
Acting Strange

The Valkyrie lunged at Ashleigh. She tried to dive out of the way, but her move was anticipated. The Valkyrie turned and slammed her elbow into Ashleigh’s face.

Ashleigh fell hard. She panted on the ground, feeling exhausted and weak.

“The time is near,” the Valkyrie said. “You do not have the will to defeat me.”

“Shut up…” Ashleigh growled.

“Your body fights the poison, but the poison is winning.”

Ashleigh pushed herself off the ground, stumbling back to her feet.

“I said shut up!”

She ran at the Valkyrie. Dropping to her knees, she threw her fist at full force into the creature’s thigh. The Valkyrie let out a grunt and fell forward to one knee. Ashleigh took the opportunity to climb on her back and tried to get a firm hold on the Valkyrie’s head.

Unfortunately, she was tired.

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