
chapter 16

Hangers of a venator over Ryloth

Squads of clone pilots can be seen running towards their fighters and bombers as they prepare to defend the planet from the Terran attackers. One particular group of clones were aces under the command of windu's fleet and had numerous battles stacking multiple destroyed fighters and bombers over their time in the war against the separatist. They were called ghost squadron.

Now with the a Terran fleet starting their attack on them, they were all about to takeoff the hangers towards the Terran fleet and defend their hold over the planet.

After many battles that the republic had lost against the terrans, many clones started to call the Terran navy unbeatable. Most of the pilots that have faced against their biggest known ship the infinity now has a nickname amongst the clones who have faced them, specifically the pilots in the 212th battalion from their humiliating defeat near Christophsis.

They nicknamed the ship "the invulnerable" since a weakness on the ship still hasn't been found mostly because the shielding around the ship was too strong for them to break.

The group of aces exiting the hangers had no idea what to expect, but the few stories about the terrans that was passed around after a few battles with them.

"All wings report in" the lead clone in the squadron says over the comms.

"Ghost 12 standing by."

"Ghost 7 standing by."

"Ghost 3 standing by."

"Ghost 9 standing by."

This goes on until eleven pilots reported in making a total of twelve in the squadron counting the leader as well making up their force as they all formed up heading towards the Terran ships as they also released their fighters and bombers towards them.

"Once we enter battle split into your assigned groups and do not stray afar from your wingman's or your as good as dead." The flight leader says since some clones in their group had a tendency to stray by themselves when an easy kill is available.

"We still don't have much knowledge of the terrans capabilities firsthand, so treat this battle warily before going full throttle into them." The flight leader says.

"Whoever takes down the most enemies I'll buy you you a drink after." Ghost 6 says as those listening can't help but smile.

"Ha your on. I could almost taste it." Ghost 8 says thinking of that sweet drink he'll get if he gets the most downed fighters.

"You said that last time and you lost." Ghost 11 says.

"I have a good feeling about this one guys. Trust me." Ghost 8 says focusing as formations of squadrons are seen everywhere around them

Seconds later the two forces clash together igniting the empty space with blasters, missiles, and bullets. After the first contact with the enemy they break up into four groups each consisting of three fighters. As they split into different directions some of them tail behind some of the Terran fighters going in for the kill.

Almost immediately the clone pilots could tell that the terrans were a step ahead in experience as they commit maneuvers after maneuvers that would have pushed their fighters to the limit.

"These guys don't play around." Ghost 3 says trying to shoot down a Terran fighter as the pilot does everything it could to shake the clone off him.

"Keep him in your sights. Me and ghost 2 will help you out." The squad leader says.

A few moments later two fighters appear behind the Terran fighter before firing numerous blaster fire at the craft. With nowhere to go the Terran craft gets hit by multiple of these shots before exploding as the three clone fighters speed past it looking for any other enemies in their vicinity.

"These terrans are more slippery than I originally thought." Ghost 3 says thanking the two that helped him.

"Don't worry so much about it right now. Just focus on surviving the battle." The squad leader says before an officer from their ship contact's him.

"Ghost squadron. Be advised there is a squad of fighters heading your way that have taken down multiple of our squadrons in the area." The officer says warning them.

"If you make contact with them, fight them with extreme caution. We have reports that they have an unknown weapon on the craft." The officer says warning them again.

"Understood." The leader says as the officer cuts the transmission with him.

As the clone leader is about to reform his squadrons formation multiple lasers cut in between a group of his fighters destroying all three fighters as a squad of Terran fighters scream past them.

"Ghost 10, 11, and 12 were shot down!" A clone in the squadron yells as him and his group chase after the fighters that caused their brothers death.

"Surround them with our numbers. It's just five of them against the nine of us." The clone leader says.

As they chase down the Terran fighters, they split into three groups with one being by themselves as the three remaining clone groups picks the terran fighters they will chase down.

"This one will be an easy picking." Ghost 6 says as he leads the chase on him as the two clones behind him try and wait for the perfect time to strike.

The Terran fighter they chase down becomes a big problem as they can't land a single hit on the craft as the pilot dodge's about if the way exactly when they fire causing the clone to become frustrated.

"Come on. Come on." Ghost 6 whispers to himself putting all his concentration on eliminating the Terran in front of him.

What he doesn't realize is that the Terran pilot was going directly towards a moving capital ship belonging to the terrans as he was about to do a maneuver kill on the clone, and the two other clones tailing behind the two knew what the Terran was about to do.

"Ghost 6 break off. He is planning something against you." Ghost 5 says to him, but this falls in deaf ears to the clone ahead of them as he continues to pursue the Terran.

"Ghost 6 break off now!" Ghost 5 yells this time, but it was too late. As he said this the Terran fighter breaks hard upwards as the moving capital ship appears in front of the clone.

The clone finally noticing his surrounding looks up as his eyes widen before he pulls hard upwards, but at the last few seconds he knows he won't make it as he screams in terror before crashing into the ship.

The two clone who witness these turn of events go in a rollercoaster of emotions going from shocked to sad then angry, but that gets short lived as the Terran capital ship fires a stream of bullets as the clones.

Some of the bullets connects with one of the clone fighters ripping the craft in two as it flings out of control before exploding.

The remaining clone makes the decision to retreat back to the ship hangers. But in doing so, it leaves him open for an attack for the Terran fighter he was trying to destroy as it follows him.

The clone seeing this tries to get him off of him until he makes it back towards his ship, but the Terran fighter doesn't reliant.

"I can't shake him off me. I need help getting this fighter off my tail. Anyone." Ghost 4 says starting to freak out a little as the Terran slowly starts to come closer to him.

What the clone didn't know was that the rest of his squadron was killed off after they split up after the different group if enemies and he was all that was left of his squadron.

The clone looks back at the Terran fighter as a bright light emitted from under the craft as it grew brighter every second.

"Who are these peo-" that was all he could say before a laser cuts into his cockpit turning it into a ball of fire.

Terran side

The pilot in the Terran fighter was sly and the out outcome of this dogfight was the same as the others as it resulted in another republic squadron destroyed.

When sly is about to go after another squadron with his group another fleet belonging to the republic appears behind them. They weren't surprised by this since they had reports that the republic was going to send another fleet behind them.

Because they knew this a few of their ships were already facing them and once they jumped out of hyperspace a few were already destroyed by the terrans.

This of court wasn't going to help them for long since they were literally being sandwiched between two fleets and it would only be a matter of time until they were overrun with enemies everywhere.

But the terrans had already achieved their main goal which was too land troops when they were close enough to the planet. Multiple pelicans holding men and tanks were taking off the Terran ships as they flew towards the planet below with a few being shot down by republic forces on the way down, but most of them would make it towards the ground safely as fighter support tried to clear any enemy craft near them.

In a few moments a battle in space, air ,and ground was about to happen at the same time and obi-wan who was down below was not going to have a fun time as he was about to battle the terrans on the ground for the very first time. Another thing that would hurt Obi-wan was that the terrans would always be a step ahead of them since a spy was in their ranks which will cause huge problems for them later.

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