Once Max had rolled Dave all the way to the aft of the ship where his unit was stationed, he had a pretty decent idea of what had happened in the old neighborhood since he left. The Police presence picked up, the drugs and violence got worse and worse, and the factories nearby were repurposed from general goods to high tech which none of the workers from the slums were qualified to make, so a lot of people lost their jobs, making things even worse.
"What about the twins, and the other ones that my mother was scheduled to have?" Max asked.
"They lost them all, just after you left. The Planetary Inquisition was at the clinic in the neighborhood when she came to give birth, and I suspect they were looking for you, now that I know you had already left the planet. But what they found was your mother, all strung out on drugs, and they called Child Services to take the kids away.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: