
Can't Afford

Mintaka was shocked to hear Eltanin's words. "How can you say this, King Eltanin?" he protested. "I am not buying time. I am merely following the procedure of our ancestors. These are our customs. Once they are engaged, they will be married in thirty days."

"Customs are not written on the stone, King Mintaka. They are written by royals like us pertaining to their time and suitability. You know that very well," Eltanin replied. "You can change the customs anytime."

"This is getting too fast!" Alina interrupted, almost growling through her tears. "We can't marry her right away with my son. Princess Lerna is new to Orion. She has to learn the customs and traditions. She just can't enter into a royal household holding a wild card! You have adopted her as your sister. But that doesn't change her origins. She will have to stay here for a month and learn about us!" 

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