
Free (3)

Priscilla was glad to return home in the late hours of the night to avoid being seen by anyone. She sent the guards away before she exited the carriage so they could not see her filthy appearance and went up to the house. When she entered it was quiet as the servants had retired for the day by now.

Priscilla first went to get a bottle of wine Edmund had been saving for a special occasion. She wasn't fond of such drinks but after how she spent the last couple of days it was needed. Priscilla opened the bottle and drank straight from it. Her face scrunched up from the strong taste but it helped to numb her.

She continued drinking it while she walked upstairs to her bedroom. She was in urgent need of a bath and for the dress she had been wearing to be burned right after. 

"Priscilla?" She heard her name the moment she entered the bedroom.

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