
Dragoon Rising 4

Luna sighed, leaning over the teller booth as she finished clearing and stared out over the insides of the guild.

Dusk was approaching and things were quieting down for now, only a few adventurers were hanging around at the moment and the place was quiet.

Odd considering how crazy a day it had been, with two major events occurring that were bound to shake things up. The lesser of the two being those two new adventurers that joined up just a while ago.

The beautiful blue haired woman and the scrawny, average looking brown haired man. Aqua and Kazuma was it? While the Kazuma guy wasn't much to take notice of, Aqua indeed was with incredibly high stats and able to become an arch priestess right off the bat. She had such amazing stats Luna wouldn't be surprised if she heard of her making a name for herself on the front lines in the near future.

Well, as long as that Kazuma person didn't drag her down. His status was truly abysmal, one of the lowest she'd ever seen, and the only reason his overall status even reached average was because of his absurdly high luck stat.

He really should have just chosen to be a merchant instead of an adventurer, what a silly man, he was just going to get himself killed, with stats like his he'd be lucky to be able to face a single goblin head on without dying.

And then there was the other one who joined a few hours ago, "Damn Darkness…" Luna grumbled to herself.

She should have snatched that Yarden boy up when she had the chance. Competent, sure of himself, resourceful if the way he handled not having any of the common currency was to go by and such amazing potential. And his interest in her had been peaked from the very second they met.

He hadn't at all been able to stop from staring at her cleavage. 'I don't go around like this without reason y'know.' the blonde huffed to herself. She was already twenty six! And beyond a few dates, she hadn't got a man for herself at all, she was already at the point she was going to be put on a shelf, men were all interested in the younger girls!

Or at least, they should have been. Something was seriously wrong with the men of this town. Few of them even bothered ogling her, even with how easy it would be to see her nipples in this shirt she wore! Never mind all the scanty, skimpy armour female adventurers tended to wear.

But nope, nada. It wasn't just her that was having problems in this town finding a significant other, practically every female adventurer and female staff member at the adventurers guild was suffering from the same problem.

…And then Yarden came along and just as her hopes were getting up, Darkness of all people ended up getting him!? In just the span of him going to hunt toads, Darkness had already flaunted that 'fetish' of hers in front of the boy and ensnared him!

The bitch.

Luna sighed, "I'm never going to get married at this rate." she let her head fall into the crook of her arms and groaned.

Though, she supposed at the very least she could take comfort in his compliments earlier. 'He said Darkness was only worth being a concubine, not a partner, like me.' her cheeks burned.

Why did such an outrageous statement actually make her feel giddy? Damn the men around here that actually made that seem like a tempting prospect!

Granted, it wasn't exactly illegal, nobles were allowed to take multiple spouses and concubines. 'That could explain why he was so confident about it and his potential.' Luna mused.

Nobles tended to be the strongest around because they could eat the best of the best food. If Yarden ate a dragons heart, it may be what allowed him to take the dragon classes, though she wasn't sure, only top of the line nobles would get the chance to eat that.

Besides, Yarden claimed he wasn't from this country even. A foreign noble maybe? Though, why would he come all the way to Axel? People like him tended to pop up here and there, with odd abilities or weapons and such even before ever becoming an adventurer, and many of them claimed to be foreigners as well.

Heck, it was the same with Mitsurugi, he only turned up a few months ago, toting a legendary sword he claimed was bestowed upon him by a goddess, and he was already over level thirty at this point.

It usually took people years to reach that kind of level, and only the best of the best ever got over level thirty.

'…And Yarden is now level eleven after a single afternoon.' she remembered. Well, if he wasn't a noble, he'd be one in the future for sure, those who reached level fifty were eligible for a baron title after all, though they were then obligated to join in on combating the Demon King.

At the rate he was going, give it a few weeks and Yarden would surely surpass the 'Hero' Mitsurugi.

If you're interested in my stuff. You can see it a bit early on Pa---atron. There's a link in an yof my story descriptions.

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