
Johnny Blaze

Nie Long " Yes, the same Guy. He is meant to be your comrade. But now he is abandoned child who got punished by his Father. I don't want you to go and make trouble for a while. I only want you to clear the area for possible destruction when Thor breaks out to get his Hammer or his friends come to visit him. All I want is let the farce of Odin his father prepared for Thor to continue. "

Fury '' Why should we not interfere, We can.... " Nie Long " Odin is nearing his death, he wanted to teach Thor about being a qualified king. Remeber the Earth is safe all these years is due to Odin acting as a deterrent, The Cree attack that you experienced will not have any action on Earth because Odin would have saved even without Danvers. "

Nie Long " Gain Thor's good will without interfering much. That itself is your greatest gain. But you can try to strengthen yourself. If you needed to be. " He then looked at Tony. At the time Nie Long's counter beeped. Nie Long answered to see it was Ying Yueru. Yueru " A Burning Skeleton Man attacked the Xu Wenwu and his family. Wanda calls him the Ghost Rider.

Nie Long got stunned and then replied " I am comming!!! " Captain " What is the Ghost Rider!? " The others also curious. Nie Long " I don't have time to explain but you guys could not do anything to him. Especially Iron Man is not allowed to visit. " Nie Long thought about his ability to morph any vehicle or instrument to his own weapon. And at the same time Penance Stare.

In Comics, he defeated the Galactus with his Penance Stare. Nie Long left the Stark Building almost immediately through Kamui. By the time he reached the Ten Rings Headquarters, Part of the Headquarters was destroyed most of the Part was burning. Mandarin with his Ten Rings guarded his Family. Meanwhile Madara Obito, Itachi are rescuing the people in the rubble. Ying Yueru and Gu Lan are supporting Wanda. Wanda Formed a Complex Magic Circle.

At the centre of the Magic Circle there is a Skeleton with a spiked Jacket, His skull burning with hot flames. There is a cool badass Bike. Nie Long " Johnny Blaze, the strongest Ghost Rider that Mephisto has selected. " At the time a certain Red Clothes Masked Menace came to the area. It was none other than Deadpool. Deadpool " Hey why does Roy Thomas version is here, Didn't Marvel had signed Gabriel Luna for the Ghost Rider!? "

Nie Long " Hey, Wade if you by chance help me repel him. I will give you a 100 million. What do you say!? " Deadpool " Ohhh Boss!! I Love you to death!!!! " He then turned to Ghost Rider. He jumped to him straight and fought with him. When Ghost Rider took his chains and attacked Deadpool.

Wanda is casting a Powerful Magic Circle while Gu Lan and Ying Yueru left everything to Deadpool. When Deadpool made a jump, the chain Accidentally hit the crotch of Deadpool. Deadpool " Ohhh shit!!! My little Brother got burnt!!!! " Deadpool " You Burni*******..... " He started speaking his vulgarity.

Deadpool got tied with chain, Ghost Rider " Look into my eyes! " He started using his Penance Stare. Nie Long also got Interested. At the time Deadpool unlike others in his mask he gave a cute blinking expression. Deadpool " I too feel it... We have found a true love... " Before he says it he threw Deadpool away. Nie Long " As I thought even Jhonny in Ghost Rider form gets disgusted!!! "

Deadpool " My dear your eyes are mesmerizing enough even made.... " Before he completes his sentence he took a Shot gun at his feet and shooted at his Head. It exploded his head. By the time Wanda had completed her magic Circle. A Twin layered Magic Circle Formed above Jhonny's head. "

The twin layered circle cut of his connection with the hell dimension, he got bounded by a enclosing red sphere. The ghost rider got his flames extinguished and gradually his skin starts to form around the skull and bones. The burning bike also turned back to normal. Nie Long at the time ejected a Black pins from his Palms to the hands and feets of Johnny Blaze.

The Black Rods like Receivers of Pain Bodies of Nagato. They suddenly formed a Energy Chains Binding Johnny Blaze. Johnny fainted, Nie Long immediately took him to the confined rooms, Ying Yueru immediately released Mewtwo and activated Rain Dance ability. Which formed Heavy Rain extinguishing all the Flames present in the Ten Rings Headquarters.

Nie Long then had everyone rescued with the help of the League Of Shadows Members, Wanda, Ying Yueru and Gu Lan. Meanwhile Deadpool " Hey Boss, My Crotch got burned, now I wonder how am I going to please my Vanessa!! " Nie Long got irritated, he made a hand gesture movements, immediately a Magic Circle got formed. It immediately had his mouth disappear similar to How Wanda made Blackbolt die.

Then Nie Long placed Johnny in a seperate Prison Cell, confined with Special Magic Seal. And Inscription Seal. Nie Long then went to the Meeting room, There was Mandarin with his Family along with Nie Long's Family and Madara trio. Nie Long " Now the situation is more or less in control, We will take this matter to Ancient One for discussion, But for now we have to face the pressing Issues. "

Madara " I have my Clone tracking on the Doctor Samuel Sterns, " Nie Long " No, Immediately after he meets Bruce and did his treatment, You and Obito involve Directly and Capture both Doctor Banner and Sterns without getting caught by General Thaddeus Ross. Meanwhile your next course of Action is to Take all the Hulk's Blood Samples to here. "

Wanda " I will guard against the Ghost Rider before he takes any actions. " Nie Long " Yes, he is just more than the power of a normal Ghost Rider, he has the power of an Fallen Angel of a God, The Demon Zarathos. " Next, I have to see the God of Lightning and get an Audience with the Odin. "

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