
Chapter 7

   "We don't see you during dinning why? I called looking straight at him in his eyes.

Smiling "Paris you know the dining hall is large and it can not be easy to see everyone"

  "That's true" I replied 

Turning to Gabriella "Hey pretty" caressing her cheek, How are u? he asked.

   "I'm good," She said, smiling.

Must you guys show you are in love at all times? I said inconsolably within myself, A part of me was jealous because I'm having a crush on him.

 As I was still soliloquizing prof Jack came into the class.

        "Gud day class" He said as he walked to the podium.

      "Gud morning prof Jack" we all said in unison

Dropping his notes on the table " Today we will be having some practicals by noon, So your laboratory wear and practical textbooks should be carried along with you all as you come. Your class list has been pasted by the notice board" He said pointing to the notice board which was at the end of the class building. "You all have been grouped into six, Do well to check your names and also get acquainted with your group mates" prof Jack said as he stepped out from the class.

     Immediately prof jack stepped out of the class one of our colleagues came out to address us.

 The first guy introduced himself "Hey I'm Noah Brown" He said adjusting the collar of his shirt.

 He is cute though, But I can't really say much about his deodorant because he was standing a mile away from me. He was wearing a brown colour striped long sleeve shirt and a blue colour pair of jean trousers with a Rolex yacht wrist watch. He looked elegant and stylish.

        "We will be having a welcome party on friday and you all are invited" He said smirking " And here is the invites" He said stretching the invites to the first person sitting in our row soon it got to us, I was checking the invites I noticed they was even a colour code.

  " Are we attending the party? Gabriella asked looking at the invite.

"Should me? Gabriel asked facing I and gabriella 

   "It's still far a bit so we can think over it then conclude" I said, picking my earbud from the case which was attached to my trouser belt hole, About turning on the bluetooth on my phone I noticed Gabriella with a chocolate bar.

   "Hey chocoholic" smiling at her

"That's not funny Paris" She said but she was actually laughing.

   "How did you get that lovely nickname? Gabriel asked Gabriella.

 "Really is that what you will say gabriel? Looking at him unhappy.

   "I'm sorry , pretty," Gabriel said.

Hearing that word "pretty" made me resentful and uninterested in whatever discussion they were having so I inserted my earbud to listen to music.

  "I never meant to make you unhappy, don't get me wrong, '' Gabriel said to Gabriella, who was already looking sideway.

"I'm not upset" she said "Paris gave me that nickname because I was always eating chocolate" she said with a beam.

 "Oh!! I get now but that nickname fits you well, You know right? Asking Gabriella.

 They both laughed, Even with the earbud I had on I could still hear them laugh.

   It was time for our practical class, Thank goodness you guys will stop your classroom display of romance I said within myself.

 We were to leave for practical class. I carried my backpack,waiting for Gabriel and Gabriella to be ready. " Can you guys be serious so we can head to the practical class on time? I said with a plastic smile.

 "We are ready,pretty," Gabriel said, holding his bag. I grin from ear to ear hearing that word pretty from Gabriel to me.


 The laboratory was filled with students all wearing their neat white lab coats.Looking so tidy we walked up to our group table and sat down.Luckily the three of us were in the same group.

"Paris you look sheenly in your lab coat" Gabriella complimenting me

"Awnnnn Thanks Gabriella," I said blushing, "you also look radiant in your lab coat." I noticed Gabriella was grinning like a Cheshire cat but it wasn't toward my direction, So i checked around then noticed It was gabriel she was all grinning to, so I just hissed and turned forward then noticed prof Jack was already in the laboratory.

  "Gud day class" He greeted 

"Welcome to your first practical class, Hope you  all are seated in your correct respective groups because attendance will be taken" prof Jack advised us.

  I was extremely curious to check out some of those high tech devices. We all bought our practical textbooks out then Prof Jack powered on the projector where various separation techniques were shown and explained in detail. I was enjoying the teaching,when Prof Jack announced that we had come to the end of the day's teaching.

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