
Comments of chapter undefined of Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System

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I hope you will update this novel faster than pervert primordial cause things are really picking up here where for pervert the plot is not moving since Damion's fight with other factions I would rather read this than the fluff in primordial.....don't get me wrong I love pervert primordial too but the plot there hardly moves so it's like anime season for me accumulate and then consume.

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Bro you better release a chapter tomorrow, it’s just getting better with each chapter. Anyway thanks for the chapter.

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This chap is quite heavy, and it is only the tip of the iceberg, the deep explanations will be given during the Global Raid which has finally started since it is action time, so stay tuned and seeya later at primordial XD I hope you weren't expecting some of what happened, let me hear your opinions in the comments : )

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Well that was pretty dam awesome. A great build up to the great war of the four seas. Didn't see it all coming but I'm pretty satisfied with it all. It's going to be great to see what reactions the other three factions have to finding out Daimon was a player all along. I didn't think the White Ancestor would do what they did though, oh well no contract for Daimon it seems. Hopefully the reinforcements for Aurora and Vincent make it in time. Ahhh I just want more of this awesome novel.

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Thanks for the chapter ! =)