

When Selena heard the male voice enter the apartment her hands stopped moving on the keyboard as she stopped typing the message. She then looked toward the entrance of her bedroom and stood up. Placing down her phone and all her electronics Selena walked toward the exit of her room opening it and going into the living room of her apartment.

"What is it?" Selena said as she walked into the living room to talk to the person she hated the most. Her face was blank, void of emotions and desires as it was when she first began watching Kanzaki.

"There you are handmaid. Hurry up and clean up the bedroom I have a special guest." The male voice said as he finally entered her field of view. Despite being within eyesight she didn't dare look up or look at him directly. The only thing she could see was a plastic water bottle on the floor that had been drained completely and the passed-out body of some smaller man on the floor.

"But-" As Selena began to question the new person who entered the apartment she was suddenly smacked across the face hard sending her flying backward and onto the floor. The slap wasn't enough to make her start bleeding but it was more than enough to leave a bruise.

Despite what Selena may do to fight back she knew that she couldn't take him on because of the amount of time he spends working out each day. His day only consists of working, working out, and spending time with men.

This wouldn't have been such an issue if not for the fact that the men he sleeps with aren't even conscious more than 90% of the time while the other 10% didn't even know where they were. In addition to this, he shouldn't be sleeping with them in the first place since she is his wife but she would rather he sleep with them than her because she wanted nothing to do with the man.

"Don't backtalk me you piece of trash. You're nothing but a thing to use when I feel you're necessary. If you keep this up then I will take away anything you have and leave you on the streets." The man said mocking her and making her feel terrible.

In all honesty, there was no way he could do something like that and in reality, she had way more assets than the man in front of her but she had been mocked and degraded for such a long time that anything he said she considered to be true.

'I want Kanzaki.' Selena thought in agony as a tear threatened to well in the corner of her eye. For a long time she hadn't even had a reaction to the man in front of her since she didn't have any hope in the first place but now that she had met Kanzaki and felt the warmth it had slowly begun changing her whether she liked it or not.

"I will fix the bedroom immediately." Selena said as she stood up and walked toward the bedroom. This time the man didn't stop her and instead picked up the passed-out body of the man on the ground carrying him toward his bedroom.

The man wore an excited smile on his face as if he considered this to be the best part of his day and that there was nothing better to him than what he was doing, 'What a life.' the man thought.

As the man carried the other guy into his bedroom Selena was already inside trying to cover her tracks and turn off all electronics in the room. She quickly turned off her phone and cleaned up the rest of the room to perfection like the man always wanted but before she could turn her computer off he walked into the room.

"Oh, so you're spending your time now lazing around watching streams instead of doing something with your life. As expected of a skank like you." The man said as he kicked Selena in the side shooting her into the side of the bed with force.

"ACK!" She shouted in pain as she crashed feeling that she might have broken one of her ribs or pulled something quite badly.

After being kicked by the man Selena knew that despite the pain she needed to get out of there as fast as possible so she quickly crawled to her feet and dashed out of the room leaving the man's sight so that he wouldn't come after her more. She knew that once she leaves he won't chase her since he has a man toy waiting for him and the drug only lasted so long.

However, little did she know that when she left he didn't begin playing with his man toy but instead walked over to her computer curious about what she was doing, and when he saw that she was watching a stream he wasn't familiar with he started to turn it off but when he heard the voice of the streamer he paused.

"Thank you all so much for watching! This game is awesome and you should all try it. If you want to add me my code is-" The streamer said prattling on about different game things that the man wasn't too concerned with but the main thing that attracted his attention was the voice of the V-Tuber. When he heard it a wide smile appeared on his face as he opened his own phone and opened the Witch app.

Once it was opened he quickly went to the streamer's account and hit the follow button, 'I had no idea you streamed Kanzaki~' The man thought before turning the pc off and getting to work with his new passed out friend.


As Kanzaki was playing his first game of the day and about to join Hinojosaiii for their collab he suddenly got a follower alert which made him quickly thank them, "Thank you for following Landon_Is_King! Hope you enjoy the stream!" Kanzaki said with enthusiasm as he slightly shuddered remembering the man he met at the gym named Landon.


Witch: 680 Followers

Tweeter: 515 Followers

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