
Chapter 8

    As we left the laboratory, I did not bother waiting for Gabriel and Gabriella because I'm so sure they will still want to gist before heading to the lodge. 

    Can Gabriella be crushing on Gabriel? On second thought, why am I being jealous? I asked myself.

We will be having our next class in less than an hour time so I felt going back to the lodge wasn't an option.


So I went to the class. Getting there I met some of our colleagues who were also sitting waiting for our next class. They were actually sitting in a group of two.The group which interested me more were the ones dancing like they got skillful moves and their music was cool. I was enjoying their dance moves when I noticed a guy was walking towards me from the group. It seems I recognised him but I wasn't too sure about that.

As he came close I recall him as the guy who gave us an invite for a party  before leaving for practical class.

  "Hey damsel, why are you sitting alone? He asked, holding my left hand. 

Gosh he swelled so nice and fresh,his perfume was the best I have perceived except from my parents own. Gabriel's perfume was nothing to compare to his.

  "Hey" I said, looking straight at him. He is so cute.

"Why is a pretty lady like you sitting all by herself this enchanting afternoon?" He asked, caressing my hand.

    I was enjoying it, But a bit uncomfortable because I don't really know him in fact we just met for the first time, So I decided to play along.

   " I'm sorry I did not introduce myself,  He apologised. You can call me Noah. I'm Noah brown or You simply call me ' cutie' because that what you ladies call me because I'm the cutest guy in class you will agree with them right? He said with so much confidence.

  I tried to ignore his rudeness "Ok Noah I'm Paris Smith '' I said smiling at him.

   "Paris that's lovely" He said "Paris I noticed you were enjoying our dance moves. Why not come watch us perform by weekend at the night party we will be having.

   "Really if you are sure about you guys performing at the night I won't miss it for anything" I said excitedly.

   "Yhh Am very sure about our performance and you will also have the chance to dance with me that will be possible if you ladies don't overcrowd me that day"

 Hearing that last statement I was just pissed up like he is so proud and full of himself.

       "Paris I will be expecting you" He said winking at me.

  His behaviour was annoying and irritating, But this guy is cute and has a good dressing sense I said within myself.

   It was time for our next class, Student's were already entering the class. A young woman entered the class but she was looking weird.

 "Gud morning class" She said standing horizontally to the door, She was wearing a long  plain black dress with an out-dated red colour shoe, Looking so harsh.``I'm your teacher and you all are my students,I will not tolerant any insubordination from among you all.Am I well understood? She asked, looking at us all with a mischief look.

 Even with the annoyance that I was feeling within the Gabriel and Gabriella display of romance, then Noah's proud display. Only for one day. Indeed this day is an off day, I said unconsciously. I was paying little or no attention to what she was saying, she had not even introduced herself to us 'Ms insubordination' I said to myself with a little vexation.

 "I'm Ms Lacy, '' she said "I'm also one of your science lecturers". '' And I'm your level coordinator also.

Just as if she heard me as I said she hasn't introduced herself yet.

 "You all are free to walk up to me whenever there is any issue or difficulty you are facing regarding college" she said smiling. That was off she actually smiled woa! And she has a nice smile and a fake dimple.

 "That will be all for now,till we meet in our next class"She said as she was leaving the class.

     Turning back I noticed Gabriella and Gabriel were seated behind me.

"Hey you two, when did you enter the class that I did not notice you" I asked, collecting the chocolate Gabriella was about to eat.

 " You are really mean," Gabriella said, because I took her chocolate.

" My friend, will you answer my question? I said, chewing the chocolate.

  " We got in alongside Ms lacy, I thought you saw us but later noticed you did not". She replied, collecting her chocolate back from me.

      " Gabriella Why do you like this sticky chocolate? I asked cleaning my mouth with tissue paper.

  "It's a pity you don't like this chocolate and I just got a new jar of this chocolate from the mall  some minutes ago" 

  "You went to the mall? I asked surprised 

"Yes" She replied " And i also got some pocket tissue i noticed we were not having at all"

   "Awnnnn that so thoughful of you" I said hugging her.




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