
284 Loading

The process of loading everything that the Tarith family was bringing on board was a long one, as expected of a shipment large enough to fill multiple standard freighters. At a Kilometer long, the Kepler Bulk Freighters were considered large by any nation's standards, except for a few in the far north of the Galaxy for whom intergalactic expansion was their primary objective.

To those select few, even the Colony ship Terminus was considered too small to be adequately sized for their purposes.

They had moved most of the items listed as valuables, personal effects, and furniture aboard, and had started on the civilian populations, moving them into the upper decks of the central part of the Terminus, where they could be safely monitored by the crew, and out of the way of the loading efforts in the middle decks.

Now, they were starting to load the so-called industrial equipment, better described as the family's agricultural machinery and mecha stockpiles.


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