

The horses were crossing the trees.One by one jumped high on the rocks. I was racing the wind with joy, it was a beautiful and fearful feeling.

" Don't try to stop it. They know where we're going to, they're driving us into the city, we will arrive there by the end of this day."

Ronal said.

Some hours past and we get out of the forest, we were heading towards the north, the sun first light shine.

I could not feel it's heat for its so bless. The flowers on the fields next to us were blooming slowly. Ronal slowed little bit. So our houses did the same.

"Go ahead, don't turn around, there's someone behind us, maybe they are three or four men , I'm not sure."

Ronal said quietly.

"Do you have the silver box with you, Samenda?"

Jemian asked.

I looked at my left side, Samenda didn't answer, she was silent her eyes were turning to red.

" The box is with me, but they are getting close,I can feel with thier high level energy. Ronal!

they are the men of Major Oskar, we have no chance of surviving."

Samenda said.

Ronal whistle , then the houses ran fastly more fast than before.

" We will lead them out to a deserted place without people, we will fight them there, our priority is to protect the box and we will succeed, remember we are the black zone team"

Ronal said, he was very serious.

I felt little frighten.

We arrived at a pale ground, four men were surrounding us.

Ronal got down from his horse he was smiling in very crazy way.

A man in a bright blue overcoat appeared in front of us suddenly, he had a long blonde beard and green eyes, he had a wooden leg that made a sound whenever he walked on the ground.

"Greetings O soldiers of Princess Maria!

My name is Geen , I am a messenger from the kingdom of Danes, which is hostile to you, my master, Major Oskar wants what you have, so hand it to me here and now, or you have no choice but if not i will bury you alive."

Geen said.

He moved his head and then snapped his fingers.

"Over my dead body, you idiot" Ronal answered .

Three of them had surrounded us, they were covering their faces. We could not recognize them.

Ronal came up and stood in front of geen, It was my first time when I saw Ronal himself take off his glasses, he never took them off, even when he was sleeping he put them on, ahuge amount of energy emanated from him, I was being watched by a man, we are in a remote area .

"Before I am going to kill you, who is in their possession is the key to all the secrets of this kingdom, Ova's great power,

Do you hear me?

I will never allow it to reach the princess, you will not be able to stop the war that will break out."Geen screamed until we heard his voice echo.

"Do you just want to talk, or will you let the fists speak by their own way ?"

Jemian said.

In a blink of an eye, Geen moved towards Ronal, who avoided being hit at the last second by him, Ronal took out of his back pocket a heavy caliber S-three thousand pistol, he had aimed and prepared to shoot Geen, but He stood in front of him like a dam, Ronal smiled, and then he jumped two steps back he shoot Geen while his eyes were closed.

He was being hitting by two bullets, one of which hit his leg and the other pierced his right arm.That was all done in fifteen seconds.

Geen laughed, then he said, "You guys really make trouble, don't you want to die quietly like a hare?"

Ronal boosted his energy in his pistol, and fired again, but his bullets didn't affect Geen.

I noticed a surge in Geen's energy level, he wasn't kidding about killing us.

With a movement from him everyone who was standing fell to the ground, except me I was standing in my place, Ronal and the rest couldn't get up, Geen manipulated the gravity around us.

I touched my sepia hat , I was so angry.

I felt like there is a little change in body , I am no longer losing control on it.

"Excuse me, and who are you to not bow before my powers?" asked Geen as he rubbed his beard, he was stunned and angry expressions was appeared on his face.

" I am Nemo, and I head bad men"

I answered.

I slipped my sword from its sheath, and pointed it at him. It was like I wasn't myself, the stance, the energy and that prestige, it really was Lord Marshall power.

In a quarter of a second I jumped and kicked him in the stomach, until he vomited blood, I hit him on his back and he fell down with incomparable force, I put my foot on his neck I choked him to death, the effect of his energy on the rest of my team faded, and they managed to overthrow his followers, I was looking at Geen whom his face was turning to pale yellow, I could almost hear his heartbeat from where I was.

"O man !

Memorize my name well and tell everyone, Lord Marshall is back"

I said, I mean Marshall said on my tongue.

A dark black smoke emanated from Geen, then they disappeared quickly, and we did not find any trace of them,

"The box is still with us and this is the most important thing." Samenda said.

We walked on , on silence for along time.

"Guys, there's something I'd like you to know."

I said.

Samenda looked at me with tears upon her eyes,

Jemian was so sad he did not say anything , was just wondering in silence.

"That guy named Geen was the one who killed Samanda's family, and Jemian biggest brother too , it was three years ago, so you see them like that."

Ronal said.

" How did you defeat him?"

Jemian asked.

" Ok it's along story "

I whispered.

I heard a voice inside my head cut off my thoughts.

" Don't tell them about me, it's not the right time"

Lord Marshall whispered.

I took a deep breath and said, "It's the hat I'm wearing, it's haunted and it has a strange energy, we I am in a fight be sure it's not me.


I said,

The sun was near to set. We were closed to the city, the princess men took us to the palace.

The palace was huge, colored like a rainbow at the end of a rainy night, the marble columns that fastened its parts and those stairs with a fascinating architectural design, this place deserves to be appreciated.

We were sitting in a large hall on soft red chairs, the windows were large, the gentle breeze eased the troubles of our journey,

"Guys, I can't believe I'm finally here, in the palace of the most beautiful, the most intelligent and gentle princesses,"

Jemian said

Next chapter