
Chapter 10

Katherine POV

It's been a month since Mr.Kyro preformed the ritual to awaken Dear's powers, and thought I can feel that Dear is okay, i'm still worried. No one has ever taken this long to wake up, however the Nobles have discovered the longer you take there's a higher percentage of you awakening a stronger power. Hopefully that his case.

I'm not the only one whose worried. Silas, in the beginning, was none stop by Dear's bed, tears of blood falling from his eyes. It was only on the fourth day, that he left the room and began training, pushing harder than he was before. However because of his hard work, Silas has become very strong, even being able to take down some veteran Blood Servants-- and some of those servants have defeated the top noble of his age group.

In this time though, Silas and I have grown close. He now sleeps with me, letting me actually hold him close, instead of looking for approval from his father first. I guess that has to be because his father isn't here, but nonetheless, he doesn;t has that look of hesistation or fear when he gets close to me. Instead, he even takes the intial move to hold my hand when we walk the many halls of the house, or hugs me without asking.

Really, I'm starting to love this boy, as if he's my own, but I wouldn't want to push myself in the role of mother if he doesn't think of me as his mother himself.

That's what I thought anyway, but i was proven wrong.


It was the start of the second week of Dear being sleep, and Lilth-- the bitch-- came into my house. The look of rage she had on her face, was slightly frightening if only I cared for what she thought.

"How dare you take Mi Corazon from me," she growls. "It's not like we intended for this to happen, but you know what will happen if we aren't together."

"I don't care," i scream. "He was mine first, and you all decided to put your claws into him!"

"Katherine, you know that isn't how it happened!"

". . . get out."

"Don't do this, your going to end up killing us all, all because of your possessiveness!"

Before I can respond, a small firm hand grabs mine.

"You're making mummy upset," Silas glares. "Leave."

"You brat!"

Lilth steps foward, however, Silas is one step ahead of her, and in the blink of an eye, he's behind Lilth. Becasue of the height difference, he climbed her back, holding a dagger to her throat. Lilth, who underestimated him, pauses, a drop of sweat falling from her face. Silas goes to cut her throat.

"Stop," i command.

Two blinks, Silas is back at my side, a thin line of blood appears on Lilth's neck.


"Because, your father needs her, so you can't kill her," I confess, kneeling down to Silas.

"You can't tell your father."

". . .You know I can't do that mummy, but i will give you time. Three days. In three days after he wakes up, you have to have told daddy. If not I'll tell him, myself. and I just about know what it's all about."

This little boy is scary. He's only 10, and he's already blackmailing and everything.

i nod my head, and Silas walks away, not before glaring harshly at Lilth, who just now has waken from her shock.

"What are you feeding your kids these days?!"

"He's been training, working his ass off, unlike the regular noble adolescent," i grin, pride thumping in my chest. "He's strong, for a boy his age, and he'll only grow strong."

Lilth rolls her eyes.

"There you go again. This is the same thing that happened when we first met Rowan, and now you're doing it with his son?! Don't tell me that everyone you see is off limits to the whole world?"

Lilth anger bubbles.

"Is it wrong to want that," I wonder, out loud. "To my Dears that i deem worthy of me, is it wrong to want them only for me?"

"...No it's not wrong, but when it involves other like me, Maximus, Elizabeth, Liam, and Theo, don't you think that it's unfair. We could all die, including you."

Lilth makes valid points, and no matter how much I want to disagree, I can't.

"Fine dammit," I sigh. "Just give me some time to tell him. Right now, dear is going through the ritual to awaken his powers, and I don't know when he'll wake up."

Lilth nods," That's fine, but hurry, I don't know how long Liam can wait. His bloodthirst has always been high. Theo and Maximus are trying theiir best to cool his bloodlust. There's only so much we can take now that you've divided the family."

Lilth turns, walking away, but the words leave a sting in my heart. I know all of this is my fault, I can be possessive more times than not, but it's a feeling i have a hard time controlling. Now I've disrupted the family, and everything could fall apart because of me. Tears fall from my eyes, and i fall to my knees, and sob. My heart aches, and the bonds attached seem to drift farther and farther away. The pain hurts, but it's a pain that I brought onto myself.

Things are coming together, and only time will tell now what could be amist. How will this problem be fixed after being stirred for so long?

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