prince that was promised. He would not try to father three children in hopes of bringing the three heads of the dragon into the world. There would not be a rebellion since he would not try to kidnap Lyanna.

It does not matter if he cannot be a warrior I will be his shield in the darkness protecting him against all of his enemies and If it means killing them I would not bat an eye since all that I have in the world is my family. I would be the Bloodraven to his Daeron , his stalwart and his right hand.

The major threat to the Targaryen rule in the current time period was none other than the STAB Alliance . Starks , Tullys , Arryns and Baratheons. Enemies in the north , enemies in the south , enemies in the east. I am surrounded by them but I will not give up. I do have a way to make sure that they never become that big of a threat but currently I am too tired to think about it.

As I get back onto the bed and close my eyes , I have a small smile on my face thinking about all that would happen since I changed the song, will it change things forever or will it result in the destruction of House Targaryen.


267 AC

The past months flashed by quickly. A lot happened in those months. I could finally run without having to fall down every other second. Sadly the sessions with the residential pervert continued. I would read with Rhaegar, spend time with my mother who still did not stop pulling my cheeks. I could finally start exploring the red keep with barry always hovering behind like my personal shadow. Father still visited me every other day .

The twins too were finally born . I still remember the day when we got to know that Joanna had given birth. . Father had decided that we should have a family meal . We were in the middle of dinner, when Pycelle came in and gave a scroll to father. As he read through the contents his frown became larger and larger and then he just stood up and left to visit one of the whorehouses to relieve himself I believe. I did not see him for a couple of weeks . I would continuously ask barry where he had gone, but barry never said anything rather he was silent. I did not pester him rather I played the role of a child asking for his father to perfection. After all aery's having a good opinion of me was integral to my master plan of course.

While I was busy acting like a child who misses his father my brother rhaegar was least interested, he was being the antisocial kid that he was, only talking to me and mother. My mother was rather happy and was acting smugly ever since the letter carrying the birth of the twins had come.

The biggest thing that changed was the fact that my mother was supposed to give birth to a stillborn girl in the year 267 AC but rather she did not show any signs of being with child. It seems that my birth changed the course of events, and Aery's did feel the need to have another kid since he already had an heir and a spare.

Finally It is my nameday and there is going to be a feast for me. But before the feast Aery's had called the entire family to the throne room. As soon as I entered the throne room I could see several dragon skulls lying around , with the biggest skulls being at the start of the throne room while smaller ones were near the "Throne". Whenever I saw the "Iron Throne" a chill went down my spine. It was an asymmetric monstrosity of spikes and jagged edges and twisted metal.

This was the creation which was made by Aegon Targaryen with the help of his dragon Balerion . As soon as my father saw me his face lit up and motioned me to come closer to the throne. "My son it seemed that you had been asking where I was for the past months." he said in a tender voice. I meekly replied , "Yes father I was worried whether you were alright." Hearing me say that he started beaming and said ," At least one of my sons misses me". Rhaegar quietly looked down.

" Maybe I should make Daemon the heir", he said in a serious tone. I looked up at him in shock . It was too early for him to go cuckoo. There was a loud gasp as all the courtiers were shocked hearing their king say that. It was not something which should be said lightly. They started laughing nervously while I could hear barry shifting his feet behind me. Seems that he was as shocked as I was.

After Aery's raised his hand the nervous laughter stopped and he looked at me saying, "Daemon It seems that we need to go to the Westerlands to collect my wayward hand don't you think?". I gulped nervously cursing my luck and said " Your wish is my command father". Hearing that he started cackling loudly and saying " Good ,good".

It seems that I would be leaving the goddamn city for the first time and would be going to the lion's den.

Fuck my life.

There will be a weekly update every Sunday . Thanks for supporting me . You guys are the only reason I'm continuing this story despite my busy college schedule.

lots of love

- Last_Quincy out

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