
Annoyed Mod


"AHHH! I HATE THIS THING!" Kanzaki shouted as he sprung out of bed and turned it off to record another. He was slowly losing his sanity with each passing day. The alarms were both a gift and a curse so he had to deal with both parts.

After Kanzaki got up and set his alarm once more he quickly made his breakfast and sat down to begin his day. Today was exciting for him since it would be his first-ever collab.

Before Kanzaki did more research on collab's that way he knew everything he needed to know but also how to act about each situation he checked his personal messages to see if Fria had messaged him back but not to his surprise there was still no message.

Kanzaki began to type out a message saying good morning and how he hoped she had a great day but he suddenly stopped typing right at the end as he hovered his finger over the enter key.

'If she really wanted me then she would have come back by now. I would rather put my energy into new things than worry about her.' Kanzaki thought with determination. He really liked Fria and had wanted things to work out but it seems she didn't feel the same way so why should he give 100 when she gives 0.

Once Kanzaki made up his mind he deleted the message he was about to send and even closed out the messages between him and Fria making it where it didn't appear on his screen. In Kanzaki's mind, this was him finally putting his foot down and having enough with her and her not showing up. He was finished and breaking up with her for good.

Now that Kanzaki was finished dealing with Fria once and for all he decided it was a good time to begin his stream since the schedule he had put out said he needed to start within the next 5 minutes.

'I guess I won't have time to research.' Kanzaki thought as he started up his stream and hit the go-live button. Once he was live he began getting a few messages on Cord from Hinojosaiii.

[Hinojosaiii: Hey just wanted to send in my V-Tuber model for you before I join the call. If you have any problems setting it up then just let me know.]

[Mask: Thanks! Glad we can finally hang out.]

[Hinojosaiii: Likewise.]

When Hinojosaiii sent in his model Kanzaki didn't really know what to do so before anyone joined he quickly looked up a tutorial on how to set up someone else's model on your own stream which helped him learn how.

'Thank you MeTube.' Kanzaki thought with an inward sigh as he finally got the stream to set up the model.

As Kanzaki figured out how to work the new model there were people that started joining his stream.

[TACOTUESDAYBOIS: Welcome back!]

[HiWeTube: Hi chat!]

[DeusedInMyShorts: How is everyone?]

Many people joined saying their hellos and some new viewers entered and began introducing themselves while Kanzaki said hi to as many as he could, "Thank you all for joining! Today we have a special day planned. We will be playing with Hinojosaiii!" Kanzaki said with enthusiasm as he introduced what they were doing for the day.

[Irakiel_Rael: WHAT HINOJOSAII?!]

[Zenithal: I would expect him to play with a sexy man such as myself but to play with you?! This is quite unexpected.]

[Owu: Pog.]

Many different messages went off as Kanzaki revealed the news but the most important part of it all was that there were no bad comments on what was happening. While Kanzaki couldn't please every person he still wanted the consensus to be positive.

As Kanzaki loaded up the new game and got ready to play he checked the people that were currently watching the stream as he looked for one person in particular. When his eyes came across his one and only mod who was also the person he was looking for he smiled.

'I should send another thank you.' Kanzaki thought while opening his personal Witch messages as he waited for the game to load.


Selena was currently in her apartment watching Kanzaki's stream when she suddenly got a message on Witch.

'Please be him. Please be him.' She thought as she opened up her messages. There had been a few people throughout the morning messaging her about trying to become a moderator but when they messaged her she thought it was Kanzaki so every time she opened a message she wound up disappointed and annoyed.

The only way for her to let out her annoyance was to refuse every person that came along that wanted to be a moderator. She simply told them that she was enough and that Kanzaki wasn't looking for any more mods.

Of course, some of them complained and began wondering if what she said was really the truth but before they could ask any more questions she muted them in the chat. Selena decided not to ban them since it would decrease viewership so muting them was the best option.

When Selena opened up her personal messages she had a big smile appear on her face when she saw that it was actually Kanzaki messaging her!

'He's so sweet~' Selena thought with happiness as she read the message that he sent to her.

[Mask: I see you're in the stream again today! Thanks for the hard work, I appreciate it a lot. If you have any questions or concerns you can message me.]

Right as Selena was going to message Kanzaki back there was a sudden slam on the door, "SELENA! WHERE ARE YOU?!" A male voice shouted from the entrance of the apartment.


Witch: 623 Followers

Tweeter: 485 Followers

Authors Note: I'm back everyone! Thanks for reading once again and also thank you for helping us to reach the top 200 in wsa! You guys have done amazing so far and I just wanted to say thank you. We're currently sitting at the number 181 position and going higher! If you have any power stones please use them on my book if you can! See you guys tomorrow!

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