
I Do Not Agree

Mintaka led them all to the main throne hall. 

Eltanin had walked in with his naked sword, which a servant hurried up and gave him a cloth to wipe the blood. He sheathed the sword, his face showing not a kernel of remorse. In fact, he had such cold expressions that those already present in the court got terrorized in his presence. 

Rigel entered with Lerna by his side. He intertwined his fingers with her all the way to the throne hall. Tabit had joined them in the corridor that led to the throne hall. Her expressions were grave because of what happened to Meissa, but she was quite excited to see Lerna. She would keep glancing at her every now and then. 

As soon as they reached the throne hall, Mintaka asked them to be seated as he went to sit on the throne. Rigel sat on the right in his place and made Lerna sit next to him. Eltanin sat beside him. 

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