

30 advance chapters in my Pat.reon. Pat.reon.com/Saintbarbido.

Please gimme πŸ™πŸ™ πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ Your Powerstones People.


(General P.O.V)

Everything has a mirror opposite. Life is death, strength is weakness, dark is light. Dualities that are the bedrock of reality like chaos and order take that to the extreme because of their scale of effect. They encompass everything.

Chaos is the big bang and Order is the structure that followed. Order makes sense, you can attribute a certain arrangement to reality, Chaos or disorder is the opposite of sense. It thrives in madness. In the chance context of everything that can happen is happening and might not happen and should not happen and could not happen and did not happen. See, nonsensical.

One thing they share is the aspect of being opposing forces to each other. The crux of their being. They could not exist without conflict.

It was impossible.

(Aden's P.O.V)

Setting up a spatial barrier around the house was easy. That and I also managed to stretch out the room inside to the size of a football stadium. The walls of the house were now over 50 meters away and the ceiling was similarly far above our heads. The ground flashed white as I constructed energy barriers to stop any of their power from leaking out.

Dove was sleeping on the bed in the middle of the room with us standing over her.

"Huh Master Aden, any reason why you just..."

"...Made space my bitch?"

I smirked. He had no idea the shit storm about to hit. Oh this is going to be fun.

"Just watch."

Vaatu narrowed his eyes in suspicion my way.

"Gaea I need you capture this footage and stream it to the public."

"Any reason for such an action?"

"Easy, encouragement. By showing them the wonders they can achieve through Spirit energy manipulation, they will be more motivated to practice. No one can say no to massive explosions of power, grandiose last stands and the majesty of a cloak of power shrouding your form. It's basically a trait of the 21st century. You gotta have power flexing."

"Oh so it's propaganda?"

I rolled my eyes at her short sighted response.

"Don't call it that. Let's look at it as a display of the heights they should aim for. Remember, you need this too Gaea."

I could almost feel sigh.

"Affirmative, Master Aden. Though, I still think you should atleast warn Vaatu."

I took a glance at the god in question and snorted,

"He's going to be fine."

I could feel the mental eye roll from Gaea. Bah! What did she know? You have to have tension in a fight otherwise, it will cease to be a fight and become a generic low stakes spar.

I placed a finger on the middle of Dove's forehead and dove (haha) into her mental space.

"Vaatu hold onto my shoulder."

I instructed almost too late. I felt his fingers land on my left shoulder tightly.

Then a tugging motion happened and we were pulled into a world of celestial bodies, heavenly miracles and starlit wonders. Complex structures of things, seen in its macro scale like planets of various sizes orbiting a huge black hole, a field of asteroids floating like a river around the whole star system.

Clouds of hydrogen gas rested at the edge of a supermassive sun to our left. And busy crafting the sun's body from the hydrogen gas was a huge figure dressed and glowing in white. She had her hands around the sun, molding it from a simple formless entity into something beautiful and powerful.

"Where is this?"

Vaatu wondered.

"Her mental space. A world with substance like any other. Though, it looks familiar to the outside world, even the physics matching the known reality don't be fooled, in here she has the highest authority. Well that's if I wasn't around."

I smirked at his suddenly horrified expression.

"She has the highest authority?!" He looked at her huge form and took a few steps back, looking around.

"Wait, you do know I'm her complete opposite, right?" He questioned.

"Mmmh." I nodded, my smile widening a little.

"And I'm inside her mind... Chaos in Order's Domain...how in the hell did you think this was going to turn out okay?"

He was catching on. An ocean of water, no matter how abundant would not survive in an universe of fire. The water would evaporate. It just made sense.

"Oh don't worry, you'll be alright...maybe."

At that second, the female figure turned around to face us. The expressionless face staring back at us, judged us and found Vaatu wanting.

Raava's face shifted into an angry scowl.

"Vaatu, your presence taints the sanctity of all that is good! Prepare to face my righteous fury! Aarrgh!!"

A ball of white energy formed inside her mouth, she opened wide and aimed at Vaatu.

"Yeah this might be a good time to run."

I advised Vaatu.

The beam in Raava's mouth, exploded towards Vaatu, blasting him from his position and far into Raava's mental space over a thousand light years away. Vaatu tore apart a moon orbiting a planet the size of Saturn before falling through the surface of the star in the middle of the Star system.

The Star went Supernova, releasing a ton of supercharged solar energy out into the model of the universe in Raava's mind. The planets were drowned in the resulting wave of power, clearing space in a hundred light years in dimension. I laughed at Vaatu's smoking form. A shield of red swirled before him, splitting the beam of pure order energy into multiple thin lasers that devasted the entire star system.

"Aaargghh!!! Master Aden! A little help would be appreciated!"

I waved him off.

"Ah it's only a sibling spat. You guys work it out among yourselves."


Vaatu cursed and exploded in size, growing to more than 10 million miles in height, matching Raava's size.

"Now we're talking."

My Overlord throne appeared behind me and I sank into it with contented sigh.

"Hey, Gaea. I hope you're getting this."

I sent her a mental feed of the battle of giants happening.

"Should I start streaming it?"

She questioned to which I nodded.

"If you don't mind."

Then I settled down and watched a battle between Chaos and Order.

Raava took large steps on a path constructed with Order energy and run towards Vaatu. The chunks of debris around floated before them, pulled in by the gravitational pull of both giants.

Vaatu, now in a purple that looked almost too black, snarled and similarly started running forwards, a path of red energy appearing under his feet. They reached each other and clashed palm to palm in a battle of strength.

A wave of both chaos energy and order exploded out of both. Enough to destroy hundreds of Star systems.

"Sister, calm yourself down! I mean no harm to you!"

Vaatu shouted in a strained voice.

"How arrogant! You think you can match my power here? Think again!"

Raava pulled her knee up and dug it into Vaatu's belly in a vicious move that saw the Chaos being spit out saliva. Then she pulled in close, lifted him up and with a yell, smashed him onto the path of order energy.

The resounding smack was so loud I felt my indestructible bones shiver out in the outside world. Vaatu's hold on my shoulder out in the real world tightened.

In Raava's mental space, Vaatu rolled away from a foot stomp aimed at his face. He floated to the side and threw a ball of Chaos energy Raava's way.

The ball landed and pushed her away with a bang and a resulting angry howl. Vaatu tried to capitalize on the opening by kicking out at his little sister's chest only for space to lock his leg in place before he could move an inch. Vaatu looked at me accusingly.


I shrugged.

"Hey that's not me, I told you she had full authority in here. Plus even if she didn't, big brothers are not supposed to bully their younger sisters. Such is the law."

I replied sagely.

"Are you fucking with me? She's kicking my ass!"

"Vaatu! Don't you dare ignore me, agent of darkness!"

I winced, Raava was Chuuni. Or maybe her host was? Either way this shit was funny as hell.

"Not the hair! Not the hair!"

Raava now had the Chaos being in a headlock and was pulling on his hair.



Raava yelled out in pain.

"Did you just bite me?"

Okay now this is just getting ridiculous. Vaatu had enclosed his mouth on Raava's palm. This is not exactly how I saw this going. Within seconds, the fight had devolved into an actual sibling spat. One part of me was like 'aaawww' as much as that applied to giants bigger than the sun fighting. Then another part of me was skeptical that this was the promo clip I needed to push my agenda about Spirit energy.

My thoughts were broken when Vaatu's body sailed right by me from the force of Raava's punch. Her hand was comically smoking like Saitama's. Yup so Chuuni.

"Gaea cut the feed."

I could hear her shaking in laughter.

"Not what you were expecting was it?"

Vaatu was trying to tap out. Raava had apparently put him in another submission hold.

I sighed in contentment.

"Yeah. Not what I was expecting but I can't find it in myself to complain." I smiled.

"This is too wholesome."

I can't wait to introduce Raava to the rest of the family.


In a land of gray, the landscape of the castle overlooking a valley was devastated more than usual. Millions of dead carcasses littered the area. A civil war of massive proportions had broke out between the princes of hell due to fighting over the souls of the condemned available in hell.

Earth was gone so the supply was cut. Demons are not creatures of patience. And they always took the easy way out. So hell had been thrust into a huge war for the most precious resource in the infernal realms. Souls.

The aftermath was the destruction of over billions of demons. A huge fraction of that number attributed to the Satan who squashed the rebellion with a tough hand. The instigators of the fight were busy licking their wounds.

Light bloomed above the castle, the light coalescing into the figure of an archangel. Gabriel established eye contact with Mazekeen. The Satan jumped off her throne and walked to stand at the balcony overlooking the dark and dreary mist filled valley.


She nodded, dressed in a form fitting armor, face turned upwards to stare at the angel and leaking a terrible aura.


Gabriel nodded back.

"It's time."

Maze closed her eyes for a few seconds before opening them.

"Who else is going to be there?"


Next chapter