
chapter 17

Pelican full of marines

A squad of marines were in a pelican checking over their weapons while some were deep in thought taking deep breaths holding their weapon tightly preparing themselves for the coming battle.

Some of them had never set foot onto a battlefield, so some of them were nervous while those with experience were either calm and collected. Or excited to be on another battlefield again after all these years.

But the thing on everyone's mind was that how they were going to do against an army of clones built to be the perfect killing machine since birth unlike them who were trained to be the perfect killing machine.

But what they all could agree on was that they had a reason to fight for unlike the clones and they were going to give them hell to protect in what they believed and loved.

While this is happening a lone figure approaches them standing in the middle of the group about to address them all. He had multiple scars and burns across his body which was proof he had engaged in countless battles. He was about to raise the morale of his troops and show the republic that their navy wasn't the only thing they should fear.

"Alright marines. Here we will stand and fight; there will no withdrawal once we land." He says as everyone in the ship listens while the ship sways side to side a little.

"I don't want to get any messages saying, 'I am holding my position.' we are not holding a goddamned thing! Let the republic clones do that." He says staring at every marine while walking back and forth down the ship.

"We are advancing constantly and we are not interested in holding onto anything, except the enemy's throat. We will never release that hold until they are all dead behind us." He says.

"Keep on advancing regardless of whether we have to go over, under, or through the enemy." He says.

"It will be here that we will drive the galactic republic and the remains of the separatist army off this planet once and for all." He says walking to the back of the ship for the final time.

"It will be here where we will stand and fight. If we can't stay here alive. We will stay here dead!" He says as his voice grow loud at the last sentence.

"For the Terran republic!" He shouts opening the bay doors before saying something over his comms taking a deep breath as he finished.

"For the Terran republic!" Everyone else screams as they stand up ready for combat.

As the door opens bolts of blaster fire and explosion can be seen everywhere as hundreds of pelicans carrying men, tanks, and other vehicles fly towards their destinations on the ground.

A few pelicans gets hit with a direct hit with one of these and explodes violently before plummeting to the ground. At the same time a few clone pilots make it towards the waves of Terran troops firing on the transports taking out a few as the terrans evade them the best they could.

This only goes on for a few seconds before multiple Terran fighters scream by taking them out with only anti-aircraft guns being the only threats fired upon them.

As they near the ground everyone starts to get ready to jump into battle. Moments later they hover near the ground and the battle on the ground had started for the terrans.

"Go. Go. Go." The commander shouts as everyone jumps out the pelican before shooting at the clones position ahead running towards them. Blue blaster fire can be seen fired at them as explosions from cannons rain down on them.

Terrans troops across the landscape can be seen deploying on the ground as they aim towards the clone positions, firing multiple shots at them.

As they are doing this more pelicans with tanks and other vehicles land ahead of them dropping off their load.

As the tanks land they immediately fire off shots at the clone positions rolling towards them with each shot becoming more accurate as they come closer to them.

"Come on marines! Let's show these clones what a battle really looks like." The commander says as he runs ahead with his squad right behind him as they tail behind a friendly tank using it as cover.

While they are advancing a few clones with rocket launchers aim at the tanks preparing to fire until a few of them have their heads blown apart from marines coming behind the tanks and firing down on the clone lines. As this is happening groups of warhogs across the battlefield speed past the clones ranks causing havoc with their guns with some of them even running over some of them.

The warhogs pushing into the half prepared clones started to encircle the clone lines with many of them being separated from their main forces.

As this is happening the commander of the squad looks ahead past the enemy lines before his eyes widen.

"Get down!" He yells tackling the closest person to him to the ground as a blue bolt speed past them before hitting a tank near them.

The blast destroys the turret off of the tank with any soldiers being near it killed by hot sharpenal as metal sprays everywhere hitting some of the Terran troops.

A few clone tanks had slowly made their way towards the Terran forces and had started to shot at then, but because they were so slow they would become an easy target for their tanks once they see them. Although they were slow, their weapons could be devastating to them if the shots were hit correctly.

A few Terran tanks seeing the clone tanks turn there barrel towards the clone tanks as they start a tank battle.

Another Terran tank behind them rolls past the destroyed tank before firing and hitting the clone tank directly where the driver exploding the entire front of the tank off.

"Don't let their reinforcements hold us off. If they do, our advancement will slow down into a stalemate." The commander says.

"We have too keep them from commiting a counterattack on the rest of our forces or this entire operation will be a failure." He says.

As they advance more and more clones can be seen defending their area as they try to keep the Terran advancement at bay before they overrun them again.

The tanks that were originally in the front are now having a hard time going forward as more and more clone tanks appear firing down on them.

The tank in front of them slowly starts to back up as the fire from the clones come at them from almost every direction before one shot halts it forever, but before the Terran tank is destroyed it shoots a round into a clone position creating a hole that the commander sees as an opportunity to turn this battle around.

He is about to run forward towards it before he sees something moving in the corner of his eye. He turns completely around seeing parts of the destroyed Terran tank levitate before it flings it's way towards him and his group. Before it could hit him he dives out of the way with a few others as those that didn't react fast enough gets rammed with the debris killing them instantly with the commander being dizzy a little as a Terran troop from his group drags him to a hole sized crater.

He than looks around him to see how many of his troops were still alive only to see two left firing at the enemy as they slowly advance on their broken lines.

The two terrans still alive were about to use the last of their ammunition before clone troopers come from almost every direction firing on them as they try to make themselves as small as possible so they won't get hit. The only thing they could use as cover was the many dead clones on the ground and the small crater they were in.

One of the marines bravely peeks his head out a little trying to find a target to fire on gets shot in the head killing him as the last trooper still able to fight throws his last grenade at a squad of clones before exploding killing a few of them before he too gets killed.

The commander seeing this gets up towards his fallen brother before picking up his weapon starting his last man stand against an army of clones troopers.

As he shoots at many of them that try to charge at him with most of them dying by his hands alone. A clone he didn't see behind him shoots him in the shoulder as he grunts in pain before filling the clone that shot him with bullet holes as he turns around shooting at him.

As he is about to line up another shot with another clone multiple blaster fire hits him in the legs arms and chest, but he never falls to the ground doing everything possible to continue to fight before one more shot hits him in the chest finally knocking him to the ground as it becomes impossible for him to stand up again.

The commander then weakly looks up to see a man with a blue lightsaber and another batch of clones beside him as they start to make a perimeter around their position as he gives orders to them.

"It's a goddamned Jedi." The commander says with venom in his voice as he tries to use his last amount of energy to take out his pistol on his side and aim it at the Jedi, but it only gets cut in half before he can shoot.

Beside him was a female Jedi with two lightsabers that were blue and green with the both of them near his neck and chest ready for the kill.

The commander only looks at her for a few seconds before she slowly nods her head at him and he nods back understanding what she wanted him to be done.

He slowly lifts his wrist up turning his comms on before whispering "checkmate."

As he says this the Jedi who had his life in her hands bring down her lightsabers through his chest as his eyes widen in pain.

Before he dies he looks at her directly in the eyes before whispering in her ears.

"Fo...r the te...rran...republic." he whispers with all his energy left before he dies with his eyes still open looking directly at her.

The Jedi who was Waneta slowly closes his eyes before walking back towards the clone lines as multiple Terran bombers set a course towards the Terran commander position as they are about to bomb the hell out of the area to create space between the two forces.

Before she runs off towards the clone positions she makes one last glance at the dead Terran commander before looking at her hand holding his dog tag and a journal that had a picture with him and what she assumed was his wife holding a baby in her arms.

From has dog tag she was able to figure out his name was Anthony Smith.

When this war was over Waneta made a promise to herself that she would bring back what was left of his body and possessions to the wife and child he would never see again.

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