

I fell many times on the ground which full of clay. I could farther lose the hope in succeeding. I bow to my knees. I felt with something heading to me from the back, so I fastly jumbed up, I was three yards away from his shot, no effect of him.

"Who is there?!" I shouted.

Aman in a fine suite came. He was tall, handsome and his eyes were full of arrogance.He shot two shots one of them was so near to my ear. The other went deep on the ground by my left foot.

"Nemo! I am lord Marshall! The owner of that hat upon your head," Lord Marshall said, he walked close to me.

"I am sorry if I made you angry by wearing that," I hardly get those words out.

"He seemed so powerful and undefeatable. If I should out loud for helping may be he will kill me before even sound a single letter. The stream of the river is so fast, I might drown if I jumped in it. And if I risk to attack him by his own power may I fail. Gee!" I thought in my mind.

"Boy, I am not here to kill you though I am no longer a human. I live in side that hat, when you touch it you awake me. So I helped you to fight that guy and it seems to me he is your friend so I did not kill him, you should thank me at least," Lord Marshall said, he smiled.

"What happened to that murdered man?" I asked.

"Oh, you mean Janivar! He is my servant, he is a vampire, he did not die. You shouldn't have buried him, you made a great mistake. I swear he'll come back to kill you and take the hat from you, basically I commanded him, to give it to the princess Maria, my love, she's the only one who worthy of all my strength," Lord Marshall answered.

"Okay. Come on take your hat, I am in trouble because of it," I said while I was trying to take off the hat but I can't be able to take it out. It's stuck to my head, like it's glued together.

"Misfortune, once you wear it you could take it off. Now you have to take the full responsibility of saving the whole world, by the way you are in troubles because you use to lie and that's not good," Lord Marshall whispered then he disappeared.

" Wait! Oh, lord Marshall! I have alot to ask you about don't go. At least show me on how to use your power!" I shouted.

The sun set down, I went to see Jemian. I found them sitting by the fire, they were drinking kind of red juices. I sat next to Samenda.

"Is this blood? Are you vampires?" I asked joking with them.

"Yes, we are vampires!" Samenda answered me. Then suddenly she grabbed my arm. She clenched my neck with her hand, her nails were too long and sharp. Icould feel her scratching my skin.

"Stop kidding, Samenda," Ronal yawned. "This drink is a red wine one made especially for us, sent by Princess Maria," Jemian said.

She slowly got away from me, then she stand up little far in the middle near the fire. She was so pretty.

"Guys, wake up! Attention please. For our mission of tomorrow, we will have to protected the silver box, We must ensure that it must be sent to the Princess Maria in Postina city, Sir Kimsy will not accompany us. He has informed me that he will meet us in the city after he finishes the meeting of the senior leaders tomorrow, that mean we are the ones who will take care of this task," Samenda said.

"At five before dawn we will move, have a good night guys, I am so sleepy," Ronal said in a very asleepy voice.

"Come on, Ronal. Aren't you excited, man? We will visit the great city of Postina, we will meet the princess by her own , my body trembles with the splendor of this feeling," Jemian said while his eyes sparkling as the fire light reflected on them.

That night I could not sleep for the earth was tough and I was not adapted to sleep in some where else not in my warm bed.

I was thinking, "Would my father notice my disappearing?"

I closed my eyes trying to sleep. Samenda gave me a blanket, it was so soft. I could hear the forest little creatures talking.I do not know when I slept. Ronal woke me up and it was so dark the forest was silent. I am sure that we have slept just for four hours.

"Time to move Nemo," Ronal said,

I opened my eyes so big trying to see him well. I found out they are all ready to go, they change thier clothes even. I looked at my outfit and I was still wearing the dirty clothes I have.

"Oh My God! I can't walk by this clothes," I said "It's not a big deal, turn around Nemo!" Samenda said waving her black thin stick up and down at my face. In one blink she dressed me in agood clean cloth. I was looking fine.

"Are you a witch?" I asked her.

"No, I am not, but I know some magic," Samenda answered.

I thanked her then we started walking. "Are we going on foot?" I asked with amazing face "Not at all, we will ride the horses," Jemian answered.

Then Ronal whistle, the horses came to as in hurry. The horses were huge, strong and looked nice. As soon as I got on the horse, it ran so fast. I grabbed his bridle to slowed him down a little. Suddenly, it increased its speed.

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