
Comments of chapter undefined of One Piece: Reborn as Enel

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Violet, can be MC partner

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Thanks for the chapter :) If you wanna sell the idea of the MC possessing a DF capable of manipulating metal, then I suggest you give him a container filled with dust of any metal, like Gaara has with his Gourd of Sand, and have him use it for both offensive and defensive purposes. As if right now, all he has is his Golden Staff and Golden Rings to showcase his "metal manipulating" capabilities.

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Auther-san if he doesn't use his devil fruit powers (like thunder and whatnot) wouldn't his devil fruit powers just stagnant? Also is he going to awaken his fruit later on?

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Makes sense since people like Kizaru can move at the speed of light then technically even Enel can reach that level since he is literally made of lightning

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frankly you're right Ener is more dangerous than Doffy even Oda says it indirectly (he mentioned that Ener's bounty would logically be 500000000Berry so more than Doffy)👍👍👍

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Surprisingly logical fight, him taking doffy by surprise works and doffy being unable to react properly afterwards fits how observation haki needs proper focus. The hotter than the sun argument is, once again, mostly rubbish, considering that most fires are actually hotter than magma; Akainu most likely destroyed ace because of his skill and the physical, viscous, sticky and heavy nature of magma giving him a strength advantage.

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I see devil fruits need to be trained and are never op from the start because if this was the case than df training that we have all seen would be meaningless and if kizaru is truly capable of light speed than he should be able to obliterate every yonko in a single punch.the main point is that df powers are not able to replicate the powers that they portray,if this was possible than df users would absolutely be able to destroy garp who has no df,i know that is haki but garp can subdue hardy pirates who have df's and use haki with only his physical haki

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tanks for the chapter

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You seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding about lightning so allow me to clear up a few things. First, lightning doesn’t move at the speed of light, it’s actually a lot slower and doesn’t move in a straight line. Second, the damage caused by the worst lighting storm in all of earths history doesn’t even come close to the damage caused by the worst volcanic eruption. Lightning may burn hotter than magma, but the destructive potential of a volcano is far greater than that of lighting. Third… ok, I’ll admit this one’s less about lightning about more about metal, but my point still stands - Silver and copper are both more conductive than gold while being denser and less expensive. Pure gold is pretty easily damaged and just serves to paint a target on his back. Enel was also never shown to possess that level of control over the gold he wields and your story didn’t really show your MC training in that manner so it kind of came out of no where. Sorry if this is nitpicky, I really do enjoy the story, I just had to say that or it would sit in my brain and annoy me as I kept reading. I really am loving it so far I swear 😅



Author, i'm here after reading chapter 7(I haven't read further). You wrote there that enel can outrun garp sengoku akainu and others, but it's comletely wrong. Top level character's in one piece are mftl+. luffy in sabaody arc casually dodging pacifist's light beams and saying it's too slow, but then after many power ups in wano arc he is stomped by kaido's speed, he couldn't react even with his future vision.


The MC is an idiot for leaving those obnoxiously long earlobes. It looks so stupid and it’s a huge weakness.

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I keep thinking about it... haki leaves the guy with the Superman defense or something? bro, speed is power, I literally hate people who don't understand basic physics. The force of a blow has nothing to do with physical strength, but mass + speed. physical strength only serves to accept the blow reaction without getting hurt. Can the haki stop a spear at 100,000 meters per second from piercing its stomach? Do you have any idea of ​​the speed of lightning? theoretically it can go around the earth TWO in 1 second. my jaw drops when I see that "if he used haki, my physical attacks would be useless".

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Now that he saw Doflamingo, will he remember that vergo is a traitor and will tell the marines so that he can be recruited in the navy?

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thx for the chapter :) i think ur story is great so far and i think u are right with enels devil fruit

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Thanks for the chapter

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Thanks for chapter




makes sense oda said he would have 500m bounty if he descended note that means no training which is terrifying

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