
Thor and Mjolnir

In New Mexico, There was a Handsome man with Blond Hair with Zero Common Sense, having been got in a Car Accident by Astrophysics Professor Erik Selvig and his team Jane Foster and Darcy Lewis. They after without any information related to him without hope, They have discharged him technically atleast from the Hospital by knocking him by their Van when he escaped from Hospital and taking care of the overgrown Baby who lacked common sense.

After that Thor went in search for Mjolnir his Hammer which has weight of the Dying Neutron Star. Meanwhile in Starks Manor, Tony " Hey, Why is he want me to be out of it specifically!? " Captain " Beats me, But if I have to guess, he will be your perfect Counter, like someone able control Metals or equipments like something. " Fury " Anyway, we cannot interfere in it, and since the League of Shadows Madara and his Team also present there which will bring the situation under control. "

Fury " So Gentleman, What we have to do is now concentrate on the issue of Thor. " Captain " I thought that Nie Long does not wants us to interfere, Not that I want to follow him, But if logically speaking we may have to gain ire of Odin the Father of Gods. " Fury " Yeah, so we are not going to directly get involved but, We are going to follow the usual Protocol. Only difference is that we have the members of the Avengers assemble there. "

Tony " I think, I am going to have guard in Manhattan. " Captain " Why!? " Tony at the time pulled out a Hologram Screen, with the Hulk scenes fighting the New York Military. Tony " After some tip off from Rhodes, I have obtained the info that Thaddeus Ross is having a Strike team Chasing Hulk Bruce Banner. Since he is my team, I have made sure that he is within my Investigation range for his Whereabouts. He is not only a powerful Fighter but also a genius scientist with 7 doctorate.

Captain " I don't think that you are going to create Ultron right!? " Tony " I think, I found where the issue is, all I need is to .... " Captain " Tony, I knew that I am stubborn and old Fashioned but still this is too dangerous and it is too much in stake. I also knew that I can't stop you, but give me a promise that you should have the Creation of Ultron in my presence. "

Fury " Gentleman, we are deviating from the topic, So let us come back to the topic, So you have intel that Doctor Banner will arrive at Manhattan and Ross will strike Doctor Banner with his Team. " Tony " Yes, I will take care of the issue here and Captain will take over the Mexico operation of having Diplomacy with Thor and Asgard. "

Natasha and Clint who stayed silent looked at each other, Natasha " Sir, I will stay with Stark to help him in regards Doctor Banner. " Tony did not say anymore as he knew that Natasha being with him will make Fury at ease at the same time helpful for him. " Fury " Ok then, Agent Barton and Captain will be with me to travel to New Mexico so that we can wait for Thor to regain his powers. "

Fury " But, does Nie Long who must have known about most of the parallel timelines, did he not have access to such information, it beats me!? " Captain " No need to guess, he must have known, but he would have planned for it to take action when necessary or decided to not take an action at all. " Fury looked at Captain for a second. Tony also knew that Nie Long must have known about it.

Fury just wanted to what are the thoughts of Avengers on Nie Long. He got the answers but did not comment much on it. Fury, Captain and Barton went in a Kun Style Fighter Aircraft to New Mexico. By the time they reached there. Coulson welcomed them, Coulson " Hello Director, Captain and Clint. " Fury " Any Update!! "

Coulson " We are trying to get scanning of Energy Signatures as we speak.... " Before he completes the sentence a Vortex was formed besides them as the Avengers got used to this the group is not surprised by it. Nie Long appeared. Captain " Hello Nie Long, we thought you would not show up as you will get busy. " Nie Long " It should have been a huge problem but we have managed it for now somehow but still would have been a problem if I had not taken action sooner. And don't worry, I will update on the info to you after this mess. "

After everyone settled down, Coulson updated " Sir, Now we have ceased the research of Doctor Selvig and Doctor Foster who had recorded the Phenomenon of Thor and his weapon's teleportation. Another Peculiar fact is that they have admitted a idiot in a hospital for treatment but he later escaped. He claimed himself as the name Thor. "

Nie Long " Let it leave at that, if there is no issue, then He would come here to have his Hammer. You guys just follow the usual Protocol. Don't introduce yourself as a Diplomat of Earth yet. Wait for him to get his powers back. " Nie Long then looked at Captain " Captain by the way do you want to try the Hammer. In the final battle, the weapon deemed you as a worthy. " Captain " No, I will pass. No matter what, that weapon belongs to Asgard and Thor. "

At present suddenly the sky Thundered and Rain started pouring down. There was an unusual reaction in Mjolnir in which the computers started showing strange signs of Power Frequency problems. At the time the agents are continuously being defeated by a Blond Haired Man. Fury " It seems our Asgardian Friends is here to reclaim his Weapon. "

Fury did not give the order to stop the agents from attacking Thor, Meanwhile both Captain and Steve were having a look. Thor after taking down all the agents, he came laughing towards the Mjolnir laughing. The Electrical Fluctuations increased but when he had his Hands on the Hammer all came back to normal.

Thor " No!!!!!!! "

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