
Hydra of my Dreams

Eltanin stayed in Hydra Kingdom for the next one week along with Fafnir, Rigel and Lerna. And in that one week, he assessed what would be the next course of action for Hydra. 

The Alphas were not ready to give up their territories and Rigel wasn't ready to let Lerna come and rule Hydra Kingdom on her own. Fafnir was too busy with bringing up Pegasii and so Eltanin had to think hard on what to do next. 

It was on the fifth day that they were sitting in Eltanin's bedchamber. Fafnir was standing out on the porch and talking to some Nyxers and faes. 

"I can't stay here forever!" Eltanin said. 

"But you must take over Hydra," Lerna insisted. "You were Felis's half-brother." 

"Lerna, I know, but you were Felis's half-sister too. Why don't you take over?" Eltanin insisted. 

Next chapter