
Plundering in the Apocalypse

Author: Dakshay
Ongoing · 1.4M Views
  • 251 Chs
  • 4.3
    33 ratings
  • NO.200+

Do you know how long will you live? Are you sure when you wake up the next morning, you will continue your life just like any other day? What if the world wanted to flip your life upside down? What will you do? What can you do? This is what happened to Shin. who took his life for granted and was taught a lesson when the world flipped upside down. Many strange phenomena were occurring. People started gaining abilities and evolving. Many different threats to humanity started appearing. The world was changing. So many myths and things became real which was supposed to be fiction. Shin also had to adapt to this new world. Shin struggled. to survive, to live another day, to have his daily peaceful life back. Amidst this Apocalypse, Shin Awakened his ability. [Plunder] *** ___________________ Volume 1 Word count - 2000+/chapter. Volume 2 up to chapter 50 - 1k to 1.5k/ chapter. Chapter 51 onwards - 1.5k+/ chapter You might have some queries in the initial chapters but they will all be cleared in due time. **Warning** This book contains some explicit content in chapters 94 and 95. If you can't read it, skip it. It won't affect the story. *Note - Lastly for cover. It's not mine. Anyways enjoy the story guys. Hope you all have fun. Happy Reading!! ___________________ Wanna Join the Cult? https://discord.gg/QHMbqDWR2a Here's the link.

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Chapter 1Start of The New Beginning

'Where am I?'

'... What's going on?'

In the back corner of a yellow bus, in between the seats, a dark-haired boy was crouching, making himself as small as possible, trying his best to hide from something or someone.

There were visible bruises and scars spotted all over his body. A gut-wrenching sob tore through his lungs as his body trembled in fear.





Even the smallest sound he heard was enough to make him tremble in fear. His heart was beating loudly through his chest and he might encounter hyperventilating at this rate.

*Tap! Tap!*

'Someone's closing in. Is it a person or those nasty creatures?' he thought to himself while tears started falling down his eyes.

Every second was like hours to him. He could even hear the sounds of his heavy breathing. Sometimes he could hear the cries of people coming from outside.

Wailing in pain, cursing, and dying at the hand of those creatures. He was afraid. He was afraid of dying like this.

His life was ending and he could feel it, but he didn't want to have an untimely death.

He was confused. He didn't know what to do.

What to think?

Well, why wouldn't he be confused?

His situation was anything but normal.


Because the world was in chaos, it filled the air with the smell of blood and dead bodies scattered everywhere. People were wailing, crying, praying to their gods, and even begging for their lives to be spared. But they spared no one. As they died mercilessly.

Was a war going on?


Was there a terrorist attack?

No one knows.

Then what was going on?

There were no answers to any of those questions.

'…. Was it hell?'


'A Nightmare.....?'

"Am I dreaming? Yeah, that's it. There's no way all of this is real. It must be one of those lucid dreams. I'll just wake up in my bed like every other day. I should probably stop watching those horror fiction movies."

The black-haired young man took a deep breath and lay on the seat, a little more comfortable now. While stretching his legs, he muttered, "I can't wait for this dream to end."

He was still a little nervous about the possibility of him being wrong. As he couldn't accept the reality no matter what. He closed his eyes and started taking a rest. Bearing the pain and everything that had happened took a toll on his body.

Deluding oneself while giving up on reality with being the most common choice. Well, who could accept going out for a while and getting stuck in a massacre suddenly?

While until now, there were only those peaceful, boring days. Where people think of doing something adventurous or exciting.

Those peaceful days were nothing but a pipe dream now. One would only want to curse their past self for asking for something this ridiculous.

'Were those peaceful days until this morning a dream?' Questioning your rationality is also a choice.

'.… Now that I think of it, why did I wish for that?' The black-haired boy thinks of something he had made a wish for and starts regretting it.

Is it human nature to always regret their own decisions?

Well yeah, humans are typical beings who value the past more than the future.

Ahh, I wish I could have done that.

Why did I not take upon that offer?

I should have studied more for my exams.

They think about what they could have done rather than what to do next. If not because they waste time regretting instead of making amends, we would have been 100 years more advanced, at the very least.

The same was the situation for the boy trembling at the back of the bus.

'I never thought that my wish would come true. I shouldn't have done that.'

After a while, the reality sank in because it isn't a dream as he understood the gravity of the situation he was in.

'No, regretting now won't change anything.' He thought to himself.

What matters is how fast a person adapts to his situation. Adaptability is much more important than weeping and regretting your past actions.

"I should get out of here. I'll survive and return home."

After calming himself down and resolving himself, the black-haired boy stood up and made his way back home.



Standing up shakily as he was still in pain. After checking his surroundings, he started making his way back home.

*Tap!! Tap!! Tap!!*

Is this the end of the world? What was going on? Who was that boy? Why was he in that situation? Who were those creatures? What wish is he talking about?

Well, let's begin from where it all started.

//A few hours ago-//




The sound of the alarm stops.

A person restlessly and wriggly woke up and stared blankly at the alarm clock, which was at the corner of the study table near his bed. It was 7:01 am, Sunday. That person was the same black-haired boy.

It was another boring and obnoxious day.


*Tap! Tap! Tap!*

Walking towards the window while adjusting his slippers, He opened the window and thought to himself, While heartily wishing-

"The world should just perish. There's no need for this boring world to exist. Where people keep doing the same thing almost every day. I might get to end this all and be at peace. This world is cruel. People will use you for their satisfaction and throw you away. Just like what happened 4 years ago. Sigh."

The person wishing was 'Shin Wolner' age 20 years old, a college student majoring in commerce and adjusting to society. Shin was 175cm tall and had a very thin body which evinced his lack of exercise.

He had pale white skin which compliments his mystic blue eyes. Black hair and a weak constitution.

His weak body leads him to lack interest in almost everything. So he isn't very appreciative of others and is socially inactive. Which leads him to his gloomy personality.

Shin turned back and gazed at his gloomy and messy room. If his mother wouldn't clean it up every day, it would have already become a perfect embodiment of a dumpster.

It was a simple single bedroom with a study desk, cupboard, and other furniture. The room was only messy because Shin didn't bother to clean the mess he did yesterday while playing games.


*Click!* Door opened.

"Hurry and wash up, breakfast is almost ready," said Reina Wolner, Shin's mother.

She had brown hair about 170cm tall and mystic blue eyes just like Shin. Which he probably inherited from her and his other features from his dad.

She was an energetic and enthusiastic lady, as opposed to her age, and she had a nice charm.

'Who could say she is in her early forties?' Shin thought to himself while giggling.

"Ok, mom," Shin said while heading towards the washroom.

"Why was he giggling?" Reina muttered to herself and continued prepping breakfast.

//At the breakfast table~//

"Shin, what have you planned for today?" asked Alfred.

'Alfred Wolner', Shin's father is someone with an upright personality in his mid-forties. He had black hair and brown eyes with a sharp gaze. He was 180cm tall, and had an average healthy body, unlike Shin. Even though being a youth, cause of his laziness, he was even weaker than kids younger than him.

Alfred was a journalist and an agent working at 'Myriad Multimedia Broadcasting Inc.'

He did his best to provide for his family and is now pretty well off.

He wants his son to establish himself and settle in society. So he is worried about his son, who has no motivation. Well, it's the same for almost all parents. Which parents don't want their children to achieve something big?

Even though Shin was lazy, Alfred can't give up on him. As he knew the reason Shin became like this.

Shin was a healthy boy, even good at sports, and a genius in studies. Everyone coveted his calculative mind when he was younger.

They all had high hopes for him, but everything changed after a certain incident 4 years ago.

Shin said

"I'll be hanging out at Simon's place." Shin's voice caused Alfred to stop thinking about those things anymore.

Alfred sighed in disbelief. He calmed down and replied.

"Have fun, but at least think about your future." He still had some hopes for his son.

"Yeah, I know." Shin switched on the news on the television, trying to escape his father's nagging. He couldn't bother with this anymore. It's been the same thing almost every day.

[Humanity's colossal success towards the future]

It was news regarding humanity's success in contacting inter-dimensional beings and about how they plan on developing alien technology.

'Hmph, what's this talk about developing alien technology and all? It's not like just contacting them could give instant results. Aren't they thinking too far ahead?'

'Contacting beings from different worlds is akin to asking for trouble. Who knows if they are friends or foes? And here they are thinking of developing their technology. You don't even know about them.'

They would need at least a few decades to make relations with inter-dimensional beings, let alone develop alien technology.'

'Well, whatever, it's not my concern.'

'Rather, if the current world perishes while suffering a catastrophe, that would be something. Why are they even wasting their efforts? They will die before they could even do something about it.'

While thinking like that, Shin heard a loud voice from his side. It was his father laughing while sitting on the edge of his seat. Like it was his achievement or something.

"Haha, now that's what I'm talking about. The pace at which we are growing is something. A new era is going to start. See that Shin, there are many possibilities out there don't get stuck up for a minor failure."

Alfred thought of something and suddenly changed the topic.

"Even my superiors were talking about creating a large project regarding this new technology."

While proudly saying that, Alfred happily chucked down his food. He kept talking continuously.

After finishing his breakfast. Shin took his phone and got ready to leave.

"Mom, I'll be back by lunch," Shin waved his hand.

"Come back early, ok, take care," Reina waved back.

"Yeah, see you later."

Shin walked outside after greeting his mom.


(Shin's POV)

I came out of the house and started walking. It was the first week of December, so it was quite cold. But manageable.


Sometimes it's difficult to converse with Dad.

While walking toward the bus stop, I came across a park. It was Sunday morning and the park in the neighborhood was bustling.

Children were running around and playing with each other, and parents or the guardians of the said children were sitting by the benches, talking to one another.

Though some of them were by themselves, either watching over their children from afar or entertaining themselves with their phones.

I looked over at the park, and I spotted a group of children playing by the slides. There were a few around the swings area, pushing each other merrily and they were going at a not-so-dangerously fast-paced as there were adults to supervise them.

After walking down the road and taking a few more turns and crossing by some attractions.

I arrived at the bus stop.


I saw the bus with the number [1803] ready to depart at the bus stop.

"Whew." I heaved a sigh of relief.

"Thankfully, I caught up to it. The next bus is after about 30 mins."

I quickly found an empty seat at the back of the bus. So I hurriedly made my way towards it and sat in the back seat.

Seeing through the window of my seat, many buildings passed by and I came across many attractions. But to me, everything was monotonous. I just can't seem to enjoy it like others.

The other people on the bus enjoyed themselves in their way. A couple sat side by side, an elderly lady was listening to music and some students were merrily chatting with each other. A family of four was probably going on a trip. They looked very excited.

After 45 mins of a back-arching ride, I finally arrived at Simon's place. Which is about 20 km from my home, the Northern sector. His place is near the City center. The city which we currently live in is called 'Aston'.

'Simon Adger' is my best friend, or should I say the closest. He is the same age as me, but very different. Cheerful and proactive personality, Way too responsible and likable. Even after all my faults, he still stuck with me.'

After making my way toward the door, I rang the bell.

*Ring!! Ring!!*


I heard a sweet voice coming from inside. It was like a melody in my ears. Even though she is not singing.

The door swung open, and an exquisite girl greeted me, smiling and looking at me.

"Oh~ Hello Shin, come on in," she greeted me with a friendly smile.

"Hello, Elena" I nodded and greeted her back with a smile.

"Brother has been waiting for you upstairs," after greeting me, Elena leads me upstairs to Simon's room.

This beautiful girl with a melodic voice is 'Elena Adger' Simon's younger sister about 18 years old. Silky long black hair with a pretty doll-like face and petite figure. She had purple eyes and thin eyebrows.

'She is way too cute. She must be very popular.'

"You're early huh, Shin"

As I was busy admiring her, a loud voice disturbed me.

My mood worsened. It felt like I was watching a beautiful romantic scene and got mesmerized by it, then suddenly an ad interrupted me.

Standing before me was Simon, a tall build of about 188cm with messy red hair, looking at me with a stern face.

I glared back at him as he disturbed my precious moment. Then there was another question that always troubled me. I thought, 'How the hell are they, brother and sister?'

"Whatcha thinking bout?" Simon asked me with a curious gaze, as I was deep in thought, as if solving a peculiar problem. Even though it was a tough question, I can't ask it out loud.

"Hash, nothing" I sighed and walked towards his room, ignoring him. But he just didn't stop.

"Hey, are you listening? Just tell me?" Simon kept pestering me.

"Let's go." I ignored his words.

"No fair." he understood my intention but still whined.

I shrugged him off and entered his room.


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The Author's POV

The person whom the world revolves around. The person who defeats all of his opponents, and ultimately gets the beautiful girl. The sole existence all villains fear. That is the protagonist. What about me? As a failed author who had only one success throughout his whole career, I had reincarnated into my late novel. "This is it" I thought, as I tightly clenched my fist. Did I just get reincarnated in my own novel? Is this where I reincarnate in a novel and become the protagonist? No. Sadly it's not that kind of novel, as I reincarnated as a mob. The world doesn't revolve around me. The girls don't come flocking towards me. The cheat items don't come to me. "Phew" I let out a sigh of relief. "Thank god I'm not the protagonist" I joyfully shouted as tears streamed down my cheeks. Wait, are you curious as to why I don't want to be the protagonist? I did forget to mention the most important thing when I was describing a protagonist. That is... They are calamity magnets. I just died. If I learned something from that, it's that it really isn't a pleasant experience. If possible let me live a long stable life. Thank you, whoever reincarnated me. I would later come to regret these words... ======== Reader Disclaimer : Please read the *Read before reading novel* in synopsis. ======== Credit to _oinkchan for helping me find the previous novel cover Credit to Rengoku for his amazing edit of the new cover. ======== Discord : https://discord.gg/FNAKgfyky4 Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/TheAuthorPOV

Entrail_JI · Fantasy
864 Chs
Table of Contents
Volume 0 :Auxiliary Volume
Volume 1 :The Day of the Cataclysm.
Volume 2 :Growth
Volume 3 :New Friends and Enemies
Volume 4