
Letters (1)

The next day, Alessandra walked slowly downstairs, a yawn escaping her lips as she was still tired. Unlike the day before, the house was back to having servants roaming around.  She looked at the large clock as she reached the first floor and found out that it was nearing noon. She had missed breakfast with Edgar who was out of bed by the time she woke up. Of course, he would be perfectly fine the next day. 

"Duchess!" Sally called, running to Alessandra from the direction of the dining room. "I was coming to check on you. I would have helped you get dressed if I knew you were awake. The Duke ordered me to keep checking on you."

"I wasn't in need of assistance this morning," Alessandra said as she would have died of embarrassment if Sally saw the marks covering her body. She had to wear a dress to cover her neck and even her arms. "What time did you return?"

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