
Show Me

30 advance chapters in my Pat.reon. Pat.reon/Saintbarbido.

Please gimme πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ Your Powerstones People.


(General P.O.V)

"Preposterous! You demand to rule over all the oceans, why should we swear fealty to a king with no riches, no palace and...no power?"

Orin clenched his jaw. The comment about no power was well deserved. No matter what Orin did, his command over the aquatic life was simply gone. Aden had saved all of Earth's creatures which naturally included marine life. Yet, Orin could not command them as easily as before. Leave alone the native and strange creatures found in the waters of this realm.

Orin rubbed his left hand in reminisce of the pain after a nasty encounter with the Unagi.

"Admit it to yourself, Orin, your legacy is no more."

The Xebelian delegate spat out viciously, slamming his palm onto the table, managing to rouse Aqualad from his deep worrisome thoughts.

The meeting was happening in a ' Neutral ground'

Not an expression, the word was for a zone that supported any type of life without taking into account the environmental aspect. It literally provided a human with the necessary personalized conditions to enable biological functions without negating the same for an Atlantean who could only breathe underwater. It was only made possible through Gaea's innate control over all life inside her.

Miss Martian had had the idea of creating a mental conference room and link everyone's minds, the delegates and the team sent to act as arbitrators into one mental space. The Atlantean delegates who came from each Atlantean city state were understandably distrustful of her motives because of Aquaman's connection with the League.

So Gaea had had to step in, warping the Bio-ship into the zone where the meeting was taking place. She had even gone as far as to provide wooden chairs and a huge table for them to use.

"Sit down, you Xebelian scum. Atlantis has only one true king. And he is a leader worthy to follow, I Nanaue!" A hulking Shark Atlantean announced to the room. From the sneers on the face of the other delegates, it was clear to see he wasn't liked all that much.

The room descended into a chaotic ruckus of arguments. The Xebelian and Nanaue were most vocal but even the rest were just as loud and pompous, all except for Orin.

A hush swept through the room once King Orin got to his feet. The arguments died down before his commanding presence.

"Atlantis stands as one. We have not endured all these years to be undone by our own hands. Right now is the time to unite. The time for Atlantis to take that final step we have been teetering on the edge of, for so long."

"Your words of honey will not convince me, your majesty. My people need stability. Stability that you cannot offer as things stand."

The Shayeris delegate spoke up in response to the king. A chorus of nods from the others soon followed.

"This doesn't look good Kaldur."

Miss Martian telepathically told Aqualad. She had the entire team in a mental link. They were split into three groups. The group who were part of the meeting consisted of Aqualad, Miss Martian and Superion. The rest were trying to keep the peace among the Atlanteans' splintered groups.

The infighting had been a great source of concern. Gaea had provided breathing masks and a wrist band that covered the less durable junior members in a protective membrane meant to resist the pressure of the deep seas. They were out in the water, patrolling the same type of residential areas the people on the surface had. Gaea had opted for the same type of set up, a long stretch of interconnected buildings spread out over a large distance.

Miss Martian's telepathic range seemed to have more than doubled after arriving in Aden's realm, so she was able to make communications between all of them easier. The other two groups sent regular updates on what was happening on the ground which luckily wasn't a lot. A few riots that were easily handled by the combined effort of the turtles and the Junior team.

Aqualad said nothing but from the wrinkling of his eyebrows you could tell he thought the same as Miss Martian. Within that brief instant of interruption, the room had devolved into yet more arguments and threats.

"I do not want to rule."

Orin announced.

The surprise etched on their faces was priceless. Aqualad noted, knowing what it was that his king was planning. 'Hope you know what you're doing, Annax.'

"Atlantis is it's people. Not it's king or it's tradition, or it's grand tales of splendor in ages gone by. Atlantis is it's people and it's high time we practiced what we preach."

He cast his gaze around the room, eyes lingering on Aqualad.

"I propose we change our ruling system into a democracy, where every single Atlantean can have their voice heard."

(General P.O.V)

The crash happened suddenly. All she felt was an overwhelming pain then darkness. The darkness was interrupted by flashes of the same pain and instances of light, then at one point that stopped and the darkness reigned true in her core.

In that unchanging darkness, one millimeter of light suddenly bloomed, growing to the size of a soccer ball in a shirt time. It's light was glaring despite it's size and she immediately fell in love with it.

"Follow me and I shall lead you to your answers."

The light promised in a clear female voice and started flying away. She barked out a disbelieving laugh before willing herself to move forwards right after the light.

And once she was closer, the pictures begun playing like a video. The images showed a young child. Her. In some she was dressed in diapers then the next kid's clothes as she played with toys. Even as a child she was peculiar. One instance she would stack toy bricks in complex formations and then unravel the whole thing by removing one intergral piece.

You could see her transformation from a clueless child to an even more clueless teenager. Those days were not easy on her.

A few images showed a grainy picture of memories she tried to forget but couldn't. One or two instances were of mugshots. Yes she had gone to Juvie and her experience there only enforced the fact that she was actually alone and no one cared what happened to her. This time however, she had learned to be one of the sheep. Not saying no to society and doing what they decided she was good for.

"Your past should only serve to sharpen your resolve."

The ball of light commented and she understood the question hidden within.

"So why did I change my ways despite my mind knowing fully well that I was lying to myself? That I should have ran far away from the city to a place where no one knows me. You're wondering why I tried to act normal despite being a freak."

She looked into a memory showing her and one of her ex boyfriends, the one that got away with breaking her heart despite the fact that she had sensed his underlying intentions. She had ignored that sense of rightness or wrongness she felt and chose to trust him.

"I guess being part of the sheep is comforting. I didn't need to worry about anything. Yet everyone inside feels an overwhelming need to stand out. To be chosen. To be granted purpose." The images changed to show her in an airport. Alone.

"So I got on the first plane I could and left for the US, the land of dreams. Maybe things there could be different for me."

"You are a complex child."

The ball of light commented. She knew it wasn't a compliment.

"I know."

Yet after living in the US for 3 months, she had understood that it was all a sham. Or maybe she was the sham? She had wasted so much time trying to be a sheep that she forgot how to be herself.

Yet she could not give in without trying. She wanted to be an actress. The difference between her and other more skilled and lucky people was her experience acting out her while life. It's easy to close yourself off from the world when no one sees how special you are. It's easy to forget it yourself . She knew of the structure of the world. Had known it from the first time. She could sense when that order was greatly upset.

Her mom finally leaving her deadbeat father, Holly following in her footsteps, each echo of chaos was followed by more order before changing into more chaos down the line. She could feel when death was coming for someone. She didn't know why or how this ability could be. Was it one of those metahuman abilities? Was her freakiness a curse or a curse dressed as a blessing.

"Unlikely. Think of it as a rare rare personality trait. Perceptive Aptitude. You can sense the course your life plots as well as the flows of the people you interact with. A useful ability for a god not so much for a normal human."

The ball of light explained.

"Wait." She finally asked, dreading the answer to the question that followed.

"You mean to tell me that all those times I felt I was being watched by something in the dark corner of my room or over my shoulder or the corner of my eye...it might not have been a trick of my imagination?"

The ball fell silent just as the images grew closer to the incident.

"Special people attract special beings. Benign or not, it all depends on your luck. It's how I'm here after all."

The images showing the following week left her with an undescribable feeling of anxiousness as she watched her clueless self stumble through life. Holly and her mom had come to visit.

"Luck, can you quantify such a phenomenal? What makes you lucky or another person unlucky? Maybe it is all forgone. Written in the pages of your life even before you are born."

The ball of light speculated. The images had stopped on a family picture. Holly and mom on both her left and right. The next day, their mother would die and she would be injured greatly by the car that she would go into a deep coma.

Dove looked at the picture for the longest time. She was unsure what about the picture moved her. Maybe it was the overwhelming love their mom held for them. A love that sort to protect them despite her mom being a cowardly woman. Or maybe it was the slight frown on Holly's voice hiding a slight smile, all Dove knew was that she had an answer to one of the biggest questions she had ever had.

If there was structure and order to how things were supposed to be, was she chained? Was life a set of complex programs meant to be followed by every being? Because...despite knowing of how structure and order played a big part in everything she perceived...she hadn't seen the accident that upset her structure in a massive way coming.

Dove turned to the light.

"Why? Why does it all happen?

"I was getting to that."

The ball of light replied.

"The ability was not meant for mortals yet you were gifted with it. Life lives. There is no grand plan just a never ending fight between existence and non existence. Structure and order can be found in everything and that can be mistaken for a path carved before someone to follow. You became susceptible to what is the biggest misunderstanding of all, that there is a plan. And if there is one then it's a plan of no plan."

"I see."

Dove finally answered.

"Can you show me?"

She asked the ball of light, wondering how different it could be if she lived without the nihilism she had cultivated through life.

"Show me what I misunderstood."

She insisted.

The ball of light excitedly bounced up an and down and sideways.

"I am Raava. The spirit of Order, light and peace."

Next chapter