
Morava's Punishment

For a moment Eltanin was shocked. Morava was in so much pain, yet all she thought about was killing Lusitania. Shock got replaced with anger and his fangs lengthened. 

"This is what she keeps saying all the time…" Henk said, lowering his head. He took a deep breath in. "But trust me Draka King, we are hardly bothered about what she says. We could have killed her long back, but the Alphas decided to keep her alive. They want to torture her. She is responsible for the downfall of the Alphas. Not that we liked her. But she schemed in a way that all of us ended up fighting with each other and only… five…" his throat choked with emotions. "Only five remained…" 

Eltanin clenched his teeth hard. He padded to Morava. With his claws and fangs elongated, he had this strong urge to rip off her head. "Morava," he growled. 

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